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Everything posted by doughishere

  1. Anyone have some recommendations on books of or by him? Any thoughs on Keynes in general....i dont really want to waste my time if its not importatnt. Buffet seems to love his works and was thinking about reading some ...it's either that or grab a book on the Pinyin.
  2. I dont get whats so difficult to understand about this statement.
  3. This is an interview with Hamish Hume is a partner with Washington, D.C.-based firm Boies, Schiller & Flexner.
  4. Update on Taibbi's article from yesterday
  5. a rational businessman would. govtal officials? Im so vested in this now I want to actually know what the truth is.....with that kind of attiude why not just go the distance? ;)
  6. The supplemental briefings that are due out on Friday...are we going to be able to see that?
  7. Significant Lawsuits Concerning Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Net Worth Sweep Updated April 18, 2016 http://bankrupt.com/gselitigation201604.pdf
  8. If you read the article, it's easy to see why. Taibbi hates the big banks, and it's the big banks that are trying to expropriate the GSEs' business. I would say he has a strong dislike for the big banks The Great American Bubble Machine http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-great-american-bubble-machine-20100405 The Vampire Squid Strikes Again: The Mega Banks' Most Devious Scam Yet http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-vampire-squid-strikes-again-the-mega-banks-most-devious-scam-yet-20140212
  9. Might be time for them to settle before this really gets out of hand before elections. It's surprising that Matt Taibi is on our side. I would have expected him to chastise the hedge funds trying to "profit off the taxpayers" Yeah....well ill take him over carney any day.
  10. MATT TAIBBI, Luke a few months ago i was a grouch on how the media circus has picked up...you said things were....Mea culpa......i was wrong things are picking up.
  11. http://www.valuewalk.com/2016/04/dick-bove-another-bomb-exploding-part-governments-case/
  12. The ultimate sell signal. Cramer - Here's some old analysis of fnma in 2009. Bronte Capital. 10 Parts. http://brontecapital.blogspot.com/2014/08/my-sincere-best-wishes-to-bill- Edit: More from the archive. http://neoalpha.blogspot.com/2011/06/michael-kao-akanthos-capital-management.html
  13. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/04/16/upshot/stephen-curry-golden-state-warriors-3-pointers.html Stephen Curry’s 3-Point Record in Context: Off the Charts By GREGOR AISCH and KEVIN QUEALY
  14. I just want to see more of these documents that are sealed...... Edit: I also cant wait for Epstein's next piece. I bet its going to be pretty good.
  15. Would FRED have those two data sets? Would a Blomberg machine?
  16. Does anyone have access to some charting software or tools? I'm curious to see what the "50-year chart of after-tax profits as a percent of gross domestic product" chart is.... Buffett describes it in this article: http://archive.fortune.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2001/12/10/314691/index.htm About 1/4 the way down. Paragraph 4 in the "Interest rates, Long-term government bonds" section.
  17. Cuz why not... I'm about 80/20 preff/common About a 7% position of my overall portfolio....for all of it. Don't let me manage other people's money. I probably won't take it any ways.
  18. Hasn't there been chatter from like Watt on that?
  19. Buffett is a really bad speaker but the omissions he makes are just startling. That interview should be in business schools across the world. Here's days of interviews..raw and uncut...im a little surprised I haven't thought about listening to these earlier...truly the fact that we can have these recoding is a significant thing...James grant I think would agree...listen to his interview....there's some telling stuff in here https://fcic.law.stanford.edu/resource/interviews
  20. Anyone have the report on Goldman Sachs?.......I feel like drifting out of my coc
  21. Maybe I missed this but is there a time line for their decisions No deadline. The supplemental briefing is due 7 days from now. Must be fun sometimes being a judge. You just get to decide if people's facts and opinions are shit or not....
  22. Maybe I missed this but is there a time line for their decisions
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