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  1. I write this half hoping you’re capable of reading comprehension, but my original statement had to do with people on this forum buying more as it gets cheaper
  2. Anyone else hoping BABA will drop below PE 15 so they load up on some more?
  3. Decreased cash position and added 20% VFV
  4. Got me some BABA. Let’s do this boys
  5. Increased my position on SRG by 70%. Bought at 15.10 Lets go team value
  6. Not sure if someone has already mentioned it here, but definitely Moneyball!! Its a great movie
  7. Bought Facebook at 258.88 and Verizon at 57.09 Lets go team value
  8. FB would be perfect for me at $150-160ish.
  9. Spier posted the link to his portion on social media. I believe its also on John Mihaljevic's twitter feed. Same theme as Pabrai, positive on SRG, bullish on foreign markets
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