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I predict Justin Bieber will be president in 2041

I predict you're wrong. Bieber is Canadian. But whatever. Us Canadians are just glad he moved to the US. He's your problem now. Make with him what you wish.


Sure but that won't matter after the U.S. and Canada merger in 2038.


A joke I hope... or I will be getting my guns out.


You can come to the UK - with any luck it will be one of the most open countries in the world by then, *and* we have socialised medicine ;)


I'm in as long as I'm not expected to watch that drama you call football.  :P


Foreigners may not realize it, but watching American Football isn't a requirement to live here.  I think the last NFL game I sat down and watched was when the Patriots were in the Superbowl playing the Bears when I was young sometime in the 80's.  Even back then I enjoyed the commercials more than the game.  My wife and I like to make plans on Superbowl Sunday, because wherever you go it isn't crowded.


A scoreless Champs league match between Arsenal & Barca is way more entertaining than any superbowl matchup (unless; of course, Trump starts executing flag burners during the halftime show...)

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Foreigners may not realize it, but watching American Football isn't a requirement to live here.  I think the last NFL game I sat down and watched was when the Patriots were in the Superbowl playing the Bears when I was young sometime in the 80's.  Even back then I enjoyed the commercials more than the game.  My wife and I like to make plans on Superbowl Sunday, because wherever you go it isn't crowded.


Foreigners may not realize watching hockey isn't a prereq to live in Canada either. I don't watch it and I don't watch either of the NFL or the CFL. But I do love NCAA football.

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Foreigners may not realize it, but watching American Football isn't a requirement to live here.  I think the last NFL game I sat down and watched was when the Patriots were in the Superbowl playing the Bears when I was young sometime in the 80's.  Even back then I enjoyed the commercials more than the game.  My wife and I like to make plans on Superbowl Sunday, because wherever you go it isn't crowded.


Foreigners may not realize watching hockey isn't a prereq to live in Canada either. I don't watch it and I don't watch either of the NFL or the CFL. But I do love NCAA football.


Fascinating!  I always thought that every Canadian had to play hockey as a child (lose at least 3 or 4 teeth) then the ones who don't go on to play professionally were required to spend the rest of their lives watching others lose their teeth.


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We also agree on the proper spelling of words with "ou" like flavour, colour etc. And the last letter of the English language is "zed" not "zee".  ;)



You guys sound perfect!  You'll tell me you pronounce "herbs" with an "h" next!




Herb is the former CEO of Southwest & erb is what you put in food (I don't care what Martha Stewart says...)

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James Cameron, Neil Young, Frank Gehry, Brian Adams & never ever forget Leonard Cohen...




Cooo oo coo coo, coo coo coo coo (SCTV anyone?!?)


Alex Trebek, Joni Mitchell,  Ivan Reitman; Elon Musk (sort of); Ted Cruz (kind of, and sorry),  Mike Myers; Paul Anka;

SCTV: Martin Short, John Candy, Harold Ramos;

Rush; The Guess Who; half The Band;

Sorry about Nickelback and Beiber

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