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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. Grandma's far more useful, my sins are just fine the way they are.
  2. Bought a little DDOG and FSLY the other day Don't have much cash unfortunately but if they are anything like 100 baggers a little is all you need. Still looking for ideas.
  3. Everyone saw this coming? Like who on this MB bought puts or shorted the market on Friday??? You guys have all been buying the dip when you should have been selling into any strength. Bingo. I fully admit my lack of psychic abilities. It is so easy to see everything so clearly in retrospect.
  4. It is very, very different now. We have social media now where people endlessly spread news articles with each other. We also have a mainstream press who absolutely loathes the person occupying the Oval Office and is willing to cause mass panic and take down the world's economy in order to remove him and replace him with a senile kiddy grabber. Imagine if this virus was actually more deadly than influenza? We'd be in a new dark age within a month.
  5. Up, down, up, down, up, ... I'm ready for the loop-the-loop.
  6. It is what it is. Not afraid, but wish I had more cash. I did too much buying too early like usual. Just going to hold and buy more when I have the cash, in 20 years I'm sure I'll be happy I did. This is my first day working from home, my company told us all not to go into the office without good reason, so everyone is home. Luckily I have a job where working from home isn't a problem. I have a big monitor and keep in contact with my co-workers with skype. It actually works so well, I wonder why my company maintains such large office buildings.
  7. Who doesn't love a roller coaster. Wheeee!
  8. TEACHER: "Billy, if there are 5 birds on a fence and you shoot 1, how many birds are left?" BILLY: "None. The others fly away." TEACHER: "The answer is 4, but I like how you think." BILLY: "Can I ask you a question Mrs Smith?" TEACHER: "Sure Billy" BILLY: "If 3 women are eating ice cream and one is licking, one is biting, and one is sucking, which one is married?" TEACHER: <hesitantly> "The, Umm, one that is sucking?" BILLY: "The answer is the one wearing a wedding ring, but I like how you think."
  9. Tickling match? I’m OK with the drop if that’s what it takes to get rid of this douchenozzle. ____________________________________ | | | Biden 2020 | | It's Time For A New Douchenozzle | | | |____________________________________|
  10. Great minds think alike. I was just coming here to say I bought some WMB today. If you had told me a few months ago that I'd soon be buying airlines and natgas pipelines I wouldn't have believed you.
  11. SAVE. I bought some way OTM calls the other day and I just bought some of the common.
  12. I re-watched the Naked Gun recently. "Nice beaver" "Thanks, I just had him stuffed" Surely you can't be serious? Don't call me Shirley. What can you make of this? Yes. That as much as anything else led to my drinking problem. https://media.giphy.com/media/3oKHWBy6GFcLdEhH0Y/giphy.gif
  13. I re-watched the Naked Gun recently. "Nice beaver" "Thanks, I just had him stuffed" Surely you can't be serious?
  14. Son: "I was awarded the Leslie Nielsen award at school" Me: "What's that?" Son: "A big building with lots of kids"
  15. This one might be a little off color, skip if you only want wholesome jokes ... A distressed but attractive woman stands at the edge of a cliff, trying to get up the nerve to jump. A passing homeless man walks up to her and says, "Hey since you're about to kill yourself anyway, would you mind if we had sex first?" The woman replies, "Get away from me, you sicko! I'm not having sex with you!" The man just turns to leave and mutters, "Fine. I'll just go wait at the bottom."
  16. They should put Trump's face on the One Hundred Trillion Dollar notes. And make them orange rather than green.
  17. That's what I've been thinking exactly.
  18. Good move. In a worst case scenario ammo will be worth more than gold.
  19. I just had a limit order fill at $199.98. Crazy. Same, I wonder what Warren is looking at. Meanwhile stuff SPCE is up 5% ::) edit: Make that 9% Hopefully Warren is buying BRK too.
  20. I wonder if he'd play Russian Roulette with 2 rounds in the cylinder? Only a 1/3rd chance of dying. Anyway. I'm sure he's the best guy for the job. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jul/08/mike-pence-touches-nasa-equipment-right-next-to-do-not-touch-sign
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