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Everything posted by DooDiligence

  1. "a rut ain't nuthin but a grave with both ends kicked out" - ZZ
  2. Fiscal conservative & Ayn Rand (as Greenspan learned, the 2 have very little in common...) The only thing she did worth reading was Anthem
  3. I feel compelled to feed the trolls too (gonna work on that - in another 5 or 10 posts...) Thou art admin
  4. Lest we all forget the motivation of the OP (that'd be me) for starting this sexist (yet definitely not misogynistic) thread. BTW the last part of the quote doesn't apply to you Scott (BTBTW your obvious intelligence & bare naked candor qualify you as the ONLY troll I'd ever actually defend in his right to exist "under the bridge.")
  5. Gimme a break! You're fishing for a reaction. I'll bet when you were a kid you got the shit kicked out of you on a daily basis...
  6. DooDiligence, Have to learn from the history. Look at the way the Spaniards approached the conquest. Rape, pillage and plunder. Yes you can conquer the population but its hard to control and scale because of the constant resistance. On the other hand the British let the colonies live their way of life but savagely attacked their ideology and belief system and they were able to conquer the world with such a little effort. BTW your attempt to defuse the tension by way of humor on every thread is refreshing. Thanks for that bit of history & your appreciation of the refreshments...
  7. He can be led by his ego & he's not intelligent enough to see where the path winds up! valcont you're an evil genius...
  8. That's the Donalds preference. I go for the dark & lovelies...
  9. But they are not going to be any better off. They are going to be worse off, if the new government enacts protectionism. Rust belt jobs as they were are not coming back anywhere on Earth. I think we can all agree on that. Now if your new pres. and congress can think forward and: - get good affordable education for his voters - get good affordable health care for same. - help out with modern infrastructure (nationwide free wifi, not roads and bridges) - assist the private sector - jump start in a huge way renewable energy conversion. Their lot might improve. But hes not going to do that is he. He, and his aides are going to get really quickly mired in scandals that make your last few governments look downright pristine. Thats because he is what he is... a con artist and a scammer. At 70 years old he isn't going to change suddenly, is he? Infrastructure means golf courses!
  10. How about a stockpile of Yen. JPY.USD is up 3%. Hooray for yen! I have a yen for Chinese food (wait that's the renminbi...) Now I'm confused. Hey isn't that Seema Modi one hot number?!?
  11. It's been years since I had CNBC or BNN (Canadian) on at all. But that right there is reason enough to watch it on mute. ;D I work offshore & towards the end of a hitch I catch a little entertainment via TV (CNBC amuses me & Seema Mody is smokin') I don't put it on mute because I like to pretend she's actually talking to me. A mariners life can be lonely for long stretches... The idea behind this thread was to try & divert all the political roid rage to something more appealing because let's face it, no matter what happens in politics, we're all gonna continue getting laid (notice how I cleverly said "laid" instead of F-ed?) (Alas, you've all seen through my plan & chosen anger over breastesses...)
  12. Pretty insulting comment you've made there. If you're involved in manufacturing in America's rustbelt, you have probably lost your job or seen a decline in benefits and wages. You've watched the hollowing out of America's manufacturing base by successive generations of Republican and Democrat governments over the past few decades. This free trade, lassiez faire doctrine has been economic mantra since the days of Reagan. Sure, you've seen the benefits of cheap imported goods, but the devastation reaped on middle America has hit the rustbelt hard. When you look at living standards, particularly in the rust belt, they've gone nowhere since the financial crash. As a corollary, you see corporations and the 1% growing fatter and fatter off the inflated assets prices driven by QE. Is it any wonder people are fed up with the disparity in wealth that has only widened through Democratic government? The first person who has drawn a line in the sand and said enough is enough has been Donald Trump. You can debate the merits of free market economics or protectionism if you want. The reality for the electorate is that if they're suffering, they won't care. They just want someone to come in and improve their lot. Therefore, I think to label struggling people as "jackasses" shows an incredible lack of hubris. Whether you're in Europe or the US, people on this forum who manage capital (whether their own or others) have seen huge benefits from economic/monetary policies of the last decade. We should be pragmatic enough to realise that we live in a democratic system, and we can't simply continue to reap a windfall while others out there are suffering. For the record, I am not suggesting that Trump is the man who can help make change for middle America. I think he is just a reaction to a Democratic party that has completely lost its way, a party that should never have gotten into bed with the big investment banks, hedge funds, etc. To suggest that more than half the US population (who elected Trump) is struggling is ludicrous... Basically a whole lot of sheep were told they weren't prosperous & they believed it because we are, after all, entitled to more!!!
  13. ...and remember folks; if you can't forecast well, forecast often!
  14. Just goes to show that hatred & divisiveness are truly alive & well in the good old USA (you'd think being fat, dumb & happy would make us all, well, happy but apparently not...) The sheep have spoken & now they'll graze where they're told. On a positive note; I am loaded down with cash!
  15. And yet Trump succeded with that very strategy (of course you COULD say he reached out but that would be a stretch...)
  16. Awwwww c'mon - she's really the ONLY reason I ever watch CNBC...
  17. In the interest of yanking the forum back towards value, I thought I'd bring this up!
  18. I don't believe he's intelligent enough to navigate the landscape. Nor is he humble enough to surround himself with those who are. I predict more golf courses with seriously discounted values on city/county tax rolls...
  19. Blessed are they who have a stockpile of cash!
  20. That's a dubious assumption from someone who just returned from Vegas & relies on Value Line. A quick read of Warren Buffets Ground Rules & then a long study of Graham & Dodd might change your opinion on some of the ideas here. H DooDiligence, Perhaps I should of phrased it as some are gambling. There are all types of investors and speculators. You can dig into what Buffett, Munger and Graham have said about gambling/speculating in the stock market. I'm currently reading Graham & Dodd & am actually on that exact chapter. Sorry if my post was a bit, well, dickish...
  21. Hopefully this is just symptomatic of all the angst & anger that's been getting spewed on the US presidential election thread (it's starting to resemble the Yahoo Finance forums.) Personally I wish it would all disappear tomorrow & everyone can go back to being rational & restrained...
  22. Thanks (I hope you meant it Doo......) So back to the original topic, yesterday's 2-3% rise in the US market shows how the market is deeply worried about the choice of prez.... I am not saying the market is all-knowing or that it is pricing the market efficiently. But investors are telling you what they think with their actions........ Absolutely (on both counts!)
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