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Everything posted by doughishere

  1. Probably going to be disappointed but....http://reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/popcorn_stephen_colbert.gif I'm not saying Watt/Scott amounts to anything, but at the very least he's entertaining the opinions of lawyers that are pro-shareholder. I'm pointing it out because it builds upon, however slightly, his public and scripted comments awhile back where he was very clear the conservatorship needs to end. Honestly, Im growing weary of the proceedings.
  2. Probably going to be disappointed but....http://reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/popcorn_stephen_colbert.gif
  3. Base Hit Investing. http://basehitinvesting.com/berkshire-hathaway-is-safe-and-cheap/
  4. In re: Nat’l Football League Players’ Concussion Injury Litig., 842 F. Supp. 2d 1378, 1379 (J.P.M.L. 2012) (ordering consolidation where pendency of “similar motions to dismiss or sever would invite the risk of inconsistent rulings”). rofl....this is absurd.
  5. If you guys are so good...then why are you still on COBF? Without looking it up. Can anyone tell me the difference between accrual and cash basis accounting?
  6. Even Munger has commented that he wouldn't feel bad going in 100% in some situations.
  7. Ehh....I just threw it up. To be honest i dont go in the BERK section too much. Move it there if you like.
  8. http://scholarship.law.gwu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2374&context=faculty_publications
  9. Obama is a damn good CEO. http://www.wsj.com/articles/fed-sent-record-97-8-billion-in-profits-to-u-s-treasury-in-2015-1458316804
  10. Came across these post this evening. Thought it was interesting. Not exactly news. FRED: Manufacturing Sector Real Output https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/OUTMS FRED: All Employees - Manufacturing https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/MANEMP
  11. Thats actually pretty awesome. Mad respek to who ever takes on that job. http://imgur.com/rOx6kLP
  12. I love marks but I may be a bit biast...some think he's smug. Thanks for posting. We should have a dedicated thread to all his letters and such....damn I got some more reading to do.
  13. Personally I think that any further delay should be tied to the salaries of the defendants....I bet you either get people walking of the job or this gets done mighty fast.
  14. Chapman writes, from GSE links "This action will take on a life of its own before the JPMDL, with the parties debating whether consolidation is appropriate and to what Court and Judge any consolidated proceeding should be transferred" They want to delay....can't wait for the response, losers.
  15. Peter Chapman 8.40PM Central: FHFA and Treasury filed their Reply Briefs in support of their Motions to Dismiss Robnson v. FHFA today, and copies of those filings are attached to this e-mail message. HERA, FHFA contends, insulates it from any challenge to anything by anybody. Treasury says that HERA precludes shareholders' ability to question FHFA and Treasury's actions. The government's motions to dismiss are now fully briefed and Judge Thapur will convene a hearing if he wishes to and rule on them when he's ready to do so.
  16. Epstein - Paraphrase: "the lawsuits chalenging the inital bail out are more powerfull than I initally thought." About the 49min mark. After how many years he could do this speech in his sleep.
  17. i just think levine nailed the reasons why the ONLY chance of recovery for private holders is through the courts. he just explained it from a different perspective. I dont think its revolutionary that most of wall street, main street and k street are content with the status quo. But yeah he does have some good prose.
  18. Yeah I thought he was selling on that one also. His daily memos are more geared towards the antidotal side of wall street. Thought Id just post it anyways.
  19. Matt Levine - Bloomberg Money Stuff Fannie and Freddie. Here is Bethany McLean arguing for some form of "recap and release" of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, in which they "would operate as utilities, much like your electric utility, with a cap on the return they are allowed to earn, and regulated as such by a competent regulator with real teeth," and would (in Josh Rosner's words) be "countercyclical providers of liquidity." My long-held view on Fannie and Freddie has been that: The conservatorship status quo -- in which Fannie and Freddie operate as government agencies, implement government policy, subsidize mortgage rates and earn profits that accrue to the government -- is pretty good: There is no constituency in the government, and few constituencies in the market (other than disgruntled Fannie/Freddie shareholders), that would prefer a re-privatized system to the status quo. The status quo is embarrassing, sure -- the government is not supposed to own the housing market! -- and could eventually run into problems, which is why everyone in the government has to periodically pay lip service to the idea that it is temporary and one day the mortgage market will be re-privatized. There is no particular reason to think that will be soon.
  20. too much cobf...yeah im a little spent on macro...good convo Long et al.
  21. Ray Dalio. www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2016-03-03/bridgewater-s-ray-dalio-on-economy-investing-success Fast forward to about 8.10 into the conversation. Low interest rates are not enough. Even talks about negative feedback loops.
  22. I get what your saying...I really do you guys see what you guys are saying. I'm saying deflation is the asset prices are to high to support current demand and as such the price goes down. If price of money is down then why is demand of goods down? If money is at an all time "cheapness" then why is there not more money chasing the same or less goods? If money is ceaper now then why are there less homes being built? Why is there cut backs on capital expenditures? WEB just said he's doing his part on capital expenditures then why is demand for rail down? I think implying others arnt. If it's easier to get debt to buy a home then why isn't there a boom in home loans? And go right down the asset list...if it's so cheep to buy a car on debt then why arnt more people doing it? Why do I not see more Ferraris on the street if everyone can get a low interest rate loan so easily? I have to lay down more of my already earned capital in order to get the less annually payments(interest) The return-to-outlay ratio sucks. Smaller numerator / bigger denominator The same dollar I had in 2008 returns less than it does today. O% interest rates when I buy a t-Bill. means I pay the govt to keep it safe. I loose money buy buying a t-Bill and hold it to maturity. When I do this its no different than putting it under the mattress. shit a mattress would be better because I now have 1$ vs .99c. If low interest rates are making high inflation then why don't we see run away inflation. Howard marks said it in the fall conference I went to. Almost literal quote: "in the 80s we couldn't stop inflation...now we can't start it" Not saying your wrong long haul, I'm just saying that this isn't two ends of a spectrum and more like a sine wave where low demand is on both ends of the "interest rate curve." Thus both extremely low interest rates and extremely high interest rates create low demand. Where a "4% sweet spot" generates the most growth...where both creditors and those taking the loans benefit higher growth better than on the ends of the spectrum. And Mr. Napier seems to agree.
  23. Prefereds shares get the seniority, par value and contractual coupon rate. Common shares get the right to vote plus the non capped upside
  24. couldn't disagree more. non-cumulative pref is like senior common, which is why warren buffett spits on non-cumulative prefs. if NWS is invalidated, $90B value drops to fnma pref and common. if pref was cumulative pref and it had a huge accumulated dividend, then pref would go to par. I'm going to take that back I'm pretty sure that contractually in a bankruptcy that the prefereds have to be made whole before the common gets their "thin sliver of hope" Class a shares generally equate to a higher voting rights than class b. So BrKa get something like 70 vote to every 1 the class b.
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