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Everything posted by DooDiligence

  1. He'll need to fill one of these out... Hurt_Feelings_Report.PDF
  2. I agree; I've been trying every search term I can think of & don't get too many leads out of Google. Any tips for finding these type of companies?
  3. I read the Outsiders a few months back & loved the idea that a guy like Henry Singletary would view dealing with analysts as a waste of time. This kind of attitude used to make me think that management was not "shareholder friendly" & now I see it as being potentially the very opposite (concentrate on running the business & the results will take care of the shareholders.) Do you guys have any current management teams you admire for getting things done while blowing off conference calls & guidance?
  4. It's all good (I sometimes react inappropriately & then wiser individuals nudge me towards the middle path...) I agree with your opinion of COBF participants & hope to improve myself by association.
  5. LOL, basically me and Doo are just boring nice guys I didn't accuse you of being nice or boring. I prefer "misguided". Guilty as charged...
  6. LOL, basically me and Doo are just boring nice guys I'm feeling a lot of love here & will do my best to remain worthy! Now if I could just get as intelligent as you guys & actually contribute a valuable idea here instead of just color comentary (maybe then I could stop being boring...)
  7. You are welcome, but not too welcome. ;D
  8. I think there are a lot of us. We are lacking a party to represent us. Libertarian. Then I am not adequately describing myself with the terms socially liberal & fiscally conservative. That is because you probably mean: Socially liberal, but not too socially liberal, & fiscally conservative, but not too fiscally conservative. I believe the term is moderate. That's the nicest thing I've been called recently - thanks...
  9. Although I despise the Donald I do hope he accomplishes some gratuitous cuts (I'm socially liberal & fiscally conservative & am trying to reconcile the two...) I also rather liked his Taiwan thingy.
  10. I sell when: 1) I find a better risk / reward (most of what I sold this year went into real estate.) 2) I need the money (no sales for #2 yet.) 3) The business no longer looks attractive to me or I discover that I don't understand it as well as I should (sold Polaris because I think competitors are getting much better while Polaris gets worse.)
  11. I don't know, but I do know that doing something and tweeting about it are quite different things. True enough, Obama said he was going to end Bush's wars (and was given a Nobel Prize just for saying it) yet expanded the number of bombings massively, as well as the number of countries being bombed. There is a huge difference between saying you are going to do something and actually doing it, but Trump can't do anything yet. When he says he is going to do something liberals hate everyone acts as if it is a done deal and he has already done it, when he says he's going to do something good, like cut spending, he's criticized because he hasn't done it yet (even though he isn't in office). Is there anything this guy could do or say that you'd be ok with? Yes; he could say this was all just a publicity stunt & he's stepping down before the inaugeration...
  12. Waiting with baited breath & a bag full of cash...
  13. Gold plated toilets & 18th century French furniture...
  14. Additional shares were issued by BHE to Berkshire due to the additional capital invested along the way, so per share comparisons are quite valid. Still BHE doesn't pay a dividend to BRK and plows all earnings back. That's basically still a lot of capital being dropped in but gets you better PR. This seems like a huge advantage for them over other utlilities. What do you think the effect will be on the competitive landscape & will capital allocation change for other utilities?
  15. Who knows; maybe trickle down will work this time...
  16. I see Austria stayed the course this weekend. Maybe, just maybe, voters everywhere else are looking at the US muckety-muck, and realize that each of them as individuals can elect a creep, by accident. Speaking of Italian creeps; did Trump & Berlusconi ever hang out togeather?
  17. James Cameron, Neil Young, Frank Gehry, Brian Adams & never ever forget Leonard Cohen... Aaaaaand, Cooo oo coo coo, coo coo coo coo (SCTV anyone?!?)
  18. I disagree slightly. Theon had a hard path, but made a the wrong decision out of pride, and that proved his downfall. Theon was raised by Ned. He had more than a decade to learn what it is to be a good person. He had the chance to throw off his dad's influence and his nation's culture. But Theon's pride, his unwillingness to simply be Rob's trusted advisor, enabled his family to bait him into reverting to Greyjoy norms. That's not to say that cutting yourself off from your birth family, your culture, and your birthright over a point of principle would be easy. Heck, all the Libertarians on this board believe fervently in their beliefs, yet none of them has yet moved to Mogadishu despite it being the closest thing on earth to the Libertarian ideal. I'm merely saying that a choice did exist for Theon, even if it was a nearly impossible choice for him to make. And yeah, Joffrey was a douche. You're right! I love books & films with these kind of characters. At first I loved Walter & couldn't stand Jessie (Breaking Bad) & then they flipped the script (I'm so easily manipulated...)
  19. Good point. And to be fair, I did learn (or perhaps remember) a couple interesting things from the whole Theon thing. Even if you wish the worst upon a character, when the worst happens, you find out it isn't at all what you want. And, a character might seem completely irredeemable one moment, yet turn completely sympathetic the next. Theon got a raw deal (I feel like he never got a chance to be a decent guy.) Joffrey, on the other hand, deserved Theons pain (he had all the opportunities & chose to be a douche...)
  20. Before you showed up on this thread we were merely discussing things. If you were my child, you'd be pouting in a corner right now (come to think of it you probably are...)
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