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Everything posted by Sullivcd

  1. Good point
  2. The release says they bought 5% of the shares outstanding at $12 a share from two individuals. Maybe a divorce or something? I don't get it.
  3. So trading at like .6x bv, crazy.
  4. My bet is unch to testing that $521 we hit today. A couple weeks from now should be a different story though. Hopefully I'm wrong and it rips.
  5. I'll take the under
  6. Is there a federal program that ends or something? I saw walmart said they will cut paid leave in half starting Monday. I've wondered why so many people are lining up for covid testing.
  7. Erp at around 3.25 by my count, not great but within the historical range by a good margin
  8. I've entered the 9th cube
  9. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/12/24/2357748/0/en/Fairfax-Announces-Preliminary-Results-of-Substantial-Issuer-Bid.html
  10. I traded my 18 f150 with 48k miles for a brand new nicer silverado for $5k plus fees and taxes. I made about $8k on the f150 driving for 2 years and putting 25k miles on it. GM was still offering employee pricing a couple months ago when I did the deal. Wacky stuff going on in the used market.
  11. 4.7% of outstanding shares taken out at $14.90 a share. Bumps book value up to $20 a share.
  12. I didn't follow option pricing in bb during the squeeze but gme options were priced at insanity levels. $800 calls were trading for $81 a contract one week out with gme at $330.
  13. Are we pushing $600 bvps these days? In a hard market?
  14. Upland wheat ;)
  15. Anyone seeing any bargains here yet? Ns-c is one that I follow that has been crushed
  16. Vodka with fresh squeezed lemon juice and water. Super efficient for me
  17. Care to share any of your specific name valuations? I would love to grab some exposure here but can't get a handle on what any of these companies are actually worth.
  18. We have a leaf for getting around town and I recommend to everyone. I got it a year old with 500 miles for 10k. I've had it for 2 years now and only maintenance is a tire that caught a nail. For longer distance we have a 2018 f150 and it has been great. Also would look at an older v6 4runner or Lexus SUV. Can't go wrong with a manual civic or accord either.
  19. AHT-F, SSW-D, HT-E, AHL-D, NS-C are all interesting looking preferreds.
  20. Aldi has a red and white box that come to $2.75 a bottle and are almost as good as bota. I buy them because they are decent but not so good as to encourage over consumption. We used to belong to wineshopper and got some great deals there but I'm not sure they still have daily flash sales. There might be other daily flash sale sites you can join. I would definitely avoid joining individual winery clubs. We had memberships to a couple and just got sent stuff they couldn't move, at least in my opinion.
  21. India has been struggling
  22. The mega Kroger in my town is 113k square feet and always packed with college students who refer to it as Kro-Gucci. I almost never go because we have an Aldi and 3 other Kroger options and it is a 10 minute walk from frozen pizza to beer sections.
  23. Ericopoly had some great thoughts on this years ago. He thought less about diversification and more about how expensive it was to protect your downside. I thought about this alot with gm last year and have been thinking alot about it with aig for 2018.
  24. This worked for what I needed: https://www.annielytics.com/blog/google-docs/how-to-import-one-spreadsheet-into-another-in-google-drive-video/
  25. In my opinion, the problem with indexing is you are taking on huge, unknowable macro risk through what is being sold as a safe, highly diversified investment. If rates rise suddenly, tax cuts fail, earnings slow or stall the index could get crushed. How can you make a bet on something with so many seemingly random and highly important variables?
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