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Everything posted by Jurgis

  1. By the time tech is advanced enough for interstellar travel, there won't be organic humans. We will be uploaded, replaced by manufactured bodies if needed, etc. The age of organic humans is close to the end, give or take 100 years or so, possibly less. Sending current organic lifeforms into space is a folly. Space is totally inhospitable for humans. The only reason we send humans to space right now is (1) we cannot transfer ourselves into non-organic bodies yet; (2) we don't have sufficiently smart AI to send it instead of sending us. Either (1) or (2) or both will be solved within 50 years ... if we don't blow up ourselves in the meantime. This is one reason Elon's Mars colonization plan is a bit quixotic. By the time we have good enough tech to send human colony safely to Mars and sustain it there, we will be close or past not needing to send organic human colony at all. There's a margin of time where organic human colony may exist, but it's very short period.
  2. That's why all advanced civilizations travel as neutrinos. 8)
  3. Haven't read the book yet. Her TED talk at Google talk at:
  4. I have not read it yet, though I've read some of Anders Ericsson's articles. $2.99 on Amazon: http://a.co/1oLgOLv I was also looking at Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth She has done shared work with Anders Ericsson. Let me start a separate thread on that.
  5. Hmm, I still see old Google finance with any link I use. Perhaps some setting in my browser makes them show old site.
  6. When Yahoo "improved" Yahoo finance, the Canadian Yahoo finance site also had old setup for a while. And then they changed it to new. So don't expect Google's .ca to remain with old functionality.
  7. That happened to me once. They left a note saying they needed some ethanol. They also left a stock tip for me as thanks. ... If only I had understood what they meant by "buy a googol of yahoos". :'(
  8. Disturbing, not that I want to trade anything now but... Good that it happened on a quiet day, no? 8) Let's see when they fix it and if they offer any explanation. Hopefully not a complete takeover by Russian North Korean alien hackers.
  9. I read the book. There's a number of books by astronauts nowadays. I've only read this one, so it's hard to compare, but it's possible that they cover a lot of the same ground. I got couple interesting insights from the book. Somewhat spoilers below... don't read if you don't want to know... The book de-mythologizes and de-romanticizes astronaut job a lot. In essence, it's 99%+ repetitive training on Earth. You train for years... and then you might not even fly. Big spoiler: after Shuttle was grounded, every astronaut or astronaut candidate over 6'something suddenly was not going to fly again. Cause Russian ships can't take tall guys/gals. Here goes your 10 year training+ and your dreams too. Then the launch, the flight, etc.: I'm sure it's a lot of fun and wonder to go to space and to look at Earth from there, but the book covers all the physical issues. In short, hold your piss, hold your crap, hold your vomit. They can't go to craphouse for X+ hours during launch and until they dock ... I don't remember details anymore, but it's not much fun. Then at the ISS everything is an experiment. So not only you have to piss and crap in zero gravity, but you also have to take samples, etc. Fun. ::) They return to Earth and then cannot walk for month+ since the muscles degenerate even with all the exercise in space. If you are unlucky, you break your bones while landing or getting out of capsule. Ground crew drags you out if there's no emergency, so that you don't break something. On the positive side, you really have to be very positive and you have to be go getter to get through the selection process. He tells a lot of how he got into astronaut lists (multiple times) because he did a lot of extra stuff (mission control, learning Russian, Russian comms, etc.) that pushed him up the list. This might be useful for people trying to achieve something hard. In short: get the book, read it. Give it to your kids who want to be astronauts so they know what they are getting into. Also: hate to be negative, but good luck Elon to get 1000+ people who would like to do that Mars trip. ;) Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people want it, but most of the ones who want it don't have a clue what they would get into.
  10. Apologies. Thanks Doo. Happy Thanksgiving all.
  11. It took 3 posts to turn this into politics thread...
  12. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/for-north-korean-soldiers-recovery-south-koreans-are-pinning-their-hopes-on-this-doctor/2017/11/22/83c95cb8-cf80-11e7-8447-3d80b84bebad_story.html?utm_term=.0d604a4066c1 Great work by South Korean surgeon trying to save the N. Korea defector's life.
  13. Switched to FWONA and LILA long time ago. So any ideas of how to set up alert for ratios for all of these?
  14. When the ratio gets close to 1:1, switch to A. When it goes to ~1:1.05, go to C. Rinse, repeat. It used to roundtrip more often, now less. It would be nice to have an alert for this (and other Liberty multiclass shares). Anyone has ideas where/how?
  15. Can you elaborate on what you think the issues are? Thanks
  16. I'm thinking: was Buffett whipsawed out of WMT? is he whipsawing out of IBM?
  17. Yeah, I understand. Good luck. 8)
  18. Bottom graph is pretty neat. Two comments: it might be nice if it was zoomable/resizeable; I think you should draw new positions differently. The most obvious is the AXP/KHC transition. IMO, you should go from 0% KHC in 2015Q2 to 18% KHC in 2015Q3 as a blue triangle. Right now you are drawing this as green AXP area which looks quite misleading and incorrect. The mouseovers show correct intervals, but the overall visual is quite broken. Anyway, just a comment. 8) Good luck. Yeah I agree. Unfortunately I'm somewhat beholden to how the tool I'm using formats it as there isn't a ton more I can do to adjust it—they only give you so much control. But there's definitely more that I can do to the graph to make it more easily readable, and I'll continue tinkering and improving it. Appreciate the feedback. Please keep it coming Would the tool work the way we want it if you put in 0% KHC in 2015Q2 into the data? I.e. explicit value of KHC 0 for that date? If exact 0 does not work, it might be possible to put in 0.0001% KHC in 2015Q2 (though exact 0 would be better/nicer). Yeah, both of these might require massaging a data a bit before passing to the tool. Anyway, just some thoughts how to get around the tool limitations. ;)
  19. Bottom graph is pretty neat. Two comments: it might be nice if it was zoomable/resizeable; I think you should draw new positions differently. The most obvious is the AXP/KHC transition. IMO, you should go from 0% KHC in 2015Q2 to 18% KHC in 2015Q3 as a blue triangle. Right now you are drawing this as green AXP area which looks quite misleading and incorrect. The mouseovers show correct intervals, but the overall visual is quite broken. Anyway, just a comment. 8) Good luck.
  20. Depends on the bond, the broker, your country, bond country (if different), your account size, etc. My guess is that you won't be able to. But it's a WAG without additional info. The best is to ask your broker rather than asking here. They should give you definitive answer. 8) Good luck.
  21. I'd be interested in IAC and GRUB pitches. You or Sanjeev should move this thread to General Discussion category though. 8) Peace.
  22. Broker does not remove them. You still have them in your portfolio with zero or whatever price broker puts there. Then you go through BK and either get something or not. It may even happen that you get X (new shares, new bonds), sell them and then later get more because of some additional settlement or whatever. It's all electronically tracked.
  23. Underground bunker with automatic defense perimeter. Mercenary or robot army if there's a lot of extra cash. This thread is going to dogs really fast.
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