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formthirteen last won the day on January 23

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  1. ASML and CELH.
  2. Bought CELH and ASML. Sold FFH.TO. Last time I sold at 700 CAD. Better luck this time.
  3. This listed company could be a winner in Europe: Here's a photo of their headquarters:
  4. Is it true that "voda" is water in Russian?
  5. Make water vodka again! It all makes sense now: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/what-is-fluoride-why-is-it-added-us-water-supply-2024-11-25/
  6. Russia is coming for your tap water.
  7. Quarterback and Receiver on Netflix are both great.
  8. The solution from the ”Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action” — previously known as ”Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy” — is to give back 75% of the carbon tax to the company, but only to ”approx. 350 German companies facing very intense international competition”: https://www.bmwk-energiewende.de/EWD/Redaktion/EN/Newsletter/2024/01/Meldung/news5.html Let's check the statistics of RWE, one of the largest energy producers in Germany and Europe: This must be a really difficult problem to solve? I wonder who the beneficiaries of these policies are?
  9. No, the majority of people are not aware and the stock market knows it. One recent example is Northvolt: An EV-battery maker that raised $15 billion from investors including Goldman Sachs filed for bankruptcy protection after almost running out of cash https://news.yahoo.com/news/ev-battery-maker-raised-15-103725217.html Maybe China doesn't want to share their technology with the Europe: https://thedeepdive.ca/did-china-sabotage-northvolt-unraveling-the-crisis-behind-swedens-battery-giant/ The market knows something about China too:
  10. My thoughts exactly. Russia and China are simply testing the waters to see how weak the Western and Asian pipelines, cables, leadership, etc are. A simple strategy that has historically worked well in Europe and Asia. The weaker the leadership, the more pain they can inflict. History repeats.
  11. I'm afraid everything in life is a puzzle to some degree: Puzzles to laugh at
  12. Europe has nukes and weak leadership. I don't think nukes would help Europe in deterring an autocrat such as Xi or Putin from attacking or collaborating. Examples of weak leadership and the result: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c75lxypz7wqo Another example of a ”grave escalation” from 2016:
  13. …Von Neumann is an example of a superhuman who was able to understand bullshit complex language better than anyone, including bullshit generators AI:
  14. Yes, LLMs are perfect for making sense of intended and unintended bullshit (bureaucracy). If you don't know what I mean, here's a summary from ChatGPT (sorry): Here are a couple of examples: Humans need this nuanced signaling system to navigate complex social structures, classify others, and maintain hierarchy or cohesion within groups. This signaling system is bullshit. Only advanced humans and AI can learn to interpret and act according to the bullshit rules. To go beyond bullshit, you need superhuman capabilities or superhuman AI.
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