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Everything posted by mbreject

  1. Since you own the ISBN, consider loading the paperback to IngramSpark using the same ISBN. (Just make sure expanded distribution is turned off for your KDP print book. If it was ever turned on, you might have to ask Amazon to "release" it.) This will make your book available to libraries and bookstores. Then give a discount on Ingram (maybe 35-40% and turn off returns.) You might have to resize the cover to Ingram's specifications.
  2. Things have changed since my post. You no longer need to send in physical copy of your book if you publish a paperback. Also, in the future, don't buy ISBN's if you're not going to publish a paperback. The only reason to buy an ISBN right now is to maximize profits when you publish on both KDP and Ingram using the same number. (It's free to publish paperbacks on either one, but it gets hard to manage if you use the free ISBN.)
  3. An amazing investor and philanthropist - RIP
  4. Has anyone here traded SPX options on IB recently, like in the past 5 years or so? If so, was your experience good/uneventful? I read about IB liquidating some legs on an SPX box spread a long time ago and am hoping that they've fixed whatever glitch they had.
  5. FWIR, Duracell lasts a little longer than Kirkland, but the difference is so small that it makes more sense to buy Kirkland.
  6. I've never tried them, but maybe try 301 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasadena or 915 E First St, LA?
  7. Ugh. Yeah. When I first moved over to IB, it was cheaper and now the rates are the same.
  8. Damn. Now I feel stupid for moving my account lol Thanks for the info!
  9. I think Fidelity and Schwab allow spreads in IRAs.
  10. Do you have to renew your discount with Schwab every year? They basically matched IBKR for me, but they were only willing to guarantee the rate for a year. Merrill will negotiate if you do at least 100k. It's 2-3x IBKR's rates, but better than nothing. They don't consider IBKR a competitor so you need to show a statement or offer from another brokerage.
  11. Blumkin opened the new store because her family kicked her out of the first one. Iirc, she would bump into her employees with her wheelchair to get them moving. I never heard the smoking story before lol I like the story of Munger at the dmv. The person wanted medical records regarding his blindness. He didn't bring any, so he took out his glass eye and put it on the table.
  12. Gah. First, they get rid of the stretch ira and now he's eyeing the step-up basis?!
  13. It *might* be difficult to hire right now, since a ton of people are on unemployment and not many would willingly take the risk to bring the virus home to their loved ones. Just to give an example of how hard it might be - I was trying to negotiate a bill a few weeks ago and the person offered me a job.
  14. Same. I don't have prime, so Walmart's free 2 day shipping really helps. I also feel like the products are in better shape, because Walmart doesn't have as many 3rd party sellers and they're stricter on returns. But I have to admit, even without prime, my last 2 Amazon orders have all been delivered within 2 business days (whereas it used to be 10-14 days before.)
  15. *removed* made a mistake. He's still listed.
  16. $27k is actually pretty good for a family. My parents paid ~$35k a year (PPO, California) before my dad got Medicare. My mom's counting the days until she's 65 lol I think free health insurance for the unemployed is why a lot of people are unhappy about Obamacare. People like my parents saw a lot of their friends quitting their jobs to travel and getting free insurance while the people who kept their jobs had to keep paying for this crazy thing. Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of people think insurance is cheaper than it really is, because their employer subsidizes it. I'm very hopeful about this new company and hope they open it up to other people as well. A family insurance plan costs $27k per year? That could almost be the wage for an employee per year! When I was working as an attorney a couple years ago, the pay rate was $21/hour. Something has gotten seriously, seriously out of whack. A lot of people in America (not just fast food workers & clerks) just simply can't afford to pay that...not even close.
  17. Whoops - edited because I made a mistake. So our company's defined benefit plan is with a brokerage, but another company does the actual calculations/filings. (I wouldn't recommend going to a brokerage for the filings, because they charge a lot. For example, Schwab charges roughly double what our local person charges.) So in our case, we're in charge of our portfolio and the other company just tells us how much we have to put into the plan every year.
  18. I think he tried already. There was an article a few years ago about Warren befriending Truett when the latter was alive in the hopes of buying the chain.
  19. xco, now xcoo - stayed through the reverse split and sold when it went to the pink sheets thankfully, it was a small position =)
  20. main account +10%, with 60% cash ira account -7% w/ 68% cash - too much oil and energy
  21. I am an idiot for keeping this card for so long. I made a mistake in thinking that having the Sam's Club credit card was the only way to get the cashback or maybe they've changed the T&C's along the way, because it's not like that anymore. I'm just too lazy to drive to my local Sam's, but I have to do it soon before the check expires. My SYF Sam's club credit card has a crazy limit (monthly limit is like ~7x my annual purchase on the card.) It might be because it's a warehouse club card though (my Costco citi card's credit limit is also ridiculously high while my other citi card's limit is frustratingly low.) It's possible that Citi and SYF are doing this in hopes to retain the customers they got from AmEx and Discover, but maybe they're just that damn predatory. Gah. Hearing about the high APR's really make me appreciate AmEx's charge card model a lot more.
  22. Haven't looked into it, but as someone with a card, I assume that they really low costs. I can't talk with anyone no matter what I press. I'm going to close the card after I get redeem my Sam's club certificate.
  23. Traditional fiction publishers often give ~8% on print and ~25% net on ebooks. (And they get 50-70% of the list price.) Agents usually get 15% if you have one. Amazon gives 70% - delivery fees on KDP for stuff that's priced $2.99-$9.99.
  24. Oh and don't forget to copyright if you self-publish (if trad-pubbed, the publisher will do it for you.) It costs $35 to register at https://copyright.gov/ If you have a paperback, you have to send them a copy of that as well. Copyright is free to register for Canadians, but I don't know where they go for that.
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