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Everything posted by Xerxes

  1. One of the intersting thing about gold is that, all the gold that has ever been mined since the dawn man, are in some shape and form part of that gold hoard that is "above ground", as they got re-melted and recasted hundreds of times over. Even what is use for industrial use/electronics, finds itself back given that it is not "used-up" as barrel of oil would be. If i recall the last major gold supply increase was either (1) california or (2) Russia and since than no mega increase on the supply. Can you imagine today world economy with currencies backed by gold, it would just choke on itself, sense supplies of gold have not leapt the way economies have grown in the past 4-5 decades.
  2. Viking agreed that we don’t know anything nor have all the facts.
  3. I guarantee you (IMO) that of all the things that has happened here in the past six months, the two missile that accidentally (allegedly) went on the other side is not going to high on the list. Once the powwow settles down and once media are done amplifying it and moved on to the next story to amplify.
  4. Shhughes you seem to be pretty close to the situation. Or following very closely. The only part of your post I could relate too or comment about is that it was fall of Sevastopol that gained Von Manstein his Field Marshal’ Baton !!
  5. It was a late Tuesday humourless humour.
  6. What if we get to that last iteration where we get very close to the cap of 21 million and than miner is able to create 1 more, and than 1 more past 21 million. Whhhhhops. the cap is not real !!!. It was a fiction.
  7. Bloomberg spend more than an HOUR on this news. Jesus ! A business network. The Iraqi drove a French Exocet missile straight in the belly of U.S.S. Stark in the 80s. Their own ally. U.S.S. Vincennes in turn shot down a passenger airliner, few years later. mistakes and error happens. And frankly this is hardly groundshaking. Find ways to give Ukrainian more and more defensive tools they have to defend themselves. Don’t waste airtime/energy on “uhhhh 2 missile came in … within inches or accidentally came on that side”
  8. I recently sign up back on Netflix after 8 months of abcense, but cancelled Crave (HBO) now that the House of Dragon is finished. I signed up for the ad-suported version of Netflix and have a backlog to burn through. I randomely watched different shows from that backlog, some thoughts: Crown -- as captivating as always, at episode 3 now. All Quiet on Western Front -- watched the first half, was somewhat bored. It is a good story, the two stories going in parallel. The top brass eating like pigs, as normal people just get killed. Will finish it. Peaky Blinders -- the new season is a complete disaster. I did learn in the first episode that there is French own island next to New Foundland. That was interesting. Ozark -- an ok show to watch; grinding slowly This show got me intersted (have not watched it yet) Taboo (2017 TV series) - Wikipedia with Tom Hardy, related to the East India Company
  9. My view is that would have happened regardless, the OPEC+ production cut was largely in reaction to Federal Reserve interest rate hike. if the latter was/will kill aggregate demand, than that takes away demand from barrels. So a cut was natural step.
  10. 'Putin's Brain' Turns On Russian Leader With 'King of the Rains' Warning (msn.com) Warning to Putin from Twyin Lannister, oh i mean Alexander Dugin
  11. Me and you both. The men couldn't do it, so hopefully the women can .... lol
  12. There is no need for the West to play the “victim card” vis a vis China. We chose that relationship because supporting Chinese economic development helped our multinational, creating jobs at home etc. lower cost etc. Economy trumped national interest. Same goes for Saudi Arabia, we arm them to the teeth, creating jobs locally for our defence contractors, knowing full well that only means a more angry Iran, which in turn turns it into a self fulfilling prophecy and a virtuous cycle, with its aggressive actions. Saudi defence budget of $45 billion vs Iran defence budget of $15 billion. That is great business to be in !!! That said, I don’t expect my fellow westerners to understand these things.
  13. Controversial indeed. This is from 2021. Rarely do these things make it across the pond into the mainstream Western media or The Simpsons for that matter. Almost as if we are being spoon fed in terms what we need to know. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/amp/2021/08/04/controversy-as-ukraine-mulls-giving-hero-status-to-alleged-war-criminals “ Seventy-eight Ukrainian lawmakers from all sides of the parliament have proposed to give the title ‘Hero of Ukraine’ to controversial figures such as Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych.” “The Ukrainian parliament will now consider the proposal, which is expected to meet fierce reactions from Poland and Israel if adopted. Bandera was named ‘Hero of Ukraine’ back in 2010 by outgoing president Viktor Yushchenko, which sparked protests from Poland and Israel before Bandera was stripped of the status again in 2011.” From Wiki: ”In 2008, the massacres which were committed by the Ukrainian nationalists against the Poles in Volhynia and Galicia were described by Poland's Institute of National Remembrance as bearing the distinct characteristics of a genocide,[14][15] and on 22 July 2016, the Parliament of Poland passed a resolution recognizing the massacres as genocide.[16][17] This classification is disputed by Ukraine and some non-Polish historians.” Anyways, I believe we also committed some genocide against the locals as we built our country here in North America. And have been slow to recognize it from what I gather. I ll happily admit that I am not exactly up-to-date on this stuff.
  14. Me and you both would have done the same as individuals. That is normal. That said I cannot comment too much on the back history of polish, Jewish massacres in Ukraine simply because I am not from there, nor studied the country in any particular depth and am missing a fair amount of subtleties. The country seem to be a very diverse federation with different extremes. My interest has always been global affairs and I will happily admit that I am pretty ignorant on individual country histories.
  15. The middle ground is hard to see, because US like a central banker that is distorting the markets, is distorting the longevity of that conflict via unprecedented military aid. I.e. fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian or the last Russian. Whichever comes first, we don’t care. Of course corruption in Russia’ military and years of mismanagement helped as well. If I am Zelensky, and have goodwill of the world, and a population eager to fight and flow of military aids as someone else expenses, do you think I am looking for a settlement ? Biden says “no decision about Ukraine without Ukraine”. That is a cute statement. But Biden was making decisions about Ukraine without Ukraine all the way to the eve of the war. What changed is the carte Blanche that he has given that is making it difficult for him to retract. No one dares arguing with Zelensky, or he is going to raise the “G” word and shame you. He even pushed back on TotalEnergies who was scheduled to receive dividends from a now-closed JV saying that it ought to go to Ukraine. Make no mistake folks. Everything has a consequence. It is good what we have done so far in terms of aid etc but if you are not thinking/talking through backchannels, you OUGHT to be. I understand the fairy tale aspect of this conflict, but this is no fuc&&ing cartoon nor it is Star Wars, where “rebels overthrow the evil empire” nor its the “300 Spartans fighting the armies of Xerxes”. At some point one way or another Putin will be gone, but most likely old age, and from his power-base the next leader will emerge and he may be younger, more energetic and full of ideas and be a hardcore nationalist, bent on revenge ! Consider this : for decades following WW2 all that White House could see was a giant sea of Red stretching across the Eurasian mass lands with its very centre in the Kremlin. The White House was so deep into that Global Red menace thinking that they even feared an invasion by Chinese “volunteers” if they (US) were to invade North Vietnam (recall most of fighting was in the south, north Vietnam was bombed via B-52s). Why ? Because that is what happened in Korea, when they got closed to the Yalu river. Never mind that there was a very deep cultural chasm that existed between Chinese and Vietnamese that would have made that scenario extremely low probability. Never mind that Vietnam was NOT part of China’ red sphere (as North Korea was) but was part of Soviet’ red sphere and even at that was pretty autonomous. And the Chinese counterweight to Red Vietnam was actually Pol Pot and Cambodia. And the two Reds even fought a war in late 70s and early 80s. So It never occurred to the White House, that sea of Red had different shades of Red until decades later with Kissinger and Nixon. And they successfully exploited those shades. Bottom line. Don’t get emotional about these things. There is always a bigger picture.
  16. Thank you. I am going to keep an eye on this thing. I did add multiple times to my obliterated Bombardier position at 95 cents and below (pre-split). Those were 4-5 baggers for me since 2020, but gains somewhat diluted as I own an initial position (not too large) at a higher cost. I guess we all go with what stock/company we know best, for these kinds of trades. I still hold all of my Bombardier shares (so perhaps not a trade for me)
  17. Still four months away but super excited to read what the Chairman has to say about his energy bet in this annual letter in Feb 2023. A fifth pillar next to the other four: insurance, BHE, rail, Apple ?
  18. WooooOpps i forgot to attach the disclaimer to my previous post: ……. but it does not justify the war that Kremlin is waging. Must not forget the disclaimer in this thread.
  19. Thanks @Dinar Goes to show how much we don’t know on this side of the pond. And even perhaps in Europe as well. I don’t know about all other posters in this thread but I for one am unaware of these subtleties. If it doesn’t make it to BBC, CNN or The Simpson, it is not real. (sarcasm)
  20. I recall you had a juicy trade on Overstock in 2020, one of your best ones. I don’t know if you can share this but were you also trading it prior to 2020. Also I think Fairfax was also an owner (they sold way too soon), would you know anything on top of your head, in terms why they were interested in the name. Was it a classic founder-turn around situation or more like pennies on the dollar value trade. thanks
  21. @Spekulatius Spek, firstly I don’t think anyone is saying that. In fact I don’t even think anyone has said they should get zero support. Of course people having conversation in this thread to which degree there ought to be support (and consequences of). And those very same conversation are happening in the White House or other forums in the past six months. Doesn’t mean you can go around label people genocidle. secondly, you (and I don’t mean you personally, so pls take no offence) cannot choose when it is convenient for you to give damn about victims. And when put on your “airplane mode” on, and look the other way, because it is an inconvenience and you cannot be bothered. There is nothing cool about wars, genocides, that people should chose one set of circumstances over others. thirdly, unfortunately every genocide looks like a line or a paragraph in history books 100 years later. You are right in your comment about a genocide 150 years is no excuse to stand idly by. And those poor aboriginal people were probably saying/thinking the same thing even as they got hacked down (anyways) by the white colonizer. Everything is relative. We may have the a good excuse to help install Pinochet as a dictator in Chile, because Cold War, fighting communism etc, but surely the Chilean didn’t see it like that at the time, and said “WTF”. The Indians that got massacred by the Portuguese as the latter were building their commercial network in the Indian Ocean probably said: “WTF i thought we were pass this. This the fifteenth century for Christ sake !!!”. In 1991-92, after the Gulf War, Bush Senior got the Iraqis and the Kurds to rise up against Saddam, from north and south, only to let Saddam massacre them, so that the centre of power is preserved. What about that genocide and the enablers behind it ? Was there a forum thread on that ? Or there geopolitics trumped everything else. Everyone relative point of view of “oh we don’t do that anymore. We are in a civilized age”, is built on the skulls and bones of the last genocide. Once we are done with genocide, we declare the beginning of a new civilized age, built out historical monument and accuse another party that is trying to crash our party. Lastly, I think tribalism has now taken over this thread. I say this about the fall of Kherson. Happy that it happened on Nov 11.
  22. @no_free_lunch you are sounding more and more like a Western teenager overexcited by war. Or should I say you are being “selective” in terms of what wars of aggression excites you to the point of hysteria and which ones doesn’t. Hint: It excites you if the victim are white people, and you couldn’t care less otherwise. Nope you don’t say it, but it is all subtle in between the words. And you are not the only one. I must be the only one on this board that actually lived in a country at war, where the aggressor was backed by all Western major powers, where cities were burned, people were raped, families were destroyed, infrastructure was destroyed, where WMD was used …. For 8 years ! So forgive me, if I am not as naive and stupid as you are. Given these last comments from you, me and you will have nothing else to discuss. I don’t have time for the likes of you. But just to close on this last point, understand however that political powwow and reality on the ground are not the same. George Bush declared mission accomplished in 2003, only to order a major Surge in 2008. Hence my comment of me not caring about Kremlin says. You want your enemy to remain stupid. An enemy that can make a decision to withdraw (as oppose to hold out) is one that acting more rationally and one that is less stupid. And yes independently of whatever Kremlin says about annexation and Kherson forever etc.
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