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  1. Carter appointed Paul Volcker. Enuff said.
  2. So far the claims of performance appear legit. Training cost of $5.6M is amazing if corroborated. Extrapolating can kill you if you think GPUs, electricity etc are straight line trends. https://venturebeat.com/ai/deepseek-v3-ultra-large-open-source-ai-outperforms-llama-and-qwen-on-launch/
  3. https://www.ft.com/content/a0e54dd5-b270-42cc-8c4c-18a0b8b3e6cc AI agents working across various apps would make life easier for consumers, but destroy walled gardens created by app developers.
  4. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-03990-2 Running out of data
  5. Waluigi jokes are trending online
  6. CP still trading at a premium to NA rail but for how long? Use the sell off as a buying point. https://www.wsj.com/business/logistics/the-railroad-on-the-wrong-side-of-trumps-tariffs-51d1a1bc?mod=hp_lead_pos10
  7. yeah I take that back. The UNODC 2024 report has a lot of data (not all of it good or even up to date but it’s the best available). Heroin addiction is a big problem in Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe. Opioids is a much bigger issue in US, UK, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Egypt, Nigeria, India, Pakistan. 60 million opioid/opiate addicts globally.
  8. Criminalization of possession and usage doesn’t work, decriminalizing and treatment doesn’t work, stopping supply doesn’t work. Maybe legalization works but I doubt it. What countries have very low or no illicit drug usage? Seems to me that the problem is a WEIRD one - western, educated, industrialized, rich democracies. Would the US population tolerate the death penalty for dealing and trafficking?
  9. What about fentanyl entering from Canada? Anyone have data on that? Why can't we control our drug problem on the demand side? Have we given up on that?
  10. Mike Judge's Idiocracy was prescient.
  11. Test time compute - Nadella just referenced OpenAI's o1 model in his talk yesterday. Additional compute at the time of answering. Pretty cool. https://techcrunch.com/2024/11/20/ai-scaling-laws-are-showing-diminishing-returns-forcing-ai-labs-to-change-course/
  12. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1858929066264379629.html?utm_campaign=topunroll Fascinating Twitter thread on the IT industry slackers. Deedy @deedydas Everyone thinks this is an exaggeration but there are so many software engineers, not just at FAANG, who I know personally who literally make ~2 code changes a month, few emails, few meetings, remote work, < 5 hours/ week, for ~$200-300k. Here are some of those companies: Oracle Salesforce Cisco Workday SAP IBM VMware Intuit Autodesk Veeva Box Citrix Adobe The “quiet quitting” playbook is well known: - “in a meeting” on slack - scheduled slack, email, code at late hours - private calendar with blocks - mouse jiggler for always online - “this will take 2 weeks” (1 day) - “oh, the spec wasn’t clear” - many small refactors - “build is having issues” - blocked by another team - will take time bcuz <obscure tech reason> like “race condition” - “can you create a jira for that?” And no, AI is not writing their code. Most of these people are chilling so hard they have no idea what AI can do. Most people in tech were never surprised that Elon could lay off 80% of Twitter, you can lay off 80% of most of these companies
  13. CP and CSX Mexico to Southeast intermodal is ready to go December 1 https://theloadstar.com/us-and-mexico-intermodal-traffic-surge-too-much-for-railways-to-swallow/ CP is losing some of its premium to US Class I rails due to fears of Mexico/China tariffs. Long term say 4 years out even with tariffs I wouldn't be overly worried.
  14. I’m totally pro exercise. But I’m anti linking mouse model papers to talk up the effects of exercise. here are two good ones in HUMANS - increase in life expectancy and improved cancer survival rates. there’s a typo in the tweet. Adds 6.3 years in life expectancy
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