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Everything posted by bookie71

  1. You might look at CET (Central Securities) it trades at a discount to NAV and it's big asset is discounted at about 20%, so you get a double discount. I've looking at it for my kids, but still on the edge- I',m not sure if Fairholme is getting too big, I have some in their accounts from some time back, but the fund seems to be making some very risky plays (to me)
  2. I have kept track of mine on a very simple yearly balance sheet on excell (apx 10+ years), It isn't fancy, but at least it gives a starting point. The entities I have control of, I keep in Quick Books.
  3. The real test will be when the lawyers get through with Toyota, could really be bad.
  4. I don't know what happens now, but in the mid 1980's when so many banks failed in Alaska, you became an unsecured creditor and had to wait until the bank is liquidated as in any other bankruptcy. If someone has the knowledge and time to investigate there is a lot of money to be made in buying the loan packages from FDIC but you can loose your shirt if you don't do your own due diligence.
  5. You can get all the education in the world ( and it helps) BUT you can't teach common sense.
  6. Congratulations - The way a championship game should be!!!!
  7. But their women beat our women - and they know how to celebrate :-)
  8. The sharks attack!!!! >:(
  9. And we expect to get this from our congresspeople? Maybe they should be required to wear patches like the race drivers do, so we know who has bought them.
  10. I beleive it requires more salemanship than investing knowledge. Of course there are exceptions.
  11. On their site I believe they have the appraisal and it is discounted because of lack of marketability, I haven't checked recently. but it was on there a few months ago.
  12. But I bet that there are some nice finder's fees. ;D
  13. The 2009 annual report is out at: http://www.centralsecurities.com/AnnualReport2009.pdf Chuck
  14. WOW, he's human, what a concept. All humans have positive and negative aspects.
  15. Whenever the mood strikes them - usually some time after the Berkshire meeting. ;D
  16. The only problem with checklists is that you have to be very careful that you use them and don't think things out. In the accounting profession you need a checklist to make sure you haven't missed a checklist. It's amazing what gets missed simply because some of the new folks don;t step back and simply read through the statements they are drafting. I am not against checklists, but do believe they can be overdone. jmho
  17. That's why I like Costo - no doors and very unfancy offices at headquarters.
  18. Insert Quote The selling by Gates foundation is 3~5% of daily volume for the past several months, I think the consistent selling has had a negative effect on the share price, not sure how much though. Why would they sell so much? It's not that foundation needs the cash now, and Gates has said something like he sees BRK share price go much higher. . . I think they are required to distribute a certain % (5%?) of assets each year, by law, as they are a private foundation. I think WEB requires they spend a certain amount each year also. Since BRK has no dividend this requires sales.
  19. they may be the best business, priced right etc - I just don't like their business model. i would rather buy a tobacco company.
  20. To each of you, A Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year!!!!!!!!!!! Keep compounding, but take time for your family Chuck
  21. The Fed's want the banks to lend more and at the same time they want the TARP repaid, reducing the lendable funds. Aren't politicians great?
  22. Since it is no longer on NYSE it doesn't qualify for "margin" nor is it's value counted. I had my first margin call ever, today even though I had lots of equity. Be warned.
  23. Be very very careful - http://boards.fool.com/Message.asp?mid=28145940 read several of messages -
  24. bookie71


    what is the risk that all these current Kindles out there become obsolete very quick like? . don't forget the "nook" that Barnes and Noble is pushing hard.
  25. I believe that many folks said he had lost his mind when he bought Wells Fargo a few years back.
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