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Everything posted by james22

  1. Sure, once I realized time was the constraint, not money. You can't do all the things you might want to do because there simply isn't enough time in the week. Want to fly, boat, drive, golf, gym, run, read, drink, travel, etc.? Anything you do means you aren't doing something else. And once you realize that, you realize most things you like doing are about equally fun. Makes it easy to budget your money by doing the less expensive things (reading and running rather than flying and/or boating).
  2. Sorry, I was drinking.
  3. No, Saylor wishes the asset class to thrive.
  4. Might have missed out on the tech bull market that followed 2009 though? Even though my professional career was all about tech innovation, I was pretty burned by 2000 and so was too smitten with the Fama-French argument to take real advantage of that long run.
  5. Think of all the kids at DFA/Buckingham piling into SV and EM the last 15 years. Whoops.
  6. Sent these to a friend struggling with back pain (told by his doc he has degenerative disc disease and shouldn't lift): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbpeSY1Js9U https://startingstrength.com/article/back-pain-and-back-strength https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgK6Y1j7ACA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGLe1OR_n88 (beginning 8:12) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg49gm9os7w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnoVfEbisLY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSF2ezSnpFU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufA4u-HnGzs
  7. The first accounts for some of that premium, certainly. And the second provides perspective, no?
  8. Nah. You have to work a little just to maintain your capabilities, but you certainly can.
  9. I'd drag it out (while looking for other work) and make them buy me out or fire me. https://www.financialsamurai.com/how-to-make-money-quitting-your-job-2/
  10. I assume you left your money in the market the last two years? How'd it do compared to your previous active management? You might not have missed anything.
  11. Optimism is always better than pessimism. And generational comparisons are never very meaningful. A 1940s (post-war) home wouldn't be acceptable today (too small, without a garage, etc.). And you had to survive a war to buy one.
  12. You confuse easy with achievable. Getting wealthy is not easy, but achievable. People who are not fit just don't diet or exercise and it's their fault! It's not a matter of opinion: people can get wealthy by saving and investing.
  13. That's the best spin on it, that consumers are simply pursuing the American Dream. Their spending evidence of their confidence in certain opportunity.
  14. I'm not going to be above saying "I told you so."
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