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Everything posted by doughishere

  1. i was talking to my father over thanksgiving...and ive own some brk for a while now, since maybe 2010-2011ish....anyways i was taking to my dad about it and as we were talking i saw him come to the realization that he missed out on most of it while hes been alive...one of the most aqkward momemts with my father when he said basically "man i could have owned just that over my life"...i basically just said "yah." you could see his face change as he said it...and that basically ended the converation.
  2. screwing around on twitter. im pretty good at that.
  3. i voted clueless douche. that is all i have to add to this topic.
  4. I continue to think that monetizing the warrants will be one of the ways that they pay for the infrastructure plan. how many are there roughly?
  5. thanks, Emily. I agree with your level of suspicion regarding this bill. the joe light article could have been a decoy. the Congress is running for re-election before trump. if mnuchin supports this bill, well then that's that. if he does not because he'll tie his own hands, then we'll have to see if either a) congress can get a veto proof majority on the matter or b) the congressional Repubs want to fight on this by holding up taxes or the short term spending bills. i like to imagine my joe light like were playing duck hunt and hes on the second controller.
  6. Liberty, you take multivitamins?
  7. how much to get in on on the ground floor?
  8. https://www.housingwire.com/articles/41727-republican-tax-plan-will-trigger-another-fannie-freddie-bailout
  9. that Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission interview is one of my favorites. theres some website with like heads of banks and others just like buffett that is really interesting to listen to...better than any article....the burry one is good and the eisman one just to name a few more....jamie diamonds is interesting.
  10. always exceptional posts...brooklyn always has a new way of thinking of something or a different perspective.
  11. Bad news without a doubt. No capital buffer unless Watt decides to withhold and increase liquidation preference. Heck, no administrative-only reform at all given that the executive branch isn't bipartisan. Seems to me like Mnuchin is saying that he isn't going to do anything at all until Congress passes something forcing him to. Awww....baby jesus mnuchin isnt going to get to it this year....so sad. I hope that college fund can wait. well as cubs fans use to say "hey, maybe next year". even they eventually got one.
  12. dont worry theyre still learning
  13. I keep feeling the need to point out that shareholders won in part and lost in part, which goes against the statement that SCOTUS represents shareholders' last hope. (Also, Jacob & Hindes, etc. that cherzeca pointed out.) Whether the claim for breach of contract will end up being large or small can be debated, but it's mildly important to keep the facts straight here. Also, the case that Fairholme appealed to SCOTUS was in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit dealing with the Administrative Procedures Act. It is wholly separate from the case that is being tried before Judge Sweeney's court in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims under a Takings Claim, so it doesn't really matter that discovery is ongoing in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims while Berkowitz et. al. petition for cert based on the APA claims. can we just go back to trashing corker...that was more fun.
  14. https://charlierose.com/videos/31079 Friday 10/20/2017 A conversation about bitcoin, blockchain technology, and the future of digital currency, featuring Catherine Wood, C.E.O. and C.I.O. of Ark Investment Management; Paul Vigna, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal; and Lily Katz, a reporter at Bloomberg News.
  15. grants just had a podcast on this
  16. "the man of mighty days, and equal to the days"
  17. if i had a time machine kinda to ( and say nothing harms you or you get to kinda invisible float around and be privy to things) ....i would like to spend some time on the western front of ww1, the second spot would be the US civil war but probably mostly with Grant and Lincoln and how those two went about the war period.
  18. US Grant is top 5 historical persons for me. I did not know there was a new book. Thanks! Highly suggest http://www.granthomepage.com/grantfacts.htm General Eisenhower had a long interview with Walter Cronkite on the beaches of Normandy on the 20th anniversary of D-Day. He said then:
  19. this escalated quickly. Corker's comments crossed the line this week and so a response was certainly incoming. but this is not repairable at this point and corker will likely become popular with the press. trump cant seem to keep too many friends around
  20. Corker and Trump really going at it this morning. #bullish
  21. are other municipalities having budget problems like chicago is?......the story is that high taxes coupled with the crime is driving people out of the state.....and even the state is having issues. lots of my friends have left for california...i chose colorado.
  22. malcom gladwell's podcast is what i listen to if i want to fall asleep
  23. Here is Warren Buffett’s first tax return, filed at age 14 http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/warren-buffetts-first-tax-return-filed-age-14/ I hope he release his tax records after his death...could be an amazing case study.
  24. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/26/buffetts-berkshire-hathaway-studied-this-stock-for-three-years-before-buying-in.html Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway studied this stock for three years before buying in
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