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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Yea........I think its for sure pushing new grounds to now hold brokerage firms responsible for people of legal age, speculating on things they may or may not be knowledgable about. The era of the "no fault" individual because of the "greedy" corporation is underway...but if we are already at the point where gamblers arent responsible for their actions...then we are indeed in deep doo doo. This is irrespective of the tragedy involving the 20 year old.
  2. He seems to do this a lot. I find the the people who call crashes every 6 months have a perfect record in terms of having "called" all the previous ones. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704905604575027602834843606
  3. And, despite sad stories like this, and much of the country in shambles financially, we still haven't "mustered up" the courage to demand even basic, entry level financial literacy courses for our high school students....nah, we need all those important schedule blocks for study hall, literature, and photography...
  4. MSGE, ESRT, INFO, bought and then sold some MDXG.
  5. That's interesting. I think this is the first time I've "met" someone who thinks it's fine to fly both the ISIS flag and the Nazi flag. I am a fan of protecting peoples rights and freedoms afforded to them by the constitution. Peoples rights should not change like stock prices based on the flavor of the month or the rotation of parties in power. They should be unassailable and without question. I really dont care about the flag issue. Like, in the course of things that are important in my life, saying its not even on the radar would still be giving it too much priority. If all flags are banned I would get by just fine, and if anyone was allowed to display any flag they wanted, I wouldn't care either. I just think its worth noting how fundamentally hypocritical a lot of people are. I mean, was there just, for the past few years, this massive deal made by some about how taking a knee was fine because "the flag doesnt mean to you what it means to me"? And now, many of those same people are claiming that, "this is what the flag means to me so thats what it has to mean to you"! At the end of the day, if we are consistent, let people fly whatever flag they want, no different than how we can also let Twitter ban or modify content from whoever they want, bakeries can chose to sell cakes to whomever they want, and Sanjeev can choose who gets to be a part of CoBF. From there, society, and the laws of supply and demand will determine the viability of those behaviors, and if, a for profit organization(arguable in Twitters case), people can vote "this is unacceptable" and give the proverbial thumbs down by choosing to take their business elsewhere. Interesting perspective--I think it is consistent. I really like that you're owning the idea, and not backing down just because the consequences are pretty nauseating. It is absurd to blatantly pander to hypocrisy and crybabies. Often, many of those who are "offended" do not represent the masses; they just scream loudest(Example being the Washington Redskins. If Redskin was offensive enough to most, there would be no ticket and/or merchandise sales, players wouldn't play for them, etc and they would be forced to change the name). Should your constitutionally guaranteed rights, be subject to the whims of random people and whether or not they claim to be "offended"? Especially when, in some cases, the issue comes down to something that on a fundamental basis, everyone else is allowed to do, but YOU(IE put up a piece of cloth of your choosing)? There was a time when a rainbow flag was highly "offensive" to large portions of the population. Over time, society has advanced greatly, and made tremendous progress, even in many old school institutions such as churches. Why? Because there is a great power in the effectiveness of societal values. It's function is actually very similar to the market adage of "short term voting machine, long term weighing machine"....typically, at least so far historically, we end up getting things right. Bad/unacceptable behaviors tend to get marginalized on their own. If people cant defend their positions, or the consequences of them, more often than not they are forced to conclude that the position is not worth having. Again, much like an investment.
  6. That's interesting. I think this is the first time I've "met" someone who thinks it's fine to fly both the ISIS flag and the Nazi flag. I am a fan of protecting peoples rights and freedoms afforded to them by the constitution. Peoples rights should not change like stock prices based on the flavor of the month or the rotation of parties in power. They should be unassailable and without question. I really dont care about the flag issue. Like, in the course of things that are important in my life, saying its not even on the radar would still be giving it too much priority. If all flags are banned I would get by just fine, and if anyone was allowed to display any flag they wanted, I wouldn't care either. I just think its worth noting how fundamentally hypocritical a lot of people are. I mean, was there just, for the past few years, this massive deal made by some about how taking a knee was fine because "the flag doesnt mean to you what it means to me"? And now, many of those same people are claiming that, "this is what the flag means to me so thats what it has to mean to you"! At the end of the day, if we are consistent, let people fly whatever flag they want, no different than how we can also let Twitter ban or modify content from whoever they want, bakeries can chose to sell cakes to whomever they want, and Sanjeev can choose who gets to be a part of CoBF. From there, society, and the laws of supply and demand will determine the viability of those behaviors, and if, a for profit organization(arguable in Twitters case), people can vote "this is unacceptable" and give the proverbial thumbs down by choosing to take their business elsewhere.
  7. Probably somewhat trolling. I am afraid that liberals are going to ban anything they don't like as "hate speech" though. As I pointed above, banning flags of traitors and groups that committed atrocities are quite common and not brought to you be raving "libruls". Yes, but that's only because the union won. If the confederacy had won, we would be the "traitors." Indeed, if the Nazis would have won WWII, they would calling our side for the "atrocities" too. Eh thats a bad argument. As you know, a moral compass is not guided by who wins. That said, a flag is a piece of cloth. It means different things to different people. We've seen this in many instances, for a long time. Even down to gangbangers shooting people up over disrespecting their flag/colors. As I mentioned, to many folks in the south, its just a symbol of southern pride. Greg, I am sorry for calling you the r-word. Here is a picture of some proud southerners enjoying their BBQ, whiskey, guns, and country music in the good old days of American greatness. Im just filling people in on some of the cultural perspective. Ive never flown a flag in my life and think they are essentially what the religious zealots call, false idols. I lived in Florida for a bit and its definitely something many people, of varying races incorporate into their lives. Bumper stickers, hats, bandanas, etc. This was about a decade ago, so perhaps thats all changed. But again, to just blindly associate it with slavery and hate ignores the perspectives of many of the folks down there and where they are coming from.
  8. Well, back before everything become racist, the confederate flag was often viewed by people as a sign of southern pride. Synonymous with barbecues, whiskey, guns, and country music. Nothing more, nothing less. But again, this is before the dictators in the coastal cities decided they were unbridled endorsements of slavery and sought to both ban the flag, and ruin the lives of anyone who contested their idea of what the flagged represented.
  9. Parsad, let's keep this on topic! The official stance is that we are going to allow Greg to repeatedly call black people savages. I've expressed my moral outrage. Let's move on. That is not what happened. No need to be a liar because you got called out. ERICOPOLY posted a CNN article covering protestors who were described as "angry". But what these people were doing fell into the category of assault, looting, arson, vandalism, and several other serious crimes and just in general, boorish behavior. I described them(the protesters doing these things) as savages. You turned it into a race thing. Surprise, surprise. I even pointed out to you, that it was ignorant to assume they were all black, because there were people of many races doing these things.
  10. Well, he's going to hold his stupid rallies, and if that causes some massive outbreak, he will likely be held accountable in November. If it again turns out to be another case of the boy who cried wolf, well, voters will likely see that also.
  11. Greg, I don't need a thesaurus to know you are a racist. But just so are fully aware of how racist this word is: "'This word is our N-word': Indigenous teacher asks Urban Planet to drop racial slur" https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/offensive-term-remove-urban-planet-1.5305540 Wow - now Greg is a racist. This after he is an anti-Semite. Nicely done KC. Unfortunately Greg - you are feeling the Bitter Hostility of the LEFT. When they tire of debate - they resort to call their opponents racist, homophobe, or religious bigot to shut you up and discredit you. Don't let it bother you. It's the standard tactic of the LEFT. Once you see the game they play for what it is, there is nothing they can call you that bothers you. Although I will admit, the anti-Semite thing was rather funny. I am still waiting for Pauly to explain if its possible for a Jew to be anti Semitic. Although it does touch my heart that he was offended for all of us! Theres a certain irony to going through life labelling and grouping people together in the name of equality. Personally, I prefer to just view people as people and like/dislike them based on the content of their character.
  12. Greg, I don't need a thesaurus to know you are a racist. But just so are fully aware of how racist this word is: "'This word is our N-word': Indigenous teacher asks Urban Planet to drop racial slur" https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/offensive-term-remove-urban-planet-1.5305540 Classic. RACIST! he cries. The Washington Redskins is also offensive to some. Perhaps stop being offended by everything, and for everyone, all the time. I at first was puzzled by this, but then came to the conclusion it is by design. This need, in the identity politics playbook, to brand everyone as some sort of bigot. But its stupid and once you understand the game these tactics literally have zero effect anymore. There really isn't anything anyone could say to me that would offend me. Being "offended" is a waste of time and energy. I cant imagine going through life taking issue with so many things. Just live your life however you want, treat others the way you want to be treated. Simple enough. Of course though, as so many like KC fall for it, the system hinges on disruption and having "racism" rampant, keeps people tied to the strings of the apron and allows the puppet masters to continue on. In order to solve real problems, you need to get beyond the headline fodder and "labels". I mean how stupid is it that in order to protest police brutality towards the AA community, their solution is to go out and do things that mandate the presence of police officers and even in many cases warrant their physical intervention? Its asinine when put like that. Further inquiries, especially with regard to race, actually point to poverty and economic duress as the main drivers that create structural and systematic hindrances. This of course effects various races differently, but believe me, I have a number of friends(whom happen to be African American), and the notion that their skin color means they had to "overcome" something to get where they are(successful and wealthy), drives them nuts. So does the notion that they benefited from some sort of race related special treatment. Its condescending and viewed as disrespectful to their families that raised them the right way and the communities they grew up in. Its the same reason many in the South Florida Latino community are disgusted by illegal immigrants. It creates distraction and brings about negative implications for those that did things the right way. American continues to provide fertile ground for people of all races to vastly improve their lives, as long as you get off your ass and fight for it. Crying "racism" has basically just become a crutch and if you cant see its counterproductive, then I dont know what to tell you. Go out and hustle rather than automatically claiming you didn't get the job because the guy hiring was a bigot and now rather than look for one you want to post about it on Twitter.. The issue we've just seen, may have threads of race involved, but the overwhelming issue is lack of accountability for officers and a bully culture and an us vs them mentality rather than "protect and serve". But you'll never get to have those meaningful discussion if you keep on thinking that things just randomly happen to you because you're (insert race here) and the whole world is out to get you. Theres probably even reasonable evidence that the constant "race" stuff is divisive in its very nature. As human beings, everyone should look out for each other and its odd that to many, the answers to issues of inequality is to treat people differently!
  13. Yes, there was a point when one must be concerned and start taking this seriously. We dont just start hoarding sanitizer and wearing face masks everywhere for no reason. That is abundant proof there is "concern". Throughout history, we have had things like this pop up. No different than a volcano or earthquake, except that there are actually measures you can take to improve your chances. No one is saying those things shouldn't be done. However what unfolded in March and April was extraordinarily over the top, and as evidenced here and many other places, politics was the main driver of that. Not really concern for those who were sick or those who lose their livelihoods... I never made any claim that the "country is doing such a great job". Each country faces its own unique circumstances and has its own cultural issues to deal with. The numbers really arent that different than what the flu would look like if there was no vaccine. This has been covered many times. Its just so strange, although not surprising, why you seem to have an infatuation with putting everything on one person(POTUS) when the results of a country as unique as this one, literally rely on hundreds, maybe even thousands, of agencies and officials working together, both dependently and independently of each other. Its also really bizarre all the outrage some here had at college kids partying or states reopening, but now little to no concern about hoards of protesters everywhere.
  14. Yes! Everyone who isn't hiding under a table in their basement is part of the problem....LOL. Just like how the word "savage" being used to describe violent, looting protesters(many times over, documented in the media as being of a variety of skin colors, even whites!) is racist and in need of issuing an apology! You really hit the nail on the head KCLarkin. Please let me know what other words you commander from Mariam Webster and throw in your big, blue, liberal bucket of racist words. Jeez, it never ends.
  15. Its amazing, if you dare use that same logic and apply it to other situations....IDK, perhaps tangentially relating to so called "police brutality" its met with denouncement and cries of racism. But anyway, yea. I guess when you dont officially set goal posts you can constantly shift them. People unfortunately die. This is part of life. I wish this wasn't the case, but it is. You arent griping about car accidents..totally avoidable. Cancer kills tons of people. We haver a pandemic. A virus with no vaccine yet. This stuff is inevitable. Its just amusing how you want to throw it all on the President when its consistently been blue city government officials leading with way with case/death counts. I mean, Trump sure fucked up with his NYC nursing home call! And I bet when its all said and done there is ample evidence to support the notion that more lives were destroyed by overzealous governments who thought it wise to destroy their local economies and unconstitutionally force their small businesses to shut down while letting people choose between Wal-Mart and Amazon for all their daily needs... So yes, I think its clear things needed to be minimized quite a bit, down just a notch from "extinction level event".
  16. LOL yea, sure. Nothing at all to do with the political narrative being significantly less appealing given the way this has played out.... CoBF, an investment website, deserves a little more than hysteria, fear mongering, and OMG sell everything during times of market chaos, or so one would think. There was no bigger cheerleader of all those things than you, Dalal.
  17. Off topic & especially for Greg: Is it time to post a huge congratulations to you? [ ; - D] Haha. I continue to be impressed by you, John. But to answer your question, not yet. September/October the "third wave" arrives.
  18. Of course it needs to be minimized....everybody with a voice just spent 3 months maximizing it! Yes, sadly this is a virus we dont have a cure for or from the get go, knew little about. So yes, older people and those with underlying conditions are going to die. However, at the same time, we just saw governments destroy their economies, murder peoples small businesses, and talk about sensational bullshit including "extinction level" events. The reckless kids on spring break were supposed to spread this everywhere...didnt happen. Georgia was supposed to be the new Italy, no wait, Florida was, you know, with all the old people. All for what? People who had knowledge, like orthopa, from day one had this pegged correctly. Yet arrogantly, and driven by political motives, know nothings just screamed louder and here, disparaged those who suggested things different than their narratives told them. The only "new Italy" turns out to be NYC. Pretty much ALL of the major hotspots turn out to be liberal hubs. Yet still, you want to blame this on "the Trump administration"... its pathetic. The only silver lining, is that because of all this bullshit, propaganda, and zombie apocalypse porn, some got to buy stocks at obscene valuations and make vast sums is relatively short order. But geez, for folks who claimed "millions" would die, it is quite the rearranging of goal posts to now claim "oh 100k died because the administration did such a poor job"(again, when most of the deaths occurred in liberal cesspool cities).... well, except for Dalal, who implied all this disaster but refused to ever make projection or commit to anything.
  19. I mean did everyone forget about the crisis that was unfolding because of all the horribly irresponsible spring breakers partying? Or the humanitarian crisis in NOLA because of Mardi Gras. So much of this "crisis" has been media fueled nonsense that it unfortunately takes away from the seriousness of it in other respects; such as protecting senior citizens and at risk...an area that has been horribly handled, but mysteriously gets very little coverage.
  20. I mean if you go back to January and February, even early March, it was here, and people were fine, economy was strong.....This has largely been a man made circus heavily influenced by political biases. For most of the population, this is no worse than the flu. Yet you have people now with PTSD. I was out on the boat the other day and saw a couple, sunbathing on their personal property dock, wearing facemasks to go with bathing suits, even though nobody was within 500 ft! Pure insanity. Testing helps, sure. But when people get too scrupulous with creating stories from the numbers...thats the problem and what I'd imagine was Trumps point. I mean we're again seeing "SOARING CASES IN FLORIDA" blasted everywhere. I then go look at the data and its two freakin thousand people and most are in Miami-Dade Broward.... big whoop. "TEXAS ON THE BRINK OF DISASTER"... 1100 cases. Georgia was supposed to go to hell in a hand basket because they bucked all the advice of the pundits and "irresponsibly" opened way too early. Despite this, 52k total cases, 800 a day. Get a slight uptick? The fear-mongering starts in again. Its clear what the agenda is.
  21. https://www.ft.com/content/6bd17811-3205-454e-89e4-953dce6b4dfe So their "employee only" fund does 60% a year...but their "rest of the people" fund, does this... https://www.ft.com/content/6bd17811-3205-454e-89e4-953dce6b4dfe
  22. With several vaccine candidates stating it could be ready by September, I think these instances are less concerning than the ones a couple months ago. Passing time here is the important thing. Slowing the pace of spread. The areas will likely fluctuate, but the key thing is that A LOT of the US is naturally distanced. Many of the suburbs. Honing in on specific areas and activities for another 3-4 months is a lot easier and more defined a course of action than whatever the fuck it was everyone was guessing we do back in February and March. This is partially why I think the coastal states have purposely dragged their feet opening. Killing another week or two before roll out buys you a lot more than another week or two of time, if that makes sense.
  23. It will be curious to see how these play out. I dont think any of these red states will go full shutdown over a few thousand cases a day or whatever. But I would imagine this would effect people mentally and as we ve seen the corporations who probably are acting out of 1) genuine concern and 2) not wanting the liability/blood on their hands; so they err on the side of caution such as SBUX did with many of its drive through location and what most corporate offices are currently doing. As with most socially responsible acts, this will obviously have a cost, which will be bore by shareholders as their allocation of the profits dwindles and in some cases, their per share ownership gets diluted. I'm also eagerly anticipating seeing everyone who missed the massive rally get excited and say "see! I was right to be in cash", after a 10-20% retreat. Which I will buy again. And others will probably completely miss. Maybe Buffett gets a mulligan. I agree about the psychology of the trading range as others have said. I dont see the recent highs being eclipsed for a while. So play the ranges.
  24. shorted some AAL, and added to PINE, F shorts
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