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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. There is nothing wrong with gay people or with gay characters. It's just weird when a show aimed at kids has sexual themes of any type, or a show has like 90% gay characters when in reality the % of gay people in the population is like 10% or less. I don't like watching and/or reading fiction that is trying to push an agenda on me to the detriment of the story. Imagine watching a show supposedly set in sub-Saharan Africa and 80% of the cast had snow-white skin and red hair. It would distract you from the story. The Sandman didn't do that at all.
  2. I don't really care if there are a few gay characters. It didn't take away from the show in this case. It isn't a Disney film, the gay guy was a serial killer nightmare that took out people's eyes and ate them.
  3. Just finished watching The Sandman this weekend. Really good show, which according to Neil Gaiman Netflix may or may not renew for a second season unfortunately. I guess they spent something like $15M per episode on season 1, so it will have to do extraordinarily well for them to commit to a season 2. So if you were planning on watching it, doing so sooner rather than later might help Netflix decide to renew it. https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/news/neil-gaiman-why-netflix-has-not-renewed-the-sandman-season-2-yet/
  4. Yep, I always use the name of the company or a part of the name and that usually works much better than the symbol. For example search for the word Pershing and you will find both PSTH and PSH.L threads in your first few results
  5. Yep, drivers as well. You have to drive your own car unless you are very very rich in the US.
  6. Has gotten too political? The "S" in ESG stands for social, it has always been entirely political.
  7. I'm a fan of The Gray Man books and finally got to see the movie this past weekend. Having read the books really ruins the movie. I hate that they made it all about the US Government. In the books he's a private hitman not a current CIA agent, and the people out to get him are also not US Government agents. Since it takes place in Europe the books have very little to do with the US in any way. Hollywood wants to make everything about US Government all of the time. Also in the book he's a badass lone operator, where in the movie they gave him a female sidekick. As a standalone story I guess the movie wasn't bad, but my expectations where very high and the movie disappointed me tremendously.
  8. I do. I'm an engineer, so I've worked with quite a few people from India over the years. One guy I worked with for about 10 years before he moved back to India. He had talked about it for some time, but after his kids spent a couple of years in school, he moved back. He said he didn't like how his children were being "Americanized". That was about 7-8 years ago, I still talk to him from time to time and he says he's happy he made the move back. I also worked with a guy from Pakistan who moved back to Pakistan because he didn't like living in America. I don't understand it, but everyone is different.
  9. Careful Castanza, you might get banned for spreading hate against the residents of the Rocky Mountain states.
  10. I would rather not be "governed" at all. The word "governed" is just a friendly euphemism for "forced to do what someone else wants you to do as they rob you."
  11. This is why Democracy sucks as a way of making decisions. Be careful when you side with the masses as the "m" is usually silent.
  12. I agree. The US birthrate isn't even at replacement levels and the Canadian birth rate is even lower. With out immigration, and a lot of it, both countries are screwed in the medium to long term.
  13. I think, 4-6% is still pretty standard in New England depending on what the seller's Realtor offers to the buyer's agents.
  14. It is unfortunate that no one has been able to do this yet. Back in the 90s when the web was new real estate was one of the things everyone thought would be just totally transformed by the internet. People thought Realtors and MLS listings would be soon obsolete and all the frictional costs of buying and selling property would disappear as online services of some type would do everything seamlessly for a fraction of the cost. None of this happened (at least not yet). Everyone still uses traditional Realtors and pays them as much as ever. Besides seeing pictures online of the property before viewing it in person, not much has changed. It turns out to be a more difficult problem than almost anyone suspected.
  15. I was born in the early 1970s and never received the small pox vaccine. Most Americans under 50 have not received it either. https://www.health.ny.gov/publications/7004/ "Routine vaccination of the American public against smallpox stopped in 1972 after the disease was eradicated in the United States."
  16. Do you know a Dr. Leo Marvin? No, I know Bob though.
  17. I have a vacation home on Lake Winnipesaukee and have already spent 4 weeks there this summer and will spend Labor Day week there as well. Also going to Punta Cana for a week in October.
  18. LOL Are you trying to equate Germans with Germs? Sorry, I'm going to go read that article now.
  19. Maybe I don't hang out with enough snooty people, because I don't know anyone who claims to never eat at McDonald's because it is below them. Everyone knows that eating too much too often wouldn't be good, but McDonalds is pretty well loved as far as I can tell. EDIT: I wonder if this has to do with being in New England. We've really never had a regional fast food burger place like other parts of the country, i.e. whataburger, in-n-out burger, etc. We have Five Guys now, but that is fairly recent. I think it was less than 10 years ago the first time I tried it and they are still few and far between. For us fast food burger has always meant McDs, Wendys, or Burger King.
  20. I've read all of Jared Diamond's books. They are always both entertaining and thought provoking. It's been a while since I read this so I don't remember the details, but I remember speeding through it as this being one of those books that are hard to put down. Not many non-fiction books are like that, he's an excellent writer. One of the authors who's books I'll buy as soon as they are published.
  21. Yeah, but unlike Whataburger (and Sees Candy for that matter, which I've also never seen or tried), McDonalds is available where I live and almost everywhere else.
  22. They've been in business a long time, so obviously someone disagrees with me. I've never been able to eat anything from that place. Not only do I find the food gross (I won't even mention the coffee, it isn't something I like to think about), but they always seem dirty inside to me.
  23. Really? I think McDonalds's is quite good for what it is. Insanely consistent no matter where you are (at least in North America), you always know exactly what you are going to get. The coffee is good, the burgers are great for the speed and price and the fries are excellent. Wendy's is usually better for burgers, but their fries are no where near as good, and they aren't as fast. Burger King shouldn't even count as food. Five Guys doesn't have a drive through. .... McDonald's has been around for well over half a century and no one has even been able to copy them.
  24. I was just searching for this thread to recommend this. My wife and I watched the whole season in two days. Excellent.
  25. An excellent crypto wallet is Exodus (https://www.exodus.com). It is available for phones or computers. Create a wallet, then write down the seed phrase. You can then delete the app completely and restore the wallet using that seed phrase either into another Exodus install or any other wallet that uses 12 word seed phrases will also usually work as the algorithm is a standard. Once you have the wallet’s seed phrase written down or memorized, it is a good idea to delete the wallet app from your device so if you are ever hacked they can’t access your wallet. You can use your seed to re-create your wallet any time you need to. Everything you need to know about your 12-word secret recovery phrase https://support.exodus.com/article/925-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-secret-recovery-phrase#1824word
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