Came in around 61% the big wins were Terravest, Aritzia, Velan, Aecon, Par tech, Dynacore, Omai Gold Mines, Vitalhub and Fairfax.
The kennel portfolio (citi, HD, MMM, AAP, CVX) did ok. Had some BRK trade arounds that would be around 35% on the year.
Had a whole bunch of losers too. Most real estate was flat to down, lost on Wajax, Richelieu, a couple energy names and almost anything to do with housing.
Sometimes I feel like a really good speculator but then I look into my portfolio and its a real manic mess. I have everything from microcaps to mega caps, value to expected takeout's to outright gambling. Many ideas I just pawn off here and twitter, some are my own from sauntering through life and work.