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Everything posted by Jurgis

  1. I am holding what I have had for X years now, but I'm not buying. BRK seems more attractive and so do some other stocks (including the ones that BRK may be buying).
  2. Buy BRK or buy banks/AAPL that BRK is holding/buying... Eh decisions, decisions. 8) Edit: just for fun, potentially interesting potentially buy list: AMCX, AAPL, BAC, BRK, DIS, EXPE, FB, FDX, GOOGL, IPGP, JPM, CVS, WBA, MSGN, NVDA, OTCM.
  3. Then perhaps we should tell your client to let you take the first bite, then wait 30 minutes to see what happens. There's also something about switching plates or pretending to switch plates. It gets complicated.
  4. Also a bit early perhaps? The situation is interesting: there's a number of large (mega) cap good and great companies that are not very expensive. Some even cheap(ish). But also a lot of moaty companies still very highly valued. (That's just from the universe I track... no idea about the companies I don't track.) So on one hand, it would seem we should not get another 20+% drop but on another hand it would seem we could. FWIW, I think markets will rally after the year-end dumping of "losers" ends. So in January. But then there's politics, tariffs, etc., so my prediction is possibly not worth a share of BAC.
  5. writser is the special situation capo di tutti i capi. 8)
  6. So for the 10b5-1 plan, they have to set an absolute price (what you call "cap") at or below which to buy and the size? And they cannot do anything fancy like relative price? And they cannot change the size either?
  7. I think that BRK is buying. But I would say that they are buying more other stocks than its own. In other words, I am willing to bet that repurchases are less than 50% of money spent on all purchases this quarter.
  8. https://www.wired.com/story/googles-ai-guru-computers-think-more-like-brains/ Short and somewhat info-lite article. But has couple interesting thoughts that are important (and I agree with ;)) Two thumbs up. BTW, what he said about people making up a story is also applicable to investing ... and investment forum discussions. ;)
  9. I wonder if Buffett is buying more AAPL / banks or if he's buying back stock. Or neither. Or both. Stay tuned. 8)
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/18/technology/artificial-intelligence-language.html
  11. You see we all can share good prices on the market. 8)
  12. This is really funny read. I highly recommend it. 8)
  13. I LOVE CANADA! ... oh wait. You said CARNAGE. Never mind.
  14. When a guy has to buy, a guy has to buy. 8) Honestly, a stint of good humor in this carnage does not harm anyone. -Which also brings me to the point: What have you been buying today, Jurgis? [The answer for my own part to that particular question is: Nothing]. Sorry, but I don't post day-to-day purchases and sales. I'll post my monthly activity as always on SI and my blog. IMO nobody should follow what I buy or sell or base any decisions on that. 8) Everything I posted to rb is true. To some degree. 8)
  15. When a guy has to buy, a guy has to buy. 8)
  16. Or you gonna be multibillionaire instantly (but then the divorce will suck). YOLO! 8) In 2008, I have seen people whose house was bought at 300k (bought decades ago), and took out a couple millions of home equity loans. A couple years later the house is foreclosured. Maybe that guy used that money to buy stock. I also had a ex-coworker who got a loan using his house and bought AIG in 2008 Nah, if it works out, your wife will think you're a genius. ;) Bought a house in 2006. MA did not decline horribly though. Got severance in 2007-2008. It was great time to get cash. I did really well with that. No divorce. Not multibillionaire. Yet. 8)
  17. Or you gonna be multibillionaire instantly (but then the divorce will suck). YOLO! 8)
  18. I disagree with Cigarbutt: the topic was (is) dead, so I'd rather post and discuss related material here than create a new thread.
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