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Everything posted by meiroy

  1. Downwards if I had to bet. LOL! You are a fierce betting-man LC :) It does start to feel like a real deep shit swamp and maybe it's time to start to consider buying.
  2. That is a bold statement. I felt a bit guilty about the hyperbole. Then I heard about Tom Hanks. who gives a flying f about mr and mrs Gump? or frankly the NBA for that matter When I saw the news about the Hunk family I actually thought THIS could be the game-changer that would push the administration into action. Forget about the numbers that a certain political wing can ignore. We're talking now about a demi-god celeb who got sick. Three will be videos of him talking.
  3. Don't. Anything you put into it should only be the amount you are willing to see going to 0. Volatility is high which means options are expensive. If you really want to, you can look into mispriced spreads. It can happen at times of panic.
  4. Not sure if it was mentioned on this thread but when hospitals get overrun due to this and doctors start to get sick themselves, it impacts anyone that would rely on normal health care service. Cancer patients might not be able to get treatments, ICU might be closed, diabetics, kids, eye injuries etc.
  5. 1. Some consumption/production is delayed, it doesn't just vanish. 2. Some companies might BK, careers damaged etc. Long term damage. 3. Apply to other countries and you get similar hit on demand so there is some long term impact. 4. The virus might mutate and we get a second wave. 5. There could be an early vaccine. 6. It's far more serious than the Flu, including for non-fatalities. 7. If things get really bad, maybe this will be the time that Germany adjusts, starts massive stimulus and saves the Euro zone. 8. How effective is a "lockdown" in one European country? Open borders, mix of nationalities.
  6. Sold various options, people threw money at me, so I took it. Let's hope things calm down while staying down here so we could purchase some LEAPs...
  7. This rationale cannot be applied to the current administration based on its previous actions.
  8. With the current administration, why is it expected that they -- foreign governments -- be allowed to destroy local industries? Who knows what's going to happen but it seems to me, as reasonable speculation, to assume a proactive action to protect and support local shale/oil companies. (I'm completely clueless about the energy sector, just looking at the macro)
  9. Greenland. Why is it that BRK has to buy all these huge companies? Why don't they acquire a mass of smaller companies? Buying good small companies that can turn into multi-baggers, might actually improve BRK's pricing. How much of the cash amount is actually beyond the float?
  10. Is it soapy with exaggerated overacting? I've recently watched, again, Ken Burns' The Civil War. Fantastic, as always. The Expansion season 4 and The Witcher are coming soon, looking forward to both. The Crown's first two seasons were quite good, the third was not nearly as good so didn't finish it. The Witcher turned out to be a big disappointing meh. Shame. The Expanse's first episode was also a disappointment.
  11. Is it soapy with exaggerated overacting? I've recently watched, again, Ken Burns' The Civil War. Fantastic, as always. The Expansion season 4 and The Witcher are coming soon, looking forward to both. I don’t think “The Crown” has any overacting, I found the acting exquisite. It’s a bit like Downton Abbey in a way, except all the characters and events are real. The season 1 was slow at times and I almost thought I would skip and look for something else, but Season 2 and especially Season 3 got better and better. You're right, binged the first two episodes and the acting is indeed superb. I'm hooked. Thanks! off-topic: I really liked John Malone's recent CNBC interview were he goes over netflix, disney, apple, google etc. worth watching.
  12. Is it soapy with exaggerated overacting? I've recently watched, again, Ken Burns' The Civil War. Fantastic, as always. The Expansion season 4 and The Witcher are coming soon, looking forward to both.
  13. Czech Republic's PPP is about 35k and Germany is at 51k... My German friends describe it as a place where it's cheap to be poor and expensive to be rich. Households with jobs that provide low income, that would struggle in America, can live a very comfortable and content life.
  14. meiroy


    Brexit passes, BoJo rejoices, but then a plot twist: Corbyn wins the general elections and the UK is fucked even more than anyone thought possible. Brits immigrate to Poland to work in construction. Corbyn blames the evils of the west for this and sets Westminister on fire. Ireland's military takes over England. Brits are back in the Union. The End.
  15. With its size and structure, the only way BRK is going to be priced to outperform is with dividends.
  16. This is an issue that has been going for a while now and the PCAOB has been trying to negotiate but failed. US regulators should be able to audit and access information of companies that are listed in the US, and if they are not allowed to, these companies should not be listed. It's as simple as that.
  17. schmessisism? Why not... https://blogs.uoregon.edu/timduyfedwatch/2019/09/20/what-the-fed-did-right-and-what-the-fed-did-wrong/
  18. 'sustain the expansion' - Powell When it comes to US equity, in the long run, optimism pays and pessimism... (can't rhyme for the life of me)
  19. I would highly recommend not to read Zerohedge. They might occasionally get something right, but if this site is frequently read the negative influence that would impact one's judgment, is simply not worth it. Especially if you are an investor.
  20. I like this definition: "A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E."
  21. So the quarter was better than expected as can be seen from all these unexpected tax payments?
  22. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-09-01/fed-rate-cut-won-t-give-trump-an-edge-in-trade-war-with-china?srnd=opinion&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-view&utm_content=view&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic How Trump Can Win the Trade War
  23. I think this is an oversimplification. It's a concept. You want something more, go read a book. Thanks for another oversimplification. Here's another one for you: The American economy is growing bigger and bigger, however as the global economy grows as well, the American slice in the pie is becoming smaller and smaller and will probably continue to shrink. This means that the US is not willing to continue and bear most of the cost because the corresponding benefit is reduced as its share of the global economy shrinks. Alas, there is no other country who can or is willing to take over. It would take a global org to achieve that. These days, it seems highly unlikely to happen. So, we will see the rise of nationalism, the breakdown of post-WWII order and the eventual endgame nuclear war. The end. You are welcome! xoxoxo
  24. 5 years max. Tax capital inflows. Better. Much.
  25. I think this is an oversimplification. It's a concept. You want something more, go read a book.
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