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Jaygo last won the day on December 17 2023

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  1. Lol that's generally how I feel about my companies but only when I know them really, really well so I dont panic and sell. For some reason I dont wish that for Fairfax though. I guess I just dont want to see my gains float away at this point
  2. Came in around 61% the big wins were Terravest, Aritzia, Velan, Aecon, Par tech, Dynacore, Omai Gold Mines, Vitalhub and Fairfax. The kennel portfolio (citi, HD, MMM, AAP, CVX) did ok. Had some BRK trade arounds that would be around 35% on the year. Had a whole bunch of losers too. Most real estate was flat to down, lost on Wajax, Richelieu, a couple energy names and almost anything to do with housing. Sometimes I feel like a really good speculator but then I look into my portfolio and its a real manic mess. I have everything from microcaps to mega caps, value to expected takeout's to outright gambling. Many ideas I just pawn off here and twitter, some are my own from sauntering through life and work.
  3. Congrats. Take the 15. What a benefit and depending on how the birth and early days go you can change your mind and shorten it if you really want. The first couple months are crazy, no sleep and just being worried about keeping something so tiny alive. My advice is to look into what to expect: I hope you dig deeper on the below but a couple surprises and thoughts I had. 1. I was much more involved in the birth than I ever expected, I was shocked to see my wife that way. 2. The baby comes out looking really weird. That's normal. I thought she was deformed and I just about fainted. 3. The whole birth is kind of messy, just be ready. 4. Everyone talks about sleep deprivation, it is so much more, its tiredness mixed with anxiety, just be ready. 5. They are very tiny, and the skull is still soft. (be careful and make sure to rotate them in the crib so they dont get misshapen heads. 6. They grow up so fast its painful. Enjoy every second of it and DO NOT take any of it for granted. 7 .Get your house in order now. Get the room ready long before because you dont want to paint, new carpet and furniture, new mattresses and other toxic shit around a newborn.
  4. We wont have too much homework since travel can be so educational as is. History, architecture, cultures, food and languages all rolled into one. Not to mention the logistical stuff that I always include them in they will be ready for the world!
  5. Every human should be subject to the same rights. What you say is otherwise. If i can be robbed for my wealth, should I be allowed to rob a poor peasant without retribution? Nobody is equal, some are brilliant, some are fast, some are beautiful, some are tall, some are dumb. The only thing that matters is equality of rights and freedoms. Fix that and even the short, fat, ugly poor people will end up living better quality of lives over time.
  6. Thank you for saying this. Wealth and inheritance taxes are theft. I simply cannot understand how anyone can think it is not. It is not effect economically and more importantly it is morally corrupt.
  7. Buying some BRK. Not much but just recouping what was sold a bit higher. If Warren knew that Berky was my trading sardine i'd be real embarrassed but its literally perfect for trading. Great company that i'm happy to own if I'm down, no dividends to think about, and it fluctuates by 20% a year almost like a clock. Sold 97 at 466.10 and just bought 102 at 442.8
  8. In two weeks the family will be embarking on a grand European adventure. Over 5 weeks we will be visiting Paris, Zurich, Salzburg, Munich, The dolomites, Venice, Florence and then flying into Barcelona and finally down to Andalucía to sit in the Sun and rest after a hectic schedule. I cant wait to visit the beer halls of Munich, its always been on my to do list. We are also taking a glass roofed train through Switzerland and I cant wait. I'm taking my daughter to a champions league game in Salzburg vs Athletic Madrid as well. Lots of bucket list stuff this time around and I'm really happy to drag my kids along for the ride. We will be doing some basic history lessons the whole time and of course leaning a few phrases in French, German, Italian and Spanish.
  9. I have been in the winter and it is great. In the summer it is way to hot for me personally. As far as an adult destination I would say no, with the caveat that its not Orlando by any means. Malaga is a working city and yes there are many tourists but it is not really a destination for kids specifically.
  10. That was me!! And I was explaining what my mindset was at the time. I was scared, I was really upset about loosing all my money plus a bit of borrowed money too. I was 23 and I was back to Zero. In 2012 the time was perfect to invest but all my "research" pointed to more trouble. My way of telling Blake how hard it is to combine macro with market performance.
  11. Lol yes I was sorry to see that my rare coins were not really at all. The EBay scammers sure did get me excited though!
  12. The chart you posted is very flawed, homes have increased in size, complexity, regulation and quality ( insulated windows, metal fasteners etc) The average salary thing is skewed as well since the era that the chart begins with was very different. Many people were big company salary men, now we live in the gig economy and the ones on salary are now at a disadvantage.
  13. Somewhat, Id say more in building services now. Started as a shitty architect and worked for a custom home builder who realized I had a real talent for woodworking, I went out on my own as trim carpenter doing crown moulding, custom bookshelves, coffered ceilings etc and did very well. Started to resent my customers so moved into landscape and apartment building maintenance, that morphed into doing power washing and painting. That's basically where I am now but commercial only. I am on my 4th micro company and this is where I plan to stay for good.
  14. Yes I realized quite quickly not to clean in any way, also and unfortunately the crackpots on Ebay are not the way to value them. The rare coins I though we had turned out to be fairly common. I'm keeping them anyway since anything that reminds me of my dad is a must keep for me. The old coins he had, an 1825 4 maravedi, a few Pesetas from 1883 and 1901 are also really neat. There are a few coins that may have some collector value but i'm not totally sure. This may end up becoming a rabbit hole for me as it has all the components of something that interests me. Money, history and research.
  15. I must disagree here. What a lot of people see and sadly compare themselves to is extraordinary wealth or extraordinary amounts of debt consumption. By seeing this they feel poor or disenfranchised. Take a step back and really think how much money you actually want. I personally want to spend around 200,000 CAD per year (2025 money) I can go a a few amazing trips, keep my kids in hockey, not think about money at all, pay by bills, pay my mortgage and save 40k per year for investments. As a small business owner at favorable tax rate I need about 300K in profit to do that. Its honestly fairly easy if your willing to work hard and find a niche. Once I decide to take it a bit easier I will have built up a large enough portfolio to get about half my yearly spend from the investments and that will happen around the same time as I pay off my mortgage. Voila at 50 or in 10 years I should be free of absolutely necessary work. That sounds pretty rich to me however I doubt anyone will be drooling over my life on instagram. If I was 22 today I would set myself on this path asap, dont worry about the market, the national debt or the current administration. Just worry about how to build a successful business in a needed industry and for the love of all things marry the right girl!!!!!
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