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Everything posted by Buckeye

  1. This is what I thought as well Mario. Could be wrong though.
  2. Is this the GMAL ETF?
  3. Hey Spek, Just to clarify your statement about “Putin calling up 135k more,” I read that that headline is a little misleading as Russia has two drafts a year (one in the Spring) where they draft approximately 135k troops. So while it does appear that Russia is adding to their troop levels (and they may certainly need it) it may be also a little bit of “lucky” timing.
  4. Damn @gfp, contacting the CFO? Nice work.
  5. Weird that there’s an Ohio flag on Yellen’s spacesuit
  6. ^Good points omagh
  7. Thanks GFP! I missed the fact that CPPIB and OMERS were two different entities. Thank you for the clarification.
  8. This may be a terribly stupid question, but can someone please explain to me why this deal is being reported as a sale of 10% of ORH, when the language in the opening paragraph of the press release reads “OMERS will acquire 100% of a new series of securities representing a 4.995% interest in Odyssey Group Holdings, Inc.”? So it’s not a sale of 4.995% of ORH? Thanks!
  9. Thanks for sharing Poor Charlie!
  10. I vote for Lexus/Toyota. I bought my 2003 4Runner in 2008 with 50k miles and it just turned over 250k miles and is still running great. The only thing that’s been replaced over the years is oil, brakes, batteries, belts, plugs, tires and 1 radiator. Same starter, alternator, water pump, etc. It’s been an amazing truck.
  11. Hello Greg, Thank you for your reply and for specifics.
  12. Hello Greg, Thank you for your reply and for specifics.
  13. Hello Greg, Thank you for your reply and for specifics.
  14. Hello Greg, Thank you for your reply and for specifics.
  15. My point exactly...no specifics.
  16. Greg, I understand your sentiment, but your messages lack any substance. You spend 3 or 4 paragraphs per post railing against all of these wrongs without giving any specifics. You use all of these "they"s and "they're"s describing all of the horrible people who "disparaged, ridiculed, called conspiracy theory nuts," etc. Who are you talking about specifically? Also who has "refused to investigate"? Do you think this topic is not currently being investigated?
  17. Buena suerte. Lots of air still in this bubble. Indeed. It went up a lot and now down a lot because thats what bubbles do. The fundamentals probably arent relevant until $50 a share. Although $100 maybe be a support level cause its a nice round number and thats the type of thing retail investors predicate their shizz on. Kind like how RICK hit a wall at $69! In other news. Shorted some PSTH Jan 2022 $20 puts for ~$3.50, also cranked out some June $22.50s for ~2.50 Long live spac alpha. Welcome back Gregmal. It's nice to see you here again. Apparently you were missed, as evidenced by the "Save Gregmal" thread:)
  18. My issue was that we have a pandemic going on and I expected some commentary around that. The only commentary around that was that NFM was closed for six weeks. Could it be that with the pandemic still on going it's too early to comment on it?
  19. Fair point Jurgis.
  20. Thanks John!
  21. Yep, right there is it, thanks for the information gjp!
  22. Hello wabuffo, Can you please tell me how you determined that there were additional buybacks through Feb 16, 2021? I assume that the information is listed in an SEC filing? I've looked through the Edgar filings made on 2-16-21 but was unable to find any information in this regards. Thanks so much, Buckeye
  23. The 2020 Letter is out. Thank you to Mr. Bloomstran for allowing all to access it. https://www.semperaugustus.com/clientletter
  24. Hopefully, in the annual letter Prem will write, "FFH owned BB for 10 years and was able to exit its position with a considerable profit. Given the time that FFH held the shares, the gains were not outstanding, but it is nonetheless a profitable exit. In the future, we endeavour to focus more intently on risk management, particularly as it relates to our management team's circle of competence and to better consider the importance of position-sizing when we select our investments. BB will not go down as an epic success for FFH, but it has been a valuable learning experience." SJ Very well said Prem! ;D
  25. Who do you think is going to make more money over the next 5 years? Someone buying Berkshire today or Fairfax today? When Fairfax hit four times book in 1998...if someone didn't sell, that's their foolishness. Just like investors not taking advantage of discounts over the long-term. If you are a value investor, you never fall in love with any stock...no matter who the manager is. At some point, you sell and move to other discounted investments. Cheers! Someone buying Markel. ;D
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