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Gamecock-YT last won the day on October 5 2024

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  1. I do, but never have done it in Japan. The few times I've looked at Niseko it looked pretty pricey and the talk is it's full of Aussies. Though I do like Hokkaido quite a bit for non-ski activities, and it isn't nearly as trafficked for tourists. I've taken the Shinkansen through Nagano which has a few places, but think Northern Tohoku would probably be the best spot of good snow and few crowds.
  2. I was in Tokyo and Osaka last month, it was still pretty even in what is supposed to be their 'slow season'. Only place that was over touristy was Nara, I saw photos of Kyoto and it looked ever worse. The good news is I still think you can get off the 'tourist trail' and into smaller cities and get more of an authentic experience still. But I don't see myself going to Nara or Kyoto any time in the near future.
  3. Really? Are they held in a BofA MMF or are you using a blackrock/federated hermes fund?
  4. Not sure what DOE refers to? The Department of Energy? For DoD revenue it's what? 35-40%? Do they break out their profit by entity? Pretty sure it's just OEM/Aftermarket.
  5. Same with Merrill, been looking to switch for awhile as well.
  6. I'm surprised TDG has held up as long as it has, you'd figure lots of meat on that bone to trim.
  7. Obviously the model would be offshore oil and gas à la Norway but that would involve the people trusting their government in a way that they do in Norway, and don't in the US.
  8. https://www.bild.de/news/ausland/nato-generalsekretaer-rutte-bereit-fuer-krieg-um-frieden-zu-sichern-679be76e08bc756e749d2966 Back to Trump: The US president is not ruling out using military means to gain access to Greenland. Could this be the end of NATO? "No! But when it comes to defense in the Arctic, Trump is right. What I think is really good is that the Prime Minister of Denmark immediately held talks with President Trump. Essentially, it was about the high urgency of defense in the far north. This is not just about Greenland, but also about Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Canada. We all have to work together to protect the areas. And Trump is right about that." Noch mal zurück zu Trump: Der US-Präsident schließt militärische Mittel nicht aus, um an Grönland zu kommen. Könnte das das Ende der Nato sein? „Nein! Aber wenn es um die die Verteidigung in der Arktis geht, hat Trump recht. Was ich wirklich gut finde ist, dass der Premierminister von Dänemark sofort Gespräche mit Präsident Trump geführt hat. Im Wesentlichen ging es dabei um die hohe Dringlichkeit der Verteidigung im hohen Norden. Da geht es nicht nur um Grönland, sondern auch um Island, Norwegen, Finnland, Schweden und Kanada. Wir müssen alle zusammenarbeiten, um die Gebiete zu schützen. Und da hat Trump recht.“ Guess 'George' @BehizyTweets needs to sharpen up on his translation of 'negotiations'
  9. That's the first original thought I've ever seen you have! Way to go!
  10. I was hoping for a youtube video, SAD!
  11. Distort the truth? That's a fucking laugh. Especially coming from you! If you are all in on this MAGA agenda then tell the Canadians all your MAGA talking points. Don't go soft just because people can't take it. You're making America GREAT AGAIN! They need to know! WE need to hear all those great youtube videos because we CLEARLY don't get it!
  12. You aren't purposely leaving them out because they aren't nearly the problem that Mexico is, yet are being punished none the same? I guess this gets you off your talking points, so I look forward to your youtube video on the subject.
  13. Canada should call his bluff and ban all exports of Canadian energy to the United States then. That's clearly the weakness in this tariff equation given the non-25% carve out. I don't think the Canadians have the guts/political capital to put up with the issues it would cause, but if you want to fight fire with fire that's your bargaining chip. You don't try and act rational with a bully, you punch him back in the fucking face. No different than playing hockey.
  14. he just keeps rattling off talking points, if he can't explain something or someone gets him off his talking points he just likes copy and pasting links to right wing youtube videos. We'd all be better off putting him on ignore and going about our day.
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