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Everything posted by valuehawk91

  1. In no particular order: BRK.B, SRG, MU, BABA, PROSY, ATVI, and some in Target data fund.
  2. It only took 1.5 hours. Phew! Call back feature would have been much better if you one has to wait 6 hours. The issue was with hotmail/live domain during the time I signed up. The sign up emails were not being sent. lol Glad it got resolved!
  3. Haaha Decided to give them a call around 3, their office is closes at 5, or 5:30. I got the message they already have a high volume and aren't taking on any new calls.
  4. Tried to buy some I-bonds in the last week. I succeed in creating the account, but never got a verification. It says account already exists, but no way to retrieve yet.
  5. I don't know what I feel/think about this, but I have watched this at least 15 times.
  6. Why not both?
  7. I didn't know who Zelman was. I ended up coming across one her recent interviews/podcast, thought I would share. https://macrohive.com/hive-podcasts/ep-122-ivy-zelman-on-the-coming-us-housing-crisis/
  8. Yes, Arrival gave me goosebumps too! I love movies that has so hidden meanings/symbology. Dune was another terrific movie. I believe Star Wars was inspired in a way by dune's story-line. Hope you know about Joseph Campbell too.
  9. The movie Arrival is good. In fact, I might watch it again this weekend. I rarely re-watch movies if ever.
  10. I will have to check if business breakdown has been mentioned in the past few pages, but if not, this is a good podcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/business-breakdowns/id1559120677
  11. oh gotcha! I didn't know all the other processes behind it! Also, if you are betting on crisper, I would highly recommend this book: The Gene: An Intimate History It was a very insightful book on diseases, genes, and how/if gene editing can play a role in treatment/cure. My input to the list: Lab grown meat. If it can be produced with similar taste/texture, it would be game changer.
  12. As some one who is looking to buy a house/condo, I have come to realize how inefficient the real estate market is in regards to realtor's cut. I have felt I have done most of the leg work whenever I was interested in a listing as well as doing the background. Also, learned to do some ballpark estimation of the value. It makes me wonder why should one get thousands of $$ for just showing up and preparing the papers. This is not to throw a shade on realtors, but I feel the value-to compensation ratio isn't quite fair, and both buyer's and seller's would be very happy to pay less fees. I know I would. What kind of friction is it out there? I just had a start-up idea to get the middleman/woman out. lol
  13. Who controls the real estate market?
  14. I like this.
  15. GAS, cost me $87 to fill a tank. Sorry for the bad joke?
  16. It seems like a good narrative for traditional automakers to come out and emphasis on "software" or "tech" focused company, but I find it so hard to grasp it because the business is so capital intensive, and innovations in hardware will never stop, or should stop. One of the other OEMs came out and said they expect to generate (22.3) billions from subscription services by 2030. I find that number laughable. But I am sure I will be wrong.
  17. Does a smoothie count? I have never had a spiked milkshake, or a smoothie. Can't wait to try now, hopefully soon. ha
  18. lol so sorry to offend you! 4.98 stars are pretty good!
  19. As an infrequent user of Uber service, my experience has always been a little sub-par. I am always a bit uncomfortable/anxious getting into a random stranger's car. If it's a robo taxi, it would be more enjoyable. Majority of the uber rides I have taken had a dirty car, and sketchy looking drivers.
  20. You could search youtube for the books you're interested. You might be able to find them there too (if it's not taken down). Edit: https://librivox.org/ hosts public domain books, and a lot of local libraries also have good audiobook collection that can be listened offline.
  21. lol Cramer does it again. Twitter is a gold mine for memes.
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