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Everything posted by cwericb

  1. It is not like the term "lumpy returns" just came out of nowhere. Prem used the term 8 or 10 years ago to warn about his plan for Fairfax's future and made no bones about it. It was a case of like it or not, but that was his personal prediction of how he was going to run the company. As far as the ups and downs are concerned, I sure like the direction in which we have been going lately. Like it or lump it.
  2. Analysts really are a bit of a joke. In theory they look into their crystal balls and make predictions of the future when all too often the reality is that they simply react to what has already happened. When it comes to Fairfax, really, is there an analyst out there who can match Vikings knowledge of the subject? I very much doubt it - and Viking (and others here) provide their knowledge and insights of Fairfax to board members without charge. Thank you.
  3. Thanks Viking, I fully agree with what you are saying. Just thought it was interesting that Rivett was involved here and I still question the sweetheart deal on Torstar. However, that is past history.
  4. Yes it looks like the debt to Fairfax is being paid out. However, I thought it interesting that Paul Rivett was involved.
  5. Has anyone taken a close look at Chorus Aviation? "Chorus’ vision is to deliver regional aviation to the world. Headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Chorus is an integrated provider of regional aviation solutions, including asset management services. Its principal subsidiaries are: Falko Regional Aircraft, the world’s largest aircraft lessor and asset manager focused solely on the regional aircraft leasing segment; Jazz Aviation, the sole provider of regional air services to Air Canada; and Voyageur Aviation, a provider of specialty air charter, aircraft modification, and parts provisioning services to regional aviation customers around the world." Interesting to note that both Fairfax and Brookfield are involved with Chorus and Paul Rivett is on the board of directors. Picked up a few shares in CHR last week and may acquire some more next week. https://chorusaviation.com/
  6. There will be so many loopholes and exemptions that it is questionable as to how much impact it will have. "There are also exceptions for residential properties in less-populated areas. Recreational properties — such as cottages, cabins and other vacation homes — are exempt." But it is rather unsettling to see so many nice home sitting vacant for years on end as people from other countries buy up our real estate and forcing prices up to the point where more and more local people are forced out of the housing market.
  7. While I have been investing for a fair number of years I am still a rank amateur in this game. In 2021 I was pretty satisfied with being up 34% and was rather disappointed with my results for this year at only 14%. But looking at other board member’s numbers, I don’t feel so bad. Anyway I’m satisfied. On to 2023... (Correction: 15.0% - not including dividends which would have added another 1-2%) Much of the credit for the increase goes to Fairfax (FFH), Altius (ALS), and Suncor (SU). Royal Bank (RY) and SNC Lavalin (SNC) were disappointments, but I am comfortable continuing holding both. One more thing, I believe we have to factor in inflation. With inflation (in my area) running in the 8% range. So I would think that I have to be up at least 8% just to break even.
  8. I wonder what impact a 10 or 20 to one share split would have on the share price? After all, at $800C+ shares are getting pretty expensive for smaller investors. A $40 or even an $80 share price might be much more attractive to people with smaller portfolios. Thoughts?
  9. Last year up 34% so I felt I had a bit of a cushion if things went too far south. Earlier this year I was up 15%, but later on down about 3-4%. But with the latest rally, as of close today I'm up 3.7%. Fairfax has helped level things for me. Could be worse I guess.
  10. Not directly related to the Ukraine, but in reference to China, both Canada and the US have seen major immigration from China to the point where they represent significant proportion of our populations. However I was rather shocked to read this article from the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp) site the other day. If true, this is sort of a wake up call to the extent China has already invaded our countries. “RCMP investigating Chinese 'police' stations in Canada" "Human rights group says more than 50 exist worldwide, including 3 in Greater Toronto Area There are at least three Chinese police outposts in and around Toronto in predominantly Chinese neighbourhoods, according to a report by human rights group Safeguard Defenders who say they’re being used to pressure some nationals to return to China. Now, the RCMP says it’s investigating whether any criminal activity is taking place. ...” https://www.cbc.ca/news/rcmp-investigating-chinese-police-stations-canada-1.6627166
  11. Anyone interested in current hurricane activity should check here. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ As one who lives in the Canadian Maritimes, these nasty things can affect more than just my Fairfax holdings. So far, so good...
  12. Hi Spec. If you have a minute and a half to spare, check out this video for a quick glimpse of Prince Edward Island: https://www.tourismpei.com/about-pei/video-photo-gallery/come-find-your-island For more info: https://www.tourismpei.com/
  13. Well you can't go to the East Coast and not check out PEI Some of the worlds best beaches and the warmest water north of the Carolinas. But there is much more than beaches to see. But there is much more than beaches to see.
  14. I was just thinking the same thing
  15. Thought some of us learned after the SFK Pulp/Fibrek deal that if you acquire stock in companies that FFH also owns, always be prepared for an opportunistic takeover by Fairfax. Also: The “fair” part of the “fair and friendly” motto only refers to what is in Fairfax’s best interests. Oh, and regarding Prem’s honesty and motives? One only has to look at what the Quebec judge said about him when Fairfax was sued over the Fibrek deal. Or, read the trial transcripts and then make up you own mind. Bottom line: Avoid holding shares in any company in which Fairfax also holds shares. Gotta go now and re-evaluate my Stelco shares.
  16. Articles like this won't hurt FFH share price ... https://seekingalpha.com/article/4522235-fairfax-is-good-shelter-in-volatile-times?mailingid=28298801&messageid=2800&serial=28298801.1147&source=email_2800&utm_campaign=rta-stock-article&utm_medium=email&utm_source=seeking_alpha&utm_term=28298801.1147 I wonder if the funds from the pet insurance sale will be used to buy back Fairfax shares or could it go towards repurchasing the interests held by OMERS and CPPIB Credit Investments in Odyssey Group?
  17. Thought the site had gone into shock at the drop in FFH share price today. Hopefully share price will bounce back now that the site is back up.
  18. That Cybertruck has got to be the most uglyist, dumbest, hideous thing that was ever put on four wheels. To me it looks like it was cobbled together out of scrap metal by some guy in his back yard. But I guess as they say ... 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. When is the other $100 due?
  19. Mr Schiff - not to be confused with Adam Schiff, is a former GOP Senate candidate in Connecticut and chief economist at Euro Pacific Capital. He also must be one of the most entitled, clueless "pundits" around. He should make a quick trip to the Ukraine just to check up on the situation.
  20. We don't often agree, but you took the words right out of my mouth. As I have said numerous times before, anyone who thinks that you can separate investing and politics is taking a very limited view of investing. If the current situation doesn't prove that I don't know what it would take.
  21. Was dealing online with a dealer negotiating on a recent used Mercedes-Benz. When he found out I didn't have a trade and was paying cash, he dropped me like a hot potato. They like the kick back on the financing and all the dealers around here are advertising "We want to buy your car!" We have acres of empty car lots at the dealers around here and dealers are desperate for cars. However, in talking to some, they say that sales are not that bad considering the waiting list for new cars. Order now for November/December delivery. Interesting times.
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