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Everything posted by indythinker85

  1. Usually the PDF goes viral within 20 minutes of the first post. Reuters has short piece here http://news.yahoo.com/greenlight-capital-exits-profitable-mbia-short-letter-135404605.html and I found full letter here (but not in PDF) http://www.valuewalk.com/2013/05/greenlight-capital-q1-2013-letter/. Anyone else bullish on VOD?
  2. More links for Q1 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-05-05/seth-klarman-expains-when-investing-its-hardest-and-why-he-not-joining-momentum-trad http://www.institutionalinvestorsalpha.com/Article/3201722/Seth-Klarmans-Baupost-May-Return-Some-Capital-to-Investors.html
  3. I see he updates it time to time but anyone have idea if there is any schedule or anything? Or do i have to just check bad every few days?
  4. Hes up 20% this year not bad. I have a friend who is a value analyst at a top small cap firm which keeps low profile. He told me 60% of his money was in MBI (before the news) and i told him it was too risky. Anyway, he is probably a millionaire now.
  5. Looks like first quarter letter is out anyone seen it? http://www.valuewalk.com/2013/04/seth-klarman-false-calm/
  6. Am i reading this correctly stock went from $8 to $160 in a few months?! http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/FGL:SJ unrelated, anyone know more of his positions (not in his letters)?
  7. Tnx! I dont see memo on site? where is this from.
  8. Watsa already has several investments in Greece. Forgot where I saw it but I know I read recently that he has at least two significant stakes in Greek companies.
  9. Cant find more recent but Meb Faber's latest here-http://c7.valuewalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/global-cape-ratios.png The one on ZH i have seen i think in BoFa Merrill report will double check. I am pretty sure whoever compiles the data on the ZH chart updates it on regular basis.
  10. Howard Marks http://blogs.cfainstitute.org/insideinvesting/2013/02/28/speculation-versus-investment-its-all-a-matter-of-semantics/
  11. http://www.businessweek.com/videos/2013-02-27/the-chinese-excel-at-thinking-strategically-roach
  12. Great stuff thank you!!!
  13. http://www.valuewalk.com/2013/02/what-is-the-difference-between-investing-and-speculation/ from CFA Institute. Howard Marks is going to answer question tomorrow on forum. Im serious.
  14. http://www.cnbc.com/id/100466047 http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/chapman_out_of_herbalife_BCUIhqVCSOhatwT9HvGWMM Nice prediction about both being in for a quick profit here-http://www.valuewalk.com/2013/02/loeb-chapman-connection-goes-back-at-least-12-years/
  15. total aum i hear is about $25B
  16. http://abnormalreturns.com/qa-with-wesley-gray-co-author-of-quantitative-value/
  17. I posted this earlier in general discussions but think it would be better here. First verbatim: The PIIGs are extremely cheap (an understatement) on a quantitative basis. Obviously, the macro problems are known to all, and I personally think the euro-crisis is not over. But I am not a market timer. I own some of the ETFs (which are not the best tracking tools) with the largest allocation to Greece. I am scared to buy individual names, as I do not have enough time and doubt its in my circle of competence, but I would consider a basket of equities. Is anyone here investing the region? If so, how? Thanks in advance. I was looking at several Greek companies one of which was OPAP. There is recent news that Klarman has 5.2% stake http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/29/us-greece-opap-hedgefund-idUSBRE90S0N620130129, and wants a 10% stake http://www.valuewalk.com/2013/02/greek-gambling-monopoly-opap-attracts-value-investors/. A few other companies i have been looking at (as basket), curious to hear if anyone else is.
  18. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-05/wells-fargo-to-target-sovereign-wealth-funds-in-dubai-expansion.html
  19. I found another good quote from the letter here https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=526024970770781&set=a.297195640320383.72384.144640855575863&type=1&theater&notif_t=like
  20. Awesome thanks for the transcript!
  21. Berkowitz on bloomberg today (they are posting segments one by one) http://www.businessweek.com/search?q=bruce+berkowitz&resultsPerPage=20&sort=date
  22. Loeb sold a chunk of Yahoo! on Friday. did you see this great write up on Third Point Offshore? ttp://www.valuewalk.com/2012/06/third-point-offshore-an-alpha-master-at-a-discount/ Has anyone ever checked out Greenlight RE? thoughts?
  23. Speaking of Berkowitz hes on Bloomberg tomorrow not sure what time, if anyone knows please feel free to leave a comment
  24. Never knew that. Is this the one your referring to? http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK=0000865827&owner=exclude&count=40&hidefilings=0
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