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Everything posted by valcont

  1. You have to know a little bit about Scott Adams to understand why. BTW I liked Scott Adam's book, his idea about using systems than goals is spot on. But he is a changed man and I suspect a lot of that has to do with his divorce in 2014. He has been pitching for men's rights and was a member of MRA(Men's rights association :)). He rails against "matriarchial" system in the US and how men are getting short end of the stick. Now go back to August'15 and you have two parties. One was certain to nominate a woman and the other have a mix of candidates. But one candidate stands for misogyny, puts women down, not apologize for it and says everything that majority of women find distasteful. Who do you think Scott Adams would favor to win? You don't need any degree on hypnotism or persuasion to guess that. Trump has become his alter ego. His Tyler Durden who doesn't have to watch what he says , is powerful and is being loved by masses. So Trump must be a master persuader. It all adds up in his world. I do feel sorry for the guy because he has staked his whole reputation on this election based on his prejudices. A very risky strategy considering he doesn't have much to gain but everything to lose if these predictions don't work out.
  2. Chill, man. You gotta try the cold chai. Can't help it. I'm overheated ;)
  3. Clinton is going to release more medical information this week. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/clinton-aide-says-we-could-have-done-better-amid-criticism-over-health-disclosures/2016/09/12/58883a50-78f2-11e6-bd86-b7bbd53d2b5d_story.html Compare that to the lying traitor who hasn't released his tax returns. I'll bet there is a lot of incriminating stuff in those returns.
  4. Finally the deplorables got something to cheer about . Hillary's health. Lets see how it plays out. I still remember the day when Obama got reelected. These idiots were crying and are shocked how this could happen. That moment was worth it. And it will happen again. Cheers.
  5. Definitely don't want this creep to hold a young girl. http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/279091/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-photo-gross/
  6. So the Doctor ( the actual one not the 5 minute driveby wacko http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-doctor-wrote-health-letter-just-5-minutes-limo-waited-n638526) diagnosed her with pneumonia. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/12/us/politics/hillary-clinton-campaign-pneumonia.html Most reasonable people will believe a professional but watch the wing nuts's conspiracy theories tomorrow.
  7. Republican's new strategy to win this election: Hillary is unfit because she is old and faint occasionaly. Have they looked at their base?
  8. http://blog.dilbert.com/post/150264994381/the-race-for-president-is-probably-over Here is another clown (or should I say a cartoon). He claims to be a hypnotist and a master persuader whatever that means. He is a closeted Trump supporter but claims he supports Hillary for personal safety. He thinks its funny but he is a coward who has no conviction and seem to go back and forth on who's going to win depending on what polls say. The Trump supporters love him and he loves them back but claims he is neutral. Look at his prediction today and watch him change his predictions as we get closer to the election. This is unfortunately the story that repeats every four years. These republicans gets excited by quacks like these who claims victory is around the corner despite what the polls are saying. They lose and then get angry and blame it on everyone else but themselves . I saw that in 2008,'12 and it will happen again.
  9. Here is FDR's health history. One of the best Presidents. http://www.doctorzebra.com/prez/g32.htm
  10. Did you say facts? and then you post from Fox News.You have a lot to learn about this country my friend. Fox news is as real as WWF. Again its Clinton vs brain dead scumbag traitor who goes on foreign news channel and criticize our President.
  11. How about you focus on finding great investment ideas from an impending Trump's victory and share it with us. Put your money where your mouth is. Looks like Vox is handily beating you so far. Issuing good rebuttals and making money.
  12. Since we are discussing politics in an investment website. I have noticed that it is relatively easy to make money serving the conservative audience. Look at Fox, Breitbart, Daily Caller or a washed up cartoonist like Scott Adams getting huge following for his blog when he turned pro Trump . Heck even an 11 year old boy in Colorado can milk them. As a business owner , you want these customers. Rabidly loyal, oblivious to competitors and impossible to convert. Perfect sheep. Compare that to CNN, MSNBCs , DailyKos etc. I would say they are not half as successful as their conservative brethren because the audience is fickle, expect perfection and too individualized. This pattern is not just limited to the media. You see that in guns,religion ,autos ..
  13. And I would focus on mental health than the physical. FDR wasn't in the best of health but changed the character of this country. You need someone who is emotionally stable and mentally qualified. A very high bar for Trump.
  14. Well, I don't mean to insult. Just be cool and treat it like a joke. If you are still uncomfortable, I can delete it. :) On the other hand, are you sure you "engage in issues substantively" with regard to Hillary's various scandals? You are just taking her lies and the spins from crooked medias who sided with her at face value. How about this one: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/09/julian-assange-thousands-hillary-cables-signed-c-classified-yet-told-fbi-didnt-know-meant/ I've been reading a book "Stone walled" recently. The current administration's most frequently used trick is to spin lies to cover up the various scandals. How about Hillary's health? It doesn't pass the basic health bar to qualify for a president. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUrRaasNHwI The issue here is the quality of your 'news' sources. I usually ignore Fox, MSNBC, DailyKos, Breitbart, Daily Caller, zero hedge. Bunch of conspiracy theorists sitting in the mom's basement trying to take on the world.
  15. Unbelievable: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/07/us/politics/donald-trump-pam-bondi.html?_r=0 So Trump is accusing Hill for pay to play. But her foundation has never been accused of any corruption, never paid a fine and is not investigated. And here is a hypocrite who did all of the above, got caught and paid a fine. And somehow he is more trustworthy?? No wonder he is not showing his tax returns. I am sure there is something really bad that he is trying to hide.
  16. What's the difference in the reasoning between: "The polls are validating that approach", so the majority must be right AND Market efficient hypothesis: The stock price always reflect all fundamentals. If you think the stock is undervalued or overvalued, you must be wrong. The market must be right. So why are you on this value investing board? :) Oh well since you mentioned.. I believe that the market is right MOST of the time but it does misprice an asset from time to time. It may be due to regulations,protection, tax loss harvesting,mass hysteria , biases or an investor base. Value investing is just a framework to analyze these opportunities. Trend following is another where the traders captures fat tails of the deviation. Elections is a popularity contest decided by voting. There is no weighing machine here. I hope you don't think that Clinton and Trump are the most eligible for the President's job. Its an apples and orange comparison. I really hope you don't believe that markets gets it wrong MOST of the time. Efficient market hypothesis is not correct but that doesn't mean the opposite must be true.
  17. If a doctor tells me that he can find a cure for AIDS in a month, I would be skeptical and at least ask him how rather than relaying it to everyone. Trump didn't do that because he believed the cop since that fits with his simplistic notions about the complex national issues like crime or immigration( another area where he is learning slowly). I don't really want to defend Clinton. She thinks she can get away with murder because they are Clintons . There is no excuse for having a private server other than to control the information that the public has a right to know. I would have gladly supported Rubio/Kasich/Bush against her. You are right , the data is old and the people can change. I didn't say he is racist. He is more cynical than that. He thinks that his base love bashing minorities so he tries to take advantage of that sentiment. I have read some of Scott Adam's articles since I loved his book. Honestly he doesn't strike me as a persuasion expert. Here is a cartoonist who is trying to find his second coming by becoming a political expert. He found some traction with his Trump prophesy and now he believes that he has skills. He reminds me of Saddam Hussein's 'spokesman' during the Iraq war who told all these tales of great victory. IMO he should stick to drawing cartoons.
  18. And I definitely don't want this exchange to turn into bitterness and anger. Neither Hillary nor Trump is going to change my life. They are running to fulfill their own ego and ambition. I don't want to waste too much time thinking about them. But discussing and reading investment ideas with ALL the members on this board can be very helpful. I have friends who are Hillary supporters and who support Trump. I don't judge them because I know them. Its very hard to discuss politics with anonymous members but we all share one common trait that is investments so lets not forget that as a big picture.
  19. Trump is not qualified to have his finger on the nuclear button because of his temper? What about Hillary's temper? What about all the stories about her throwing bibles, ashtrays, etc. at Billy when he was president? That the secret service was afraid that they would have to intervene. Spousal abuse IS NEVER COOL! THAT IS A BIG "no no". What about the stories of the temper of Hillary towards those working underneath her? That she snaps at them? That she has a TERRIBLE temper. That she is vindictive? That she does not get along well with others. That the secret service considers protecting her as a punishment? That she visibly gets riled up and upset at public events? Seems like she has a temper problem too! I am not here to defend Hillary but its very clear who is composed, calm,strategic among these two. She is executing her campaign remarkably well while Trump self destructs. The polls are validating that approach (unless you don't believe in them either).
  20. So what did he say in the past few weeks that made you think so? Please list them out and let's compare it with Hillary's super-predator comments. :) "Chicago cop told me he can fix the crime situation in a month" -- Zero understanding of any policy, simplistic views on complex issues Hiring Manafort without checking background and then letting him go --- Lack of judgement,easy to dupe Insulting Khan's family, attacking Paul Ryan, McCain anyone who criticize him -- small ,can't take criticism Tax returns ( This is the guy who asked Romney to release his) - Zero integrity,tell me there is something very damaging in the returns. Comfortable with bigots, racists (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/28/us/politics/donald-trump-housing-race.html?_r=0)
  21. I am focussing on the big picture. I don't want to hand over the nuclear codes to an egomaniac with a temper of a 5 yr. old. No fan of Hillary either. Her claim to presidency is as credible as any corrupt dynastic from a third world country. I did like some of the Trump's policies and was willing to give him a chance but the last few weeks has convinced me that he is beyond repair.
  22. Would you buy a company whose CEO thinks his shareholder base is 'poorly educated' ,has a record of leveraging and then declaring bankruptcies multiple times, does not disclose his returns , hires incompetent people , claims that he doesn't need to learn about anything, is so poor in basic math that he thinks he can alienate 40% of the market and can still win.
  23. The support for Trump is more nuanced than the broad brush he is being painted in the media. There is definitely a racist, xenophobic element in it but if I have to sum up the support in couple words it'll be "F*U Establishment" . Look at the issues here. Immigration is so out of control that it is considered a right not a privilege anymore. A corporate tool driven by greed and corruption and sold to the public as unavoidable. We don't need pre 1965 immigration policy but we definitely can do better than the mess we are in. And it doesn't help that any call to reform is branded as xenophobic. And why does a US taxpayer has to protect the Europeans and Japanese so they can take 2-3 months of vacation in peace and quiet. If Germany needs our soldiers they better pay us. Would you buy your friends free lunch every time? There is a lot of grey in his support but I suspect no matter who wins it'll be a one time term if the opposing side presents even a slightly better candidate than what we have now.
  24. Never mind. I found out why. "These securities have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act (as defined herein) or any state securities laws. Accordingly, except to the extent permitted by the Underwriting Agreement (as defined herein) and in transactions exempt from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws, these securities may not be offered or sold within the United States. This short form prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of these securities within the United States. See "Plan of Distribution".
  25. What trading platform are you guys using to buy these debentures? I had no luck with both Interactive Brokers and Fidelity in the US.
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