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Everything posted by valcont

  1. Not underestimating Falcons offense but I think their defense is overrated. They played well against Seahawks but they did terrible rest of the season and Rodgers is no Wilson. And don't forget Jordy Nelson will be back next week. As for the Dallas game, I think Elliot was way better piercing Packer's defense than Prescott but Elliot is a class running back. We'll see , the odds are equal here but Packers got the momentum imo.
  2. Yup that makes him better than Brady. Brady can't move too far from the centre but he is very precise. Rodgers can make his own plays. I didn't think Dallas had a chance but they came close. I am more impressed with Elliot than Prescott. In the end , the cows got slaughtered as they should be.
  3. Best game of this season so far. Rodgers is going to kick some Pats and Falcon's ass. Pure talent!! Go Packs Go.. Such a great weekend!! Been rhyming this song all morning:
  4. +1. That's a great explanation of negative effects of unbridled globalism and outsourcing. Trump is spot on immigration and foreign policy. His social policy is another matter and a distraction for this thread.
  5. 40% gross gain(that's what I selected here) because it includes wife's 401K in the target funds,child's 529 and cash for a new business venture. Money that I can't control. 70% gain on my retirement and our personal accounts.35% of that came just from FELP. Picasso, my brother , thanks for hand holding me on this trade. I would have gotten out on a double but I tripled down instead. The rest came from DLNG,OCN, NSM ,BAC.
  6. Cardboard, SIN , Thanks for the color.
  7. Could the sell off be related to the DC.PR.B being a rate reset compared to the floaters DC.PR.D? I can see the market expecting a premium on a floater if rates are going to increase. What's weird is if you look at both price charts, the D's were sold off last year around this time even though the interest rate picture was more or less the same.
  8. Moved into the GMP.PR.C which is the floater. I would prefer the Aimia or Dundee 5 year resets to the GMP.PR.B. Yeah I liked the VIC writeup about the Aimia preferreds and am thinking of buying some. Waiting for the rate increase next week to get a better USD/CDN rate.
  9. What do you guys think of GMP.PR.B now? Yielding 7% at $12.65. Came down quite a bit after they confirmed keeping the Richardson GMP so that catalyst is gone.
  10. I didn't vote for him but I am pleasantly surprised so far. Everything he's doing is music to my ears. He had confronted China and made clear he won't be a pushover so they better get the red carpet ready for him. He is questioning this mindless spending. $4B for a jet!!He is challenging the conservatives on infrastructure and fiscal policy. His carrot and stick policy about offshoring will confuse the heck out of the companies which is good. These companies/countries thought they nailed the process to rip the American taxpayers but he is giving them nightmares, I would love him to demand the protection money from the Europeans and get the heck out of Syria.
  11. Yeah right, If the populist movement for the worker's rights is clearing the "Left thing" then bring it on. Conservatism is in the dumps now. Open trade done. Immigration agenda gone. Defense will be cut. Infrastructure spending will go up. Trump ran to the left of Clinton and we are heading towards left from here my friend.
  12. He is just cloning the ass kissing that is going on in the hedge fund community after Trump got elected.
  13. "every human being has a right to their own life" Lets just stop here because the right hasn't even settled on this yet. I doubt if they include blacks,women or muslims and their leader has openly stated that. Let them get to that intellect level first and then we can read the rest.
  14. I think the only way for the right to act rationally is to not act at all. I thought 2008 taught them that but nope, we are back to square one. I would rather have a wannabe socialist than an irrational tyrant. This whole conservative ideology is repulsive at this point since it lacks any moral foundation and must go. How else can you explain the so called fiscal conservatives voting for a populist who ran left of Clinton?
  15. Oh oh looks like my strategy is taking shape here word by word (notice the coopt) http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/17/us/politics/democrats-house-senate.html?_r=0 " Senate Democrats’ Surprising Strategy: Trying to Align With Trump Congressional Democrats, divided and struggling for a path from the electoral wilderness, are constructing an agenda to align with many proposals of President-elect Donald J. Trump that put him at odds with his own party. Mr. Trump campaigned on some issues that Democrats have long championed and Republicans resisted: spending more on roads, bridges and rail, punishing American companies that move jobs overseas, ending a lucrative tax break for hedge fund and private equity titans, and making paid maternity leave mandatory.Some Democrats are even co-opting Mr. Trump’s language from the campaign. Every single person in our caucus agrees the system is rigged, said Senator Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan. Still, there will be areas of bright-line disagreement. Democrats are speaking out against Mr. Trump’s appointment of Stephen K. Bannon as his chief strategist, and will oppose his promised tax cuts for the wealthy and his vow to deport millions of illegal immigrants." If Dems can execute this perfectly ,we would have a single payer aka socialized medicine, free college,complete rejection of conservative ideology and the government bigger than the size of Trump's ego . And 2020 election will be fought on who is more populist than the other.
  16. Some really good ones. Here are my favorite: "The phoney [sic] electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!" "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!" -- DJT in 2012
  17. Don't worry about that. Not going to happen. Ever!!
  18. I suspect the point is to influence policy now. Suppose there's some policy that Trump's just barely on the cusp of implementing. If he believes that everyone who dislikes the policy will just accept it, he might be more likely to pass the policy than if he believes that the people who hate the policy will shut down a major city for weeks and leave him with horrible media coverage. (I have no idea if that works, or if that's what they're really thinking, but it is one plausible and logical reason for protests.) Protests in response to an event or policy may be justified to some extent but protesting just because you are anticipating the skies to fall is foolhardy. The guy hasn't even assumed the office. Either way one thing the left has to learn is to better understand the public's perception. They get so wound up with their agenda and the interest groups that they lose the big picture. Its half the battle in the politics and Trump seemed to be better at it than Clinton. He ran left of Clinton and the only way to beat him is to help him implement his leftist agenda and divide the republican party.
  19. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/anti-trump-protesters-march-tens-thousands-nationwide-43503821 This is how the left loses people in the middle. What is the point of these protests other than an inconvenience to most of the people?The time for protest and organizing was BEFORE the election. Instead of sucking up and accepting the results, they are rioting and appears as sore losers. Trump won fair and square with the rules that were in place. He proved everyone wrong. I don't like the electoral college but what is the point of saying now that Clinton won the popular vote. Who gives a sh*t? I hope democrats distance themselves from them otherwise they are looking at another big surprise come 2020.
  20. Oh boy: http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/10/trumps-transition-team-considers-sarah-palin-for-possible-cabinet-spot/ DC is going to be a trailer community pretty soon.
  21. So much for that: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/n-kkk-group-hold-victory-parade-donald-trump-article-1.2868491
  22. Anthem was good but I wasn't into the dystopian fiction at the time. I still had hard time reading the Hunger Games even though my wife loves it. Fountainhead did it for me. I would read it every year but I was a sheltered teenager then. It took me a while to figure out the inefficacy of the propaganda.
  23. That's my boy Bernie. Lets go get these fiscal conservatives and their bullsh.t Ayn Rand crap. Time to double the entitlement state.
  24. DooDiligence, Have to learn from the history. Look at the way the Spaniards approached the conquest. Rape, pillage and plunder. Yes you can conquer the population but its hard to control and scale because of the constant resistance. On the other hand the British let the colonies live their way of life but savagely attacked their ideology and belief system and they were able to conquer the world with such a little effort. BTW your attempt to defuse the tension by way of humor on every thread is refreshing.
  25. I think Trump's victory has given the left especially the Bernie-Warren wing a golden opportunity to destroy the conservative ideology for good. Conservatives who prides themselves in the small government, personal responsibility and free trade must be very nervous with their populist leader who has no ideological leanings and an inflated ego. Trump would not put up with an ideology that has no role for him and he ran on a populist agenda.The left wing should actively coopt with Trump to implement it rather than blocking him like the republicans did in '08. Give him the cover to walk out of the trade deals. That would also help weakening the Clinton-Schumer wing who are sold out and are corrupt. Trump would soon find out that the best he can do is to stop the bleeding and not get back the jobs. The tax breaks for the rich and fiscal reforms would take time to work out, the time that Trump doesn't have and wouldn't wait for. He would need an instant fix and will look to the big ole Govt for solutions. The Dems should help him set up all the entitlements like free education, healthcare,housing support, unemployment. Let him package it whatever the way he wants to but get the populace used to the idea of Trump(and by extension the Govt.) helping them. Off course the Republicans would balk at such measures but they have no choice and the Dems should use the division to drive the wedge. Let him kill Obamacare but nudge him towards something that has his name on it. Use him to fight the big pharma to drive down the costs. Get him to fund an infrastructure plan to provide jobs. Off course the Dems wouldn't like his agenda on social issues and climate change. They should oppose it but not let it get in the way of him enacting a populist agenda. Let him kill the conservative ideology and the demographics will take care of the rest.
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