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Everything posted by augustabound

  1. That's the only thing I'm unsure of. I can get Notre Dame games on NBC sports, even in Canada. But Jays games on Sportsnet and the rest of the NCAA football online somewhere is what I'd want. I cut the cord to the Oilers but now that it looks like the 'ole boys club may be dismantled by Nicholson and Chiarelli, it may be time to follow them again. But really, Jays games and U.S. college football are must haves for me. If 50centdollars magical box can get me those then the deals done. U.S. college baseball and basketball would be gravy. ;D
  2. Because I had no idea what mygica was until I googled it just now. LOL it's an awesome device. I actually found a way to get live TV on it. So is the main difference you can watch anything, anytime and Roku needs you to subscribe to Netflix, Hulu + or Amazon?
  3. Because I had no idea what mygica was until I googled it just now.
  4. We're going down this road now. I'm looking at possibly Roku with Netflix. Most major networks in North America air their shows online now. And really, my wife and I only have a couple of shows we like to watch. We're bundled, so we may just cut the home phone since we both have cell phones and something like Teksavvy for internet. We're looking at going from $230 a month bundled to about $40 for internet and $8 for Netflix. The only thing I'll miss is MLB.com. It's subscription based online and I'm not sure I can bring myself to pay for it. Then I'll look at a VPN or proxy for all the U.S. based streams the CRTC doesn't want me to see. ;D
  5. I was just thinking about this the other day while the financial guy for a Toronto radio station mentioned his daughter. Those in Southern Ontario may be familiar with Lou Schizas as "the Happy Capitalist". I usually only partially listen since he believes in technical analysis. ;D It was interesting though, he pays his daughter for chores based on what the going rate he believes them to be worth. Taking out the garbage may be worth $5 where emptying the dishwasher may only be worth $2 to him. He also lends her money. If they're at the mall and she wants something and asks for money, he explains to her the $10 he lends her means she must pay him back $15 or $20 the next time she gets paid. I guess he considers his daughter to be a high risk borrower.............. As for books, I'm still looking around. The only ones I've found are your typical personal finance garbage. You know, Latte Factor and all those catch phrase types that are designed to sell books rather than teach. I still struggle with buying the One Share type of thing. I want them to understand what shares in businesses are but I'm stuck between giving them something rather than them earning something. (I hope that makes sense)
  6. I agree. "Politicking" or not I'll take it. They hike it knowing few can or will take advantage of it. I will! ;D
  7. He has said before that he sometimes uses BRK stock as his cash position. In other words, instead of holding cash, he just buys BRK. I remember reading a year or two ago that he said it was a mistake to hold BRK as cash. Something like, in times of distress everything goes down. Now he just holds the cash. He said something like, he'd be interested in BRK only after a big drop and that he has the same requirements to buy BRK as any other stock.
  8. http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/search/
  9. Something like a direct stock purchase? This way he can actually see the certificate, kind of a reminder of what he owns. http://shareholder.broadridge.com/disneyinvestor
  10. When I'm working out I find the amount of sleep is about the same but it's a better sleep. I wake up more refreshed. It must be a quality over quantity thing. I've found after about 30 (I'm 40 now) getting only 4 or 5 hours at times is fine and I can function but when I was under 30 getting less than 5 was awful. I was a walking zombie. Now I'm in the 7 hour range, sometimes 6 but I wake up during the night.
  11. http://vinodp.com/documents/investing/security_analysis/security_analysis_notes.pdf
  12. I agree. I've never been a shareholder since Biglari rubbed me the wrong way from the start. It was probably the slicked back hair............ ;D So even with that, I read this as a piece written by someone with either a big chip on his shoulder or he had a huge bone to pick.
  13. I'm guessing the answer will be "no" to my question but, isn't is common sense to turn the camera or phone to whichever orientation suits your target? If I need a general shot of a completed home I use landscape but if I need something closer up like a fireplace surround I'll use portrait.
  14. Only the 10 and Passport thought right?
  15. The guys I work with and a couple of the other contractors we sub contract with/for have Blackberry. We all started because of the email and BBM. It was just an ease of use thing so we're all on the same page so to speak. I got a BB Bold 9900 free from one of them and just put my sim in from my old Curve. So I haven't had to pay for a phone in years. One by one they're all changing over to iPhone or Android. When I'm at the point of needing to switch over to Samsung I will. I don't want to go iPhone, I've heard it's a cult. Once they have you in their grasp, on go the track suit and velvet running shoes. Onward and upward to meet The Jobs. :P But really, I have an Android tablet and I love it, that's why a Samsung for me. There seems more selection even with Samsung over the other Android phones. With iPhone there's only one phone at a time. Unless you opt for the 6XL thingy over a 6. Options are nice. As the days go on I'm finding the apps more and more useful, something BB doesn't have, or at least doesn't have an abundance of. And the camera in BB suck. I need it sometimes to send pics of progress or a clarification on something on the jobsite and the BB is frustrating since the pics are of such low quality. Sometimes I have my wife's old iPhone on days I know I need pictures. It's so much better.
  16. This was making the rounds a couple of years ago, http://www.columbia.edu/~dn75/Analysis%20and%20Valuation%20of%20Insurance%20Companies%20-%20Final.pdf
  17. When my wife and I get in a "food rut" and both start feeling crappy, we like to watch Morgan Spurlock's documentary Supersize Me. For those who haven't seen or heard of it, he eats only McDonalds for 30 days. At the end of the show in the doctors office, he gives a visual of the sugar he's consumed based on the Coke and milkshakes. (One stipulation of his plan was to agree to supersize the combo when asked, if he wasn't asked by the cashier then he had their normal size) So for most of the lunches and dinners he was taking in close to a litre of Coke. That worked out to 30lbs of sugar over the month. I've also been trying to kick the sugar habit for a while. The biggest thing for me is the coffee. I typically have 5-6 a day but a couple are from Tim Horton's and they use a Sure Shot for sugar. That's a measured system used so every cup gets the same ratio of sugar. It's not teaspoons, it's a ratio based on a small coffee so each coffee taste similar no matter the size. A large coffee at Tim Hortons with 2 sugars is actually 24 grams. And that's straight from their website. A couple of years ago we ran out of sugar at home. I didn't want to make a trip to just get sugar so I went without sugar for a couple of days. I also didn't have any Coke for those days (just a coincidence, it wasn't planned). After one day I noticed how much better my breathing was. I wasn't aware I was having problems until I stopped the sugar and Coke. It seems I needed a deep breath every couple of minutes and even my normal breathing was somewhat deep. After a day my breathing was pretty calm and I didn't feel the need for deep a breath at all. After looking it up I found that sugar is one of the largest contributors to inflammation in some people. Apparently I'm one of them.
  18. Someone asked a couple of years ago and I'm pretty sure the answer was/is no.
  19. I could be wrong but he doesn't post them out in the open. He has a cloud storage account and password protects it. The only way you get to download is for him to send you the email link. Of course he does send it to anyone who asks, so it may only be a matter of time before an interested group finds it and uses it against him. I've also noticed he changes services every couple of years (part of his strategy to avoid detection?) As far as buying books goes, I started an Amazon and Chapters/Indigo book wish list and made it public. My mother in law buys me Chapters gift cards for Christmas and my birthday. If people know your interest in books then these may be good options. I'd say book swaps but we all know as value investors we rarely let a good book go. Also, Abebooks and Book Depository sometimes have books cheaper than Amazon. Abebooks even lists used sellers. Last I checked Book Depository was free shipping, Abebooks you have to watch out for shipping costs.
  20. A dual will be scheduled henceforth at dawn, a fortnight subsequent to the demise of Sir Warren Edward Buffett between Masters Jain and Able to determine who shall be promoted to CEO. Should they both decline to dual they will move to Hollywood and star in a sitcom as detectives; "Jain and Able - Hollywood Blue". Pretty sure that's written in the Berkshire handbook somewhere...........
  21. Do they allow U.S. dollars to be held inside registered accounts like RBC? They do allow CAD and USD to be held inside registered accounts, but no other currencies. So you limited to investing on Canadian and US markets in those accounts. Also their standard $10 minimum fees per month applies for accounts below $100k. rb https://www.interactivebrokers.ca/en/index.php?f=11792 So I can only fund the account in $CDN. But U.S. trades can settle in $U.S. inside the RSP/TFSA?
  22. Do they allow U.S. dollars to be held inside registered accounts like RBC? Edit: sorry, I checked for myself and they only allow Canadian $ in registered accounts.
  23. I think they're at 19 and counting for condos surrounding the Skydome and CN Tower here. There was an article I read that asked, "Is Concord Cityplace a ghetto in the making?" The main point seemed to be the "investors" buying and renting them out. Even some city councillors are/were raising concerns about it. How long is it sustainable etc.
  24. Who is this, "Manish Pabrai" he speaks of? :P
  25. Yes it has......... Todd Combs clarified his quote to 500 pages a week, not a day. And for Buffett, he's read the same companies filings for years and some for decades. At this point he must have the ability to skim past the unimportant or repetitive reading. He's been reading K's and Q's for so long he knows how to move around them quickly. I've tried speeding up my reading the last couple of years (in part to this obsession we all have/had with matching wits with people like Buffett/Munger/Combs.........) but it didn't work. No matter what I tried it didn't work and my retention/comprehension was near zero. It was only recently that I picked up Security Analysis (for the 3rd time) and I forced myself to slow down and I'm getting so much more out of it. And thank you for not listing "Buffett owns it" as a reason to own IBM. ;D
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