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Everything posted by Jurgis

  1. I use Google's Project Fi too and it's great and cheap. Couple comments though: you are limited to 3-5 phone models that Fi supports. If you're happy with that, then it's fine; If not, then Fi is not for you. There is also a risk that if your phone breaks, you may have no choice of what phone to buy at all. There was half year when Fi had only Pixel for sale. A single phone model. That's it. Not quite true. Their phone service in US is on top of both T-Mobile and Sprint. That's why you can only use couple phones that support switching between the two on the fly. If you are on WiFi, your calls will go through WiFi. This may be good or bad. I and my friends experienced both incoming and outgoing calls not going through because (likely) Fi was trying to route them through WiFi and failing. This is annoying when it happens.
  2. OT. If you keep scrolling down after the article, you'll notice that you get next article from 2017. So the answer is that picture/etc. are likely autogenerated together with the whole article/webpage. It's not your 1992 WWW anymore... 8)
  3. It's funny that people like Lewis ... until he disses the sacred cow Buffett ... and then he's wrong and snarky and should go write another book ... but hopefully not about Buffett. ;D (Yeah, Lewis is smart and he did not write snarky book about Buffett - you've got to give it to him - the guy knows how to build his reputation rather than destroying it. And I've never liked Michael Lewis.) A lot what Lewis said in this article is correct: Buffett has a lot of double standards. "I say X, but I do Y, but it's OK because I really meant XX and Y does not contradict it". Yes, rail against Wall Street, but invest into it and preserve the Wall Street behavior even at company (Solly) that he controls. Yes, rail against executive compensation, but never vote against it when on company boards. Yes, rail against derivatives, but it's OK to invest into and admire one of the biggest derivative cos. Anyway, there was already a thread on CoBF (or two or three) about these contradictions, so there's little point to repeat and list them all. Some people still call Buffett a man of integrity. Well, me, I never understood what "integrity" means. And Buffett as an example does not help. With that said, Buffett is human and is still likely better human being than a lot of investment/hedge fund managers and/or CEOs. He has done a lot of good and is still doing it. But that's again a conclusion of the other threads on Buffett topic @CoBF too... 8) Edit: And, yes, Lewis was likely wrong about EMT and Buffett being coin throwing random fluke.
  4. What kind of investor are you? Obviously, sell them to the highest bidder on a shady corner (or Craiglist). You should have asked your doc for another prescription or two, you could have funded your BRK purchasing habit from the proceeds. 8)
  5. Decade is a long time. I'm sure Philip Tetlock is mostly right and predictions longer than 5 years are no better than guesswork. That said and for fun: 1. BAM - good business, good management. From shareholder point of view the issue is that they might become too large for good returns/good investments/moving the needle. 2. MKL - good management, not clear how the business gonna go, tough to invest in public equities at current price points and expect great returns. 3. CMPR - no comment . 8) 4. CSU - good business, good management. Scaling may or may not work well. If I had to invest into just one, I'd buy BAM. If I had to predict the winner in business metrics (not necessarily share price), I'd bet on CSU.
  6. Nobody answered here. I'm still interested. Did not yet have time to dig deeper myself, just read short blurbs. Jurgis, I've wasted my time researching and reading what Sham has done/written. Don't waste yours. OK. Thanks guys. 8) Edit: For posterity, I redid the search on CoBF and this time I found the following links: http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/general-discussion/wtf!/msg306751/#msg306751 http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/investment-ideas/paragon-technologies-pgnt/msg308971/#msg308971 There are couple other threads with possibly more positive mentions of PGNT but no details, so I'm not posting the links. These should be findable through search too.
  7. Nobody answered here. I'm still interested. Did not yet have time to dig deeper myself, just read short blurbs.
  8. Just for fun: which companies listed in the original poll have "management with a reputation for brilliance" and which ones "tackle a business with a reputation for bad economics"? Audience wants to know. 8)
  9. Obviously some envious old school wannabe on big bank and Fed payroll who did not buy bitcoin early enough and could not hack blockchain so that it would show he did. ;D 8)
  10. Funny. A lot of people say it's a great book. I did not even finish it. I found it a bunch of outdated self-serving boring blah blah. And I mostly like biographical/finance/investing books.
  11. Theodora accepts your tribute slave! https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-professional-dominatrix-made-men-mine-1-million-in-cryptocurrency-for-her-2017-12-20?mod=mw_share_twitter
  12. Who is Sham Gad and what is PGNT? Anyone has a story or a writeup?
  13. Charlie Munger? Who is that Charlie Munger fellow? He's an old codger who doesn't know crap. Didn't you hear him diss VRX? And how did that end? Would you trust him after this? .... .... oh wait... ::)
  14. This is just LOL: https://status.coinbase.com/ Just shut up and don't take my money? ::)
  15. It's the best idea anyone had so far. It's the proof-of-work! You have to show that you have worked out with your block and chain or you cannot buy your iced tea (or Coke!). This is absolutely f*king brilliant. http://i2.wp.com/cryptorials.io/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/shut-up-and-take-my-bitcoin.jpg
  16. Proof of work is likely not scalable. Possible solutions: 1. Keep proof of work, but optimize everything you can try to optimize: efficiency, block size (increase), side channels, etc. This could work. It's likely to be cumbersome and it may lead to other drawbacks (loss of security?, bigger/slower transactions?). 2. Figure out blockchain without proof of work. There are people working on this. This might be a solution. Will this be implemented? Will it be as secure as proof of work solution? Will it be accepted? News in couple years! 8)
  17. Power Denmark or mine bitcoin? ::) Who cares about Denmark! ;D https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/12/19/why-the-bitcoin-craze-is-using-up-so-much-energy/?utm_term=.84fcb47ec3aa
  18. If you're in Saudi Arabia maybe you get house arrest in Ritz Carlton... as a first step... ::)
  19. Just buy coal! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-15/turning-coal-into-bitcoin-dirty-secret-of-2017-s-hottest-market
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