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Everything posted by valcont

  1. Re the 21% ? Do you mean 11.5 annually, plus the 8.5 fee (hopefully one time only) for not paying the principal this past year. Interesting company Cardboard. Basically a levered bet on North American drilling, which is not bad with a net-net (said Netnet ;)) There is financing risk with the debt due this year however. Right. Principal deferred fee that has to be paid out on December,17 when the debt is due. So if you think they can refinance the debt , then the price will jump. Otherwise you have to have an opinion about drilling rig count and the spread between drilling cost and oil price to get an idea about their revenue.
  2. I saw this one earlier this year. That fulcrum debt looks ugly, $9m (almost their entire market cap) at 21%!! What gives you the confidence that they can pay up and grow in this oil market?
  3. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/26/white-house-nafta-withdraw-trump-237632 Would love to buy a retirement home in Mexico though.
  4. +1 I think Liberty's posts are the most insightful on this topic. Years ago, I realized that I would fine tune my consulting business to the last penny but there was significant discretionary personal spending that I ignored since they were either too boring to address or required a new perspective. Liberty, It seems like you are walking the walk. You should share some snippets from your life experience. Its one thing to talk about numbers another to tell a real life story.
  5. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Chou+funds+returns incredible, internet wizard Just curious what dyow means? Do Your Own Work I know what it means. I just find it ironic it was so hard to put 3 words into Google. It was easier to ask someone else the question and await an answer. Not doing your own work. I was busy looking at a stock, an ugly one, hence the delay in replying. For shhughes1116 and augustabound, I will post my thesis for at least one of two stocks. I have two ideas that are each worth about 75% to 150% more than current price with near term catalysts (i have researched these stocks for very closely, months worth of full time research each, i over do it i know). I know i can make money for other board members. But i won't post until either of you post a thesis and help other members. I don't think it is fair that i put that much work into researching while others on the forum add no value. You implied i don't do my own work, which in turn implies you guys do your own work............let's go thesis for thesis. and we can let the board members decide who actually does work. Come on guys, bring it on.I'll be the referee. I had posted one idea this year that would have been a multibagger had you shorted it. So no pressure.
  6. +1 Obama's biggest mistake was to gut the single payer idea. With the congressional majority he had , he could have given a middle finger to the repubs and force those blue dog losers to vote for the liberal agenda but he had no balls. Single payer works and has been successfully implemented in many developed countries. These conservatives have no problem accepting govt dole via medicare, supporting government funded military but hell breaks loose if we spend any money to cover the poor.
  7. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-03-07/trump-sends-pharma-stocks-down-with-new-tweet-on-drug-prices And then he does that and I wonder why didn't I vote for this guy? Maybe I need an evaluation.
  8. Of course Trump was wire-tapped (so is Obama btw). How are you even questioning this? Also believe in flat-Earth theory perhaps? There you go. A typical Trumpanzee. I wrote "Obama wire tapped him" and he reads "Trump was wiretapped"
  9. The problem is that the people are so fed up with run of the mill politicians that a nut job seems like a breath of fresh air. Take immigration for instance, its a privilege NOT a right and this Canadian woman is crying wolf because she can't get across the border for her spa treatment. Big deal!! Maybe this agent is biased but why care about someone who is lowly paid and on a power trip because of his/her position. Ignore him just as you would if a bum on the street starts yelling at you. If it were institutional racism codified by the new admin , we would have heard a lot more stories than these random one off incidents. What you should be worried is that the orange man is seeing things that simply don't exist. He thinks Obama wire tapped him, has "leakers" in the administration trying to bring him down, released vicious prisoners from Guantanamo. That calls for a psychiatric evaluation. BTW that Khizr Khan story seems like a lot of bull too. That dude has gone radio silent since making his claims.
  10. I didn't realize that was his play!! Wish evolution would be as efficient as the market.
  11. This is what I call a real short attack: http://fortune.com/2017/02/17/target-stock-bomb-florida/
  12. Bingo. In that case, I stand corrected and I apologize. Your last sentence threw me off. I thought you were saying that you don't want to engage in discussion since I am not a civilized human being.
  13. Wished you had followed your own advice and re-read the exchange. Here is what he wrote. Do you see what I mean? Probably not inside that right wing bubble of denialism.
  14. Ok this will set off another round of debate to nowhere, you better stick to updating the countdown and I'll stick to the Investment ideas.
  15. My politics is somewhere in the middle so I could care less for left or right. I was merely stating my opinion about this alt-right scumbag. And this idiot pitched in accusing me of inciting violence(which I clearly didn't) and threatening violence in the same line. I see this alt-right trash as no different than a radical Islamic preacher which right wingers like you accused Obama of catering to. We have already seen the results of this hate speech in Canada.
  16. Yes go back to your firing range and join an urban militia to confront all these lefties who are threatening your shitty way of life. And don't lecture me on civility, learn how to be a decent human being first.
  17. Civility should only be shown to a reasonable decent person. Scumbags like this guy should be treated with contempt and disgust. This is the bottom of the barrel trash who is not fit to speak in a street corner let alone at an institution of higher learning.Civilized societies always set up certain standards of decency. BTW this piece of crap isn't even a US citizen. He is some greek trash imported from Britain. Why can't he be thrown out of this country? I really want to know what kind of visa this lowlife is on.
  18. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/no-gday-mate-on-call-with-australian-pm-trump-badgers-and-brags/2017/02/01/88a3bfb0-e8bf-11e6-80c2-30e57e57e05d_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_trumpaustralia-815pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.e7cb44811e2c I may vote for him next time because I have never been entertained so much by a real life show. There is something to look forward to everyday.
  19. I'll vote for blocking political discussions from this board. I wish I could block the discussions/category. I would block the "General Discussion" , an entirely useless thread related to investing. There are some posters who only contribute to political discussions. Not sure how is that useful? I was guilty of that during elections but I have learned my lessons and moved on.
  20. As usual the truth is somewhere in the middle. The Dems are overplaying their hands here . Trump has definitely erred by including the permanent residents who are already vetted but his executive order is not an overreach and definitely not a #muslimban. More muslims live in Indonesia and India than the Middle east so if he wanted less muslims in the country , he would have included those countries too. We know what a mess Europe is in after they admitted these refugees. They have experienced instances of rapes,stabbings & terrorism not too long back so it does no good to bury your head in the sand and pretend nothing will happen because it hasn't happened here so far. These countries are highly unstable and a hotbed of terrorism and should be treated as such. Merkel ,Obama et al don't have to think of that because they are guarded 24x7 but a citizen doesn't have that luxury. What he/she sees is these elites sacrificing the populace to achieve their higher ideals. I say f..off to that. Now it would be another thing if Trump decides to police muslim citizens/permanent resident. Now we are getting into the gray zone of what is acceptable and fair. If that is acceptable , then it should be acceptable to monitor a young white male with right wing leanings. There have been numerous shooting in the religious places, schools ,malls by this segment to make an equally credible claim. Considering the company he keeps, I think he will make that mistake and not be fair. That would be a great time to come out and protest and not look like a cry wolf.
  21. A great article written by a ahem.. Canadian..Oh and he is a republican too. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/03/how-to-build-an-autocracy/513872/
  22. What we lack in the US is the common sensical middle of the road party. What we have is bunch of bigots,jesus freaks and homophobes on the right and communist, tree huggers,uber PC on the left sucking up all the political oxygen.
  23. Scott is one of my favorite posters here. His videos are so hilarious that I had a hard time breathing since I am laughing so hard. On the other hand, some of his investment thesis are rock solid.Unlike other posters, I just can't put him in a slot. Scott, you should consider poker.
  24. I think you guys are missing the forest for the trees. How many of you look at the CEO/CFO's personal tax returns to make a judgement on a company? It is none of your business.Just because someone in the 1970s decided that this should be done doesn't make it a legal requirement. And I am so glad we are finally moving away from this puritanical bullshi.. that these politicians go through and live a completely separate lives in private. I love it when he doesn't hug any children, doesn't think its necessary to go to some poor neighborhood for Martin Luther King's day, lay a wreath on memorial day, hold his wife's hands. Oh and about that tape in Russian's hands. Think about it for a moment. Only in a mainstream media bubble that this is the most damning evidence of his incompetence!! And I am thinking kudos to a seventy year old who can still enjoy the party once in a while. When in Russia, do the prostitutes. There was a script that everyone needed to learn to run for the office. Trump disrupted that and we will all be better for it. Lets save the outrage when he actually does something horrible. So far he has done everything that he promised, a rarity in my opinion and his voters should be very pleased.
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