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Everything posted by jouni1

  1. Been looking at it for a while and got some extra cash recently. Great returns on capital, reasonable valuation and probably a lot of growth still to be had.
  2. Bought some EW yesterday
  3. I guess it's a given you think GDPR is unnecessary if your view is that corporations shouldn't be regulated (more).
  4. GDPR has made sure that companies that don't respect human rights when handling data are fined properly. I saw it personally in the case of Dropbox, which told users it was going to start using their stored data to train AI models, except for EU customers. Of course it doesn't show up in business valuations in the short term. If that's the only measure of a successful law then I guess GDPR is a failure.
  5. Ripley on Netflix was just all around amazing. Was a sad moment when it ended.
  6. There are a lot of investment books on archive.org. Not sure they need to even be out of copyright, if they're available only for borrowing. Just search for the book. Here's an example: https://archive.org/details/capitalaccount00edwa
  7. Fyi people might not appreciate hearing about the last scene in a series they are watching
  8. Yeah the new true detective was a train wreck. Worst season yet. Sad as it had some promise. The new fargo is great though
  9. I think 4700sqft is a large house, but I'm European so what do I know.
  10. Can you name some of your favorites in the space doing buy backs?
  11. Interested as I missed out on XPO despite buying it once Do start a thread to keep track of this. Sounds like the best time to purchase isn't probably right now though
  12. There isn't much to dislike about AJG except the valuation. Same goes for BRO.
  13. Finally bought some FFH
  14. Any educated opinions on European companies such as Kongsberg, Saab, and Safran etc? Saab excluding the fighter jet business seems like they could do well in the current environment.
  15. Bought some LVMH. Not going to miss the dip once again
  16. Wow that's a bit more hair than I was expecting. Maybe it's in the too hard pile then. Companies like this where the management's and shareholders' interests are not lined could go either way. Thanks for all your hard work in this thread @longterminvestor, I've learned a ton about these businesses.
  17. Same. BRP looks really interesting to me. The debt situation adds enough hair on it to keep the valuation in check. With good execution BRP looks like it could be a great long term hold.
  18. Well I've been looking at NVR solely on account of planning to invest in it on a dip for the past 10 years but always failing to do so. I have always thought of it as a best in class US homebuilder, do you guys agree?
  19. I tried to do a search for this but couldn't find anything. So what are your favorite websites for looking at quotes and financial data of companies? I used to use Morningstar a few years back but it's gotten noticeably worse, so now I just get quotes from my broker and read the official reports. Could use something that shows a quick summary along with the quote and chart. Also other investment websites suggestions welcome. My own 2 cents: www.dataroma.com is nice for looking at some famous investors' 13f's.
  20. Can you name some of these best in class companies or sectors to look at related to this? I was thinking miners like RIO, BHP etc. Or do you think there still value in oil?
  21. Has technology gone too far?
  22. Agreed. Continuing the old thread rather than starting a new one is interesting for perspective. this. much better to have one thread for one topic.
  23. there's an extraordinary amount of leverage in at least finnish real estate investing right now. Condos are being sold with 30% money down, and the debt is at the "building" level, not personal debt of the investors. the credit-worthiness of the buyers is not really checked at all if they can manage the down payment. first few years you pay only the interest on these loans. sound familiar? nordea was the first to introduce some limits to these loans given to the housing coops(? not sure about the term) a week or so ago.
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