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Everything posted by cwericb

  1. But Cubs I can't understand the problem here. It would seem that the fix is quite simple isn't it? I mean didn't Trump say over and over again that he could fix it on day one and people voted for him because of that. or was that just more hot air?
  2. Are you talking about the guy who went bankrupt 6 or 7 times? I know a lot of rich people who have never even been near a bankruptcy. And by the way, any idiot who was given $700 million in NY real estate back in the '70s/80s would be rich today.
  3. Now THIS should be required reading for every member of CBoF. This is not rocket science and should be obvious to anyone with half a clue. But unfortunately those members who have been sucked into the Trump cult are probably beyond reach as are most of those borderline Trump supporters that are still thinking that Trump has some wonderful plan that is all going to unfold soon. They hope. Trump is a danger to the USA and the rest of the world. The man is a Narcissistic Sociopathic Meglamaniac and anyone with even a smattering of knowledge of psychology, or even plain common sense should know this.
  4. Are you having trouble understanding what I said. Oh, I'm sorry is it getting dark there yet?
  5. I quite understand what Trump is trying to do and, in all honestly, I don't totally disagree with what he is trying to accomplish. I do however, I completely disagree with HOW he is going about reaching his goals. You don't have to repeatedly lie to the people, you shouldn't have to concoct fake reasons for your actions you don't have to threaten your neighbours and friends. I could go on, but I think you get the jist of where I am going here.
  6. I will be blunt. Cubs you might want keep your comments to yourself until you understand how the Canadian government system works. I am NOT a Trudeau fan, but the majority of Canadians are just fine with how Trudeau has been handling this mess that your clueless leader has created. And by the way, are you are one of the areas that has their electricity supplied from Canada? Also this is just one small area that depends on Canadian electricity. "Ontario Premier Doug Ford says he's willing to cut off power supply to the US if President Donald Trump continues with tariffs against Canada. Ford announced his retaliatory plans shortly after Trump implemented a 25% tariff against Canadian imported goods and a 10% tariff on Canadian energy. He said he would implement his own 25% surcharge on Canadian electricity exports to three US states: Michigan, New York and Minnesota."
  7. Good Lord? Is Trump a complete idiot or is he simply a compulsive liar? This took place today: “Justin Trudeau, of Canada, called me to ask what could be done about Tariffs. I told him that many people have died from Fentanyl that came through the Borders of Canada and Mexico, and nothing has convinced me that it has stopped. He said that it’s gotten better, but I said, ‘That’s not good enough,’” Trump wrote. Fact: Dear Mr. Trump. U.S. Federal statistics show US border authorities seized 21,889 pounds of fentanyl in the 2024 fiscal year. Of that amount, 43 pounds were seized at the Canadian border compared with 21,148 pounds at the Mexican border. And here is Trump displaying a complete ignorance of the Canadian system of government: Trump added: “The call ended in a ‘somewhat’ friendly manner! He was unable to tell me when the Canadian Election is taking place, which made me curious, like, what’s going on here? I then realized he is trying to use this issue to stay in power. Good luck Justin!” Dear Mr Trump, First off Trudeau has already submitted his resignation. Please try to keep up. Second the replacement process is already underway. It is so disappointing that so many of his cult either believe everything he says or are afraid to correct him.
  8. As a long term shareholder I have seen this pattern numerous times. During the financial crisis in the 2008-2010 and later, there were numerous periods when the market was tanking and yet Fairfax share price would not suffer the same drops as the general market and at times would actually increase. When people today simply look back at the charts and think yeah there was quite a period where FFH share price was flat for a period, actually during a number of those periods it was FFH share price NOT dropping along with the market. Had it not been for my shares in Fairfax during those difficult times I would not have lasted in the markets and would not be invested in the markets now. Today, Fairfax is becoming a truly world wide company and what happens in any one part of the globe should not have as much impact on FFH share price as with many other companies that are more restricted in their geographical operations.
  9. This could be interesting: "Ontario will impose a 25 per cent tariff on power it sends to 1.5 million homes in Minnesota, Michigan and New York in response to fresh United States levies, Premier Doug Ford announced Tuesday." “If these tariffs persist, if the Trump administration follows through on any more tariffs, we will immediately apply a 25 per cent surcharge on the electricity we export,” Ford told reporters at the provincial legislature. “We will not hesitate to shut off their power as well.”
  10. Absolutely go for it! If markets crash, you may lose lose your money and your investments that may or may not recover. If housing crashes, you still have a place to live and an asset that will likely retain its value relative to the housing market. Always been my theory anyway.
  11. While it is laughable to think that the White House now wants to be the 'fashion police' dictating how other world leaders must dress. The reality is, that this is just another petty ploy from these clowns to divert attention from one more Trump F**K UP.
  12. Yeah, well there was at least one other guy in the room who couldn't be trusted and it wasn't Zelensky. And if you disagree with this then you have been living in a bubble.
  13. What? "Trump's aides reportedly told Zelensky to wear a suit". Really? Trump's Aides had the audacity to tell the president of another country what he was supposed to wear? That is unbelievably rude and condescending. Do those people in the White House have no manners at all? I guess one should not be surprised, given who is in charge. But that seems beyond shocking.
  14. Well, actually it is more like the Democrats are are sitting back and giving Trump enough rope to hang himself. Seems to be starting to work out.
  15. That PDF is well worth reading and it gives the reader an appreciation for some of the types of innovative companies that Fairfax has under its wing. Brett Horne should be reading this stuff before he voices his opinions on Fairfax. AGT's website: https://www.agtfoods.com/ AGT's Solieos Fertilizer: https://soileos.com/
  16. As someone said about Trump after seeing that comment: "Trump should have been twins. No one man could be that stupid."
  17. I was thinking about Trump and his boasts of being a deal maker and thought, ya know I’ve made my share of successful multi-million dollar deals over the years, and the very first thing I always asked myself was, do I trust this person? Because you really can’t deal with someone you don’t trust. So looking at Trump, this guy has a long reputation of being untrustworthy and not living up to agreements. The guy has a record of at least a half dozen bankruptcies, and brags about ripping up formal previously signed agreements. He might be a great BS artist, but he is no deal maker. Here is one of his latest examples: Donald Trump said that tariffs on Canada will have to be instituted because this trade deal was “signed by a previous administration and leader who was a fool”.
  18. Personally I agree with this and are embarrassed because of it but unfortunately we also have our share of bigoted assholes. Our summer neighbours are from Maine, the Carolinas, Alabama, Arkansas, etc and are all close friends. But I thought you had moved to Newfoundland buy now?
  19. I read the quotes. But Cubs there is an old saying, "consider the source". But I guess you believe everything Trump says and everything you see on FOX. Perhaps you shouldn't give the right leaning Sun all that much credibility. And... "After President Donald Trump called him “two-faced,” Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, admitted Wednesday that he and other world leaders were talking about the US President." Really? They were ALL talking about the US President? What a surprise, how dare they. Has trump ever talked about the Canadian Prime Minister?
  20. Reading a few of the comments above, it is rather weird how little some posters have no real clue about Canada and Canadians. The majority of Canadians are absolutely pissed off at the US leadership constant insults towards us. The vast majority have always been respectful towards the USA. Can you pick out a few isolated incidents, of course. But absolutely NOTHING like lies, threats and insults we have been seeing from your government. But anyway I will admit that we have been far too trusting and naive and we will see where things go from here. Cubs... "You seem to forget the years of Canada's leader doing exactly that to the US President. Justin's big mouth couldn't stay shut for a moment about MAGA and Trump." Cubs where on earth did you get this idea? You are out of touch.
  21. Yes. Many Americans have no idea of what goes on beyond their borders and hence are susceptible to the lies and misinformation being spread. I live in a tourist area in Canada and we have a number of American neighbours at our cottage who are some of our closest friends. I am quite concerned as to how they will be received when they come to their cottages this summer as the level of anti-americianism today in Canada is unprecedented. But when the head of a country constantly makes threats and insults towards another country a certain animosity to be expected.
  22. This is very sad but true and I do not think the threats made against Canada will easily be forgotten. I am personally somewhat surprised how deep the disappointment/disgust with our neighbours is running, and seems to be the prime topic of conversation everywhere you look right now. Perhaps though, this may be a good thing to a certain extent. Trust perhaps should not be blind and these threats are somewhat of an overdue wake up call..
  23. Oh Really? Well why the hell is he messing around with the Ukraine? Going to take over Gaza to build RESORTS? Buying Greenland? Annexing Canada as the 51st state? Insulting every single ally? If this is how you make America First if it is it is a very sad commentary on the country? Honest to God you would defend this guy if he was Jeffrey Dahmer. You really need to step back and look at all this from outside the box for a while because the Trump Cult has sucked you in. Anyway I'm done here for now and gonna disappear before Sanjeev gives us all a 30 day holiday
  24. Aren't you the one who has gotten this wrong Cubs. It is in fact, Mr.Trump that can't make up his own mind as weather he is an expansionist or isolationist. He is the guy who said the US needs to get out of other country's business. Meanwhile he is messing around with the Ukraine, Greenland, Panama, Canada and even GAZA, no less.
  25. I am becoming increasingly concerned about investing in the U.S.A. Deporting millions, firing thousands, cancelling projects? Tell me how that is not going to have a major impact on unemployment figures. Any 10 year old can see that slapping 10-25% taxes on everything imported into the U.S. MUST raise prices for all Americans and cause inflation. Buying Greenland, rebuilding Gaza? And, anyone in their right mind knows that if the US intends on doing anything in Gaza it will require massive ongoing military support. And the cost would be astronomical. Or has the Middle East now somehow become a stable place to do business? Who is going to replace all the foreign workers deported? Certainly not the thousands of fired civil service workers being laid off. And systematically threatening all US allies? What the hell is the plan going forward? Europe, Canada and other markets are starting to look a lot more like a better investment avenues, even if the US is run by a "very stable genius", or maybe just a guy who should be put in a stable with the rest of the ... oh, never mind.
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