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Everything posted by indirect

  1. Yes. 100% agreed. They have a unique technology, film base, different PN junction that they are able to scale and have many many factories in USA and in Asia ex China. They will be standing in any fallout and will make money. Only question is should I buy now or wait until it goes down to 150.
  2. No trolling intended. Core is something I am looking at in energy sector.
  3. Let me give you a example, very moaty oil service company, Core Labs, dividend down to $.01.
  4. Has any of our European friends buying BRK in euro in the stock exchanges there? what has been your experience with liquidity, spreads and fees? Thank you in advance.
  5. If you read Indian press reports, he was not able to go thro block buy of KRBL.
  6. Sorry to hear about your messy divorce. Happy to help you anyway I can. Send you a PM.
  7. +1
  8. S&P 500 put premiums are so expensive, while calls are so inexpensive, that it is possible to make an extraordinary wager that equities will rally sharply over the next three months. Selling just one three-month S&P 500 put with a strike price 5% below the market is enough to buy eight S&P 500 calls with identical expirations that are 5% above the market. The funding ratio of puts to calls is at a 10-year high, according to Mandy Xu, a Credit Suisse derivatives strategist. Over the past decade, the average ratio was 2.3 calls for every put. The current setup is either a great trade or a recipe for extraordinary losses. But if you believe the next three months will be strong—and a reader recently emailed that “if” is one of the smallest words in the dictionary, but has the most meaning—getting potentially free upside in return for taking on the risk of a 5% decline is attractive. From today’s Barrons I wonder what the board's thoughts are on this trade. I believe its a good contrarian bet, but not complete conviction.
  9. The Disruption of Transportation and the Collapse of the Internal-Combustion Vehicle and Oil Industries https://static1.squarespace.com/static/585c3439be65942f022bbf9b/t/591a2e4be6f2e1c13df930c5/1494888038959/RethinkX+Report_051517.pdf
  10. If you look at the long term trend of productivity, it is increasing (low or high rate does not matter). So unless we have thermonuclear WW III, my working theory is that we will continue to have higher productivity and society will be richer.
  11. I have met Benj at CoF&B dinner , nice guy and good long term record.
  12. http://www.barrons.com/articles/why-mohnish-pabrai-likes-gm-fiat-and-southwest-air-1481352344
  13. Italy referendum: PM Matteo Renzi suffers heavy defeat, exit polls suggest http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38204189
  14. I always sell my highest cost shares first. Schwab, etrade and IB lets you pick your lots for selling.
  15. http://www.livemint.com/Companies/lJU16MfCSb9VQG2EhphBMK/Prem-Watsas-Fairfax-gets-initial-approval-to-buy-Catholic-S.html
  16. My hedge was coal stocks which I hope will hold.
  17. Welcome back, bsilly. We miss your input on Fairfax.
  18. If you live long enough, you will get prostate cancer. 80 to 90 percent of older patients post mortem examination of prostate gland shows adenocarcinoma.
  19. I just read the linked article by muscleman. I agree that buzzfeed is not a reliable site, but fundamentally immigrants, legal or otherwise do not have the right to vote until you become citizens of the country.
  20. "A California state bill was just signed in to law by Gov. Jerry Brown, that will register and allow illegal aliens to vote in US Elections. The New Motor Voter Act (A.B.1461) that is now law in California, automatically registers residents of California to vote at the DMV. According to the law and a report by the Washington Times, “The New Motor Voter Act automatically registers to vote all eligible voters when they obtain or renew their drivers licenses at the Department of Motor Vehicles instead of requiring them to fill out a form.” Eligible is the operative word. This makes it easy to register to vote for people who are eligible. Illegal or legal immigrants are not eligible to vote. That is the fundamental difference between citizens and non citizens. You should know better as a immigrant.
  21. Mistake of Omission Prem bought Thomas Cook India at Rs. 60 for control from Thomas Cook UK and Mr. Market gave us multiple opportunities to buy in fifties at BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) for the next six months. As CM says, I was sucking my thumb. Prem made it clear in his letter to his shareholders that Thomas Cook will be his platform for more acquisitions in India. He then bought Ikya Global with it came Aijit Isaac. This was all before Fairfax India. I met him at the FFH Annual Meeting in Toronto next year and was very impressed with him. I will not make the same mistake again as I plan to buy Quess when it becomes reasonable.
  22. amazing speech by ken Burns
  23. Yes, Craig's interview is very honest, educational and refreshing.
  24. His avg on Fiat is between 4 and 5 euro
  25. Eric is right, however, what is the investment angle? Almonds are difficult crop to grow and requires class A soil and class A water (Fed subsidized water rights), unlike pistachio or alfalfa. They also need soluble fertilizer which is made by Kerley, growing gangbusters and opening a second new plant in Hanford, CA. This stock was discussed by the board. Guess?
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