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Xerxes last won the day on April 17

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  1. definitely not the legacy satellite providers. It is a new industry in some ways. Starlink is to SpaceX, what Robotaxi is to Tesla, in term valuations of a recurring business vs. the valuation of the holding company and the capital-intensive side of the business (car making and rocket-launch, respectively). That is as far as my brain allows me to go.
  2. Genocide ? where does that comes from I thought we were friends. We were exchanging jokes about Trudeau just a moment ago. Now I am put on spot and required to take sides on this genocide discussion. good lord.
  3. is that a re-post of yesterday. Why is it surprising that Hamas inflates numbers. Hamas does make up a lot of stuff. directionally though, does it matter ?
  4. there is also Katie Wood space ETF that has Spacex In it. but why bother with Baron, Wood and the likes for a puny uncivilized 5% exposure of something that one really want but requires one to have 95% of the stuff that we either don’t want, don’t need, but convince ourselves to want for the sake of 5% better to go with RocketLab suggestion above. That said, I find it interesting that no comment has been made to the fact that most of the potential value of SpaceX is in Starlink. And the latter has a far likelihood of an IPO (rumours and filings over the years) than the rocket business and the holding company. In fact, the SpaceX and Starlink are like BN and BAM.
  5. The ultimate Trump trade cannot believe the COBFians didn’t zeroed in on this one after 29 pages.
  6. Barron’ 2025 Top Ten picks
  7. 2024 was not a good year for Barron’ top 10 picks https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/barrons-streetwise/id1504250328?i=1000680310325
  8. Russian column withdrawing ... to Tartus i think
  9. Biden / Harris camp had no chance with Trump. The man is on a mission to break status quo. Hopefully net positive. that said I don’t know about “crime family.”
  10. https://apple.news/A3ItqWil7SDy_wAcRc7g-LA Good read. From Washington Post.
  11. yeap. La Belle Province.
  12. @mcliu which part of Canada are you from ? if you are ok to reveal that
  13. 100% And pay our NATO bills. it ain’t free.
  14. Watch the full video of Donald Trump talking with Jim Cramer at the NYSE
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