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Everything posted by indythinker85

  1. NP glad you caught it on http://www.bwater.com/home/research--press.aspx they sometimes post new material but its rare. Also, its very hard to get their material on regular basis but you can search the internet and see what comes up.
  2. Thanks I think this is originally from http://aswathdamodaran.blogspot.com/2013/07/market-multiples-global-comparison-and.html speaking of which does anyone know if the data in these charts will be auto updated or do they not change?
  3. This is late response but there is one up todayhttp://www.valuewalk.com/2013/08/bridgewater-associates-europe-collapse/, also one other recent one here http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-04-05/bridgewater-asks-could-italy-blow-euro bboth on Europe
  4. http://www.marketfolly.com/2013/08/omega-advisors-thesis-on-sprint-nextel.html
  5. Awesome, thank you!!! Does anyone know by any chance where these videos are (so one mention CS has them) am extremely interested in them
  6. Thanks I thought they were on CSinvesting but couldnt find a link do you have one to the notes and the videos?
  7. Love the new design great job. Other day I heard someone say Corner of Berkshire is better than VIC, and I could not agree more. Keep up the great work.
  8. Hope wasnt posted yet; can't get enough of Greenblatt. Really wish he still spoke more about special situations as opposed to Magic Formula. http://www.valuewalk.com/2013/08/joel-greenblatt-special-situations/
  9. Cant send these things unfortunately besides for reason Parsad said but its likely AR, ZH, BI and VW will post some information since they usually do. Q1 is not out yet but I would be surprised if it was not out by next week.
  10. I think so plus manages much more now, harder to beat. Im not attacking Klarman, just saying (although didnt make myself clear at all) many investors like Buffett are more bullish than Klarman. Other great value investors can be found on both sides of the spectrum, so not sure what people are supposed to make of that!
  11. Im no macro expert and dont consider myself a Keynesian nor Austrian, but to be honest Klarman seems to have been wrong about macro views for some time. He has bought deep out of the money options or other instruments which make a fortune (i think 100:1) if interest rates go above 10 percent. So that seems to be good investment since risk/reward is very good, gold though hasn't performed that well to say the least.
  12. Here is some more from that speech seems valuewalk and zerohedge have connections at LPs http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-07-25/seth-klarman-very-worried-about-future-world-living-prayer
  13. Your welcome I also enjoyed
  14. http://csinvesting.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Measuring_the_Moat_July2013.pdf Measuring the Moat Assessing the Magnitude and Sustainability of Value Creation new report from Credit Suisse authored by Mauboussin. Found via http://csinvesting.org/
  15. Thanks! So there is no further info until the movie is released?
  16. Just found this trailer http://www.tennesseecontrarian.com/ (via http://www.valuewalk.com/) anyone have more details? This looks like it could be a great documentary.
  17. http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_23694015/exclusive-john-malone-bets-broadband-return-u-s
  18. Very nice guy I second what everyone here has basically said.
  19. I dont think this is a quarterly letter but nice amount of information from wherever it was taken. Wish Klarman spoke more about investments these days instead of macro but ill take what i can get! http://www.valuewalk.com/2013/07/klarman-economy-house-of-cards/
  20. I would swear by anything Price says. However, I also read the book and really enjoyed it. Cundill would invest across the cap structure and in any place he found value. Was not a dry read either IMO.
  21. Hope this wasnt posted yet! Links to all of them here http://business.outlookindia.com/peoplehome3.aspx?pid=10215&author=Outlook+Business
  22. I am not a fan of his views and the comments sometimes are simply outrageous and racist, but he is good at finding very good content IMHO. I do not know him well but he also is much more normal than he seems and he also has some excellent sources.
  23. Hell yeah, my second largest position...behind FIAT No were talking! What price did you get in i just bought 6 weeks ago but see much more upside. Care to share your thesis?
  24. Anyone like EXOR?
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