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Gamecock-YT last won the day on October 5 2024

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  1. getting meme’d
  2. the rule of thumb is to pay for your plate.
  3. from shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in 3 generations
  4. It's been used to virtue signal more than anything. Inevitably people that leave twitter (content creators mostly) and make a big show of it start showing up back on twitter once they realize their metrics have declined. The 2-3 times I've taken a look at it the algorithm is as to the left with propoganda as twitter is to to the right with propoganda.
  5. 35.56%, Made two large investments this year that came up trumps. Managed to bottom-tick ALS.TO in February after putting about 25% of my net worth into it over 12 days as the price was blowing out. This was after an iron ore mine’s pre-feasibility study (on which they own a royalty) showed a lower-than-expected IRR. However, if you factored in the spot iron ore price at the time, the IRR improved significantly. Those last batches of purchases are up 50% today. The other big winner was TBRG, which hit a 52-week high yesterday. I'm sitting on a 131% gain on it. Was loading up when it was trading around ~6.2x EBITDA while an investment fund was blowing out of it. Wish I had bought more, as it’s currently trading at ~9.3x. Also picked up some FRMO right before TPL and crypto went on a run—more luck than anything, but it was trading below 1x NAV when I was buying. Those are now up 30%. The big losers for the year were GXE.TO (and some other small O&G investments) and SIRI. 2024: 35.56% 2023: 0.40% 2022: -3.75% 2021: 19.9% 2020: 12.0% 2019: 33.0% 2018: -15.5% 2017: 35.0% 2016: 17.3%
  6. Let us know if you get hit up for a donation again soon, John.
  7. Are you guys confusing retirement money with fuck you money? Isn't the concept of fuck you money that you can tell your boss 'no' and you are ok getting fired. I'm not watching the video to see what these dudes have as their 'take' on what it is to them. Having a few mil in the bank seems pretty overkill, plus in my experience getting to the point where you are telling your boss 'no' can suddenly supercharge your career once you quit giving a damn. Give me ~2 years expenses as my number.
  8. state owned properties being sold off to oligarch buddies under nefarious measures
  9. just imagine the offers you would get if you were a 'Who's Who book for your industry'!
  10. Hope it’s better than his management of his sports teams
  11. He just needs to write 500 pages to explain why the market is wrong
  12. My brother was gifted this book from his boss as he has embarked on his first 'middle management' job. I told him he'd be better off with Bob Fifer's Double your profits in six months or less.
  13. the norwegian sovereign wealth fund
  14. press shy but no one wants to turn down the guy that controls the biggest fund in the world. kiss the ring.
  15. I have, November 2019 in fact so right at about 4 years and 50 weeks to the day, right before shit started hitting the fan and I have no interest in ever going back! I found people to be rude, unhelpful, and trying to rip you off at every opportunity. The surveillance apparatus was beyond the pale. We're talking 10-12 cameras on every street corner. You knew you were being watched at every opportunity. Nevermind the chinese firewall. Google maps doesn't work, the only western app that worked was Apple maps, which made me lose a lot of respect for the company. Especially when they like to flout their privacy bonafides. I've also been to Hong Kong post-covid and the city is a shell of its former self. You're welcome.
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