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  1. Just skimmed this last page... isnt ibkr paying me 4.82 on cash right now? Simple?
  2. The orville was good, especially season three. Also the new star trek with captain pike is good. The three body problem an award winning trilogy written by a chinese guy is coming to netflix soon, although I have little hope of their ability to bring it to the screen. I've read the foundation series by asimov and the apple tv version literally leaves out the most interesting parts.
  3. My buddy and I have talked about this forever... for us in Utah it's 2m and a home paid for. We assume 5-10% returns annually on the 2m although weve both done better since the gfc unsurprisingly. If you have no debt and 100-200k in income, I really don't get what more you're looking for. Personally, I can't even think of anything I care about buying that I don't have. I have trimmed costs strategically by figuring out what I actually care about. I did experience spending 2-300k/year for a few years so I know I don't care about that. Alot of it was wasted on dumb clothes, unhealthy dinners, lame vacations, new cars, undesirable women, all of a lifestyle I give zero F#$%% about now. I guess my ideal is much more realistic to achieve and nobody would think of it as rich. The books I won't read and the interesting things I won't learn/see/experience are a much larger problem than whether I have 2m or 20m. That said, alot of us will end up rich, 10m, some of us are there no doubt... it's inevitable.
  4. It doesn't take much to have a Moral north star. If you can grant me that it's better to eat steak than to have your arm repeatedly broken every day for your entire life. This combined with an evolved psychology is all we need to get there. Using a genes eye view looking to replicate itself. My genes want to replicate themselves, my kin share some of my gene's so my genes want them to replicate as well and so on decreasingly through those that share my genes. Therefore it is good that my genes don't die and that they replicate. My instinct/morality is to ensure that happens to varying degrees depending on the degree of relatedness. Also, to some degree, at the group level/multi level, those that are better at cooperating and planning for the future outperform those who aren't so they are selected for. This could be RichardGibbons metal balls/laws/norms/incentive constraint disincentive systems incrementally tweaked over time. It's at this level that rkkabang is claiming his law principal of non agression or non coercion applies. I could go on but I think this gets us there. 1. It's better to have your arm broken than to be skinned alive. We could run tests and ask people their pain level to confirm. We could measure their bodily reactions as well. Heart rate, blood pressure, adrenalin, fmri's,whether or not they asked you to kill them and get it over with. etc. Is it subjective if all evidence points towards being skinned alive is worse than getting your arm broken? From all known perspectives? 2. Genes want to replicate themselves and you share genes with those related to you. Those people who help your genes/kins genes replicate are also valuable to a lesser degree. Is this subjective thought/reasons? Do you choose your sex drive subjectively at all times throughout your entire life? Is it subjective that women are more likely to choose symmetric and large men, costly energetically, and therefore unconscious evidence of good genes when they ovulate, but don't care when they aren't ovulating? We need laws norms that align with 1 and 2 in order to get the most out of us.
  5. There's a huge difference to the person dying how they die. Getting shot and bleeding out in a few minutes vs what happens in martyrs is night and day. I'd kill myself and my son if the alternative was that one of us had to be a martyr. The reason they are martyred while somewhat interesting actually makes the whole idea/movie worse... because now the most evil imaginable... way beyond the holocaust and similar... has been presented with a seemingly interesting worthy reason to do it.
  6. I highly recommend nobody watches this. There's scenes from this movie.... I saw it shortly after it's release to dvd renting it from blockbusters... that can't forget but I'd like to. It's truly shockingly evil. Something like Hostel is similar but because it's less seemingly real... it doesn't move you like this one. On the other hand if you want to test your ability to remain detached from your visceral innate responses... you could try it with this is front of your face. One of the problems with media like this is that I can't help but believe that these shows provide a recipe for some of the most deranged in the world and I really don't think they need any new ideas. I wish we could stop making templates for the most unimaginable evils. If you are still curious and thinking you'll try it, don't read anything about it just watch it. Knowing the twists beforehand ruins it. Dont read synopses or watch trailers.
  7. Work another year or two and save like crazy, or three if necessary. Be in a position you can cover your bills and have your liquidity grow assuming moderate returns before you quit. It can be hard to go back to skilled work. Industry changes and you change. It's difficult to see what it took to get to a high paying job because some of it was probably luck that your not aware of. I was in a industry that paid me well for 10 years, took 5 years off, came back for 1.5 years with a difficult learning curve, left when a kid came.... now it's gone and there's nothing else I know how to do that pays six figures working 20 hours a week. The older you get the more difficult it is to grind it out. Do it now not later. Personally, I became a better investor incrementally as my psychology changed as a result of my portfolio growth. You should never be in a position where you need returns this year. You should be in a position of abundance ideally.
  8. Fun for me = Rock climbing (since 97'), dirt biking/enduro (since 2016, best old man sport), reading, I haven't cried a single tear since a 9 year relationship ended in 2018 until last night reading Ordinary men. Also reading The handbook of evolutionary psychology david buss edited now, will take awhile. If you like Kahneman, taleb, pinker, the confines of what it means to be human etc take a look. Playing around with diet, bulletproof as of now/ sometimes keto. 2 Year old son is getting more and more fun, getting sick from him isn't.
  9. I love all his books. I'm buying them all to read (used audible) so I can l have them in the inheritance collection for my son.
  10. +10 personal +9 ira's. Sold puts on brk, owned a little frfhf. Bought some leaps/shares on brk twice around 270/share and sold quick.
  11. Up 4% ytd. Have been 100% invested in either sold puts, shares, or leaps throughout. 12% margin for a few weeks twice. Zero margin now. All leaps sold. Max draw down was -9%. Down 1.5% from high. Still some pain though as I live off my gains and I haven't yet covered my costs for the year. Hoping for some raw sell offs but not for lasting economic damage lol.
  12. It IS riskier with more debt as a % of gdp though, correct? There are many scenarios where the article your responding to could happen to varying degrees, correct? Inflation could come down faster than rates because rates can't always be zero or else there's less room to stimulate. I never have understood your argument, I mean if your above inputs remain constant I get it, but why would they remain constant? If inflation comes down rates will likely come down but how much? Afaik, anything is possible, even probable, and there are tipping points/non linearities embedded in everything, no? Isn't there already enough precedence? I just can't wrap my head around this MMT/MMT directional stuff, why add blow up risk to a game that's working so wonderfully? We can print/tax but there's limits/trade offs. Looking to understand not to battle. What I believe I know has been widdled down to almost nothing generally speaking.
  13. Against the gods, plus one on taleb books and superforecasting and kahneman. Between all those you should be securely feeling insecure about whether your presumed knowledge is actually belief. Or if maybe everything is.
  14. Prediction, when we lap the first 8+ inflation print, march 23'. The market will recover.... no later than that, maybe sooner.
  15. It doesn't matter. Why? Because brk almost always sells at a lower multiple. You more frequently and more non correlatively have an opportunity to buy it when it is at a significantly lower multiple. That is the main difference. Therefore, they already "earn" more. This is "why" it's easy. As an aside, absent catastrophe at a major pillar, they are more predictable.
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