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Everything posted by jouni1

  1. i read it somewhere a while ago, can't remember where. quickly googling i found this: http://www.meattradenewsdaily.co.uk/news/290112/russia___talking_meat_imports.aspx 40% of the fish is norwegian. another interesting statistic :D they seem pretty dependent on western nations in a lot of areas. edit: on the topic of gas, they just signed a 400 billion deal to sell gas to china. pipeline supposed to be up and running in 2018.
  2. what about beef and milk products? 60% or so is imported. the people there have become accustomed to some sort of quality and i'm not sure they're willing to go back to goods produced in their own country ;D
  3. it's fun to guess whether he'd rather keep his balls, or billionaire friends ;D and i guess it's time for the answer to the topic: -because russia is pretty unpredictable
  4. so, are you saying people getting hit by lightning aren't actually cursed?
  5. yeah i just sold my house to my neighbor for the summer, just in case. ::) it makes a lot of sense to own something you consider worth owning and then speculate on the price.
  6. i bought some WU yesterday. left the position to a size that i can double down from a couple of times depending on price action in the coming quarters (after the 500 hours ::)).
  7. glad the junior footballers of the world got to see you don't win tournaments by kicking peoples ankles and knees! what a match!
  8. the neymar x-ray shown on brazilian tv is either fake, or he doesn't have a fracture they say ::) i don't have a source in english sorry. we'll see if he plays or not! i think germany can win even with the ref in brazil's pocket.
  9. investment wise; what is this soccer boom going to do in the states? NKE? is it actually a boom? we have a lot of members down there so what do you think? the news here are saying it's the biggest thing since the super bowl on espn in the usa. does this mean anything?
  10. great match once again! my neighbors must think i'm german or something :D
  11. happy birthday!
  12. even though there are a few of these already i thought i'd start the following: - people are starting topics i don't think are worthwile so i'll subtly hint they're using the internet wrong, after reading the threads through of course.
  13. great stuff! i thought this might be the case. he seems like a great guy :) wish i could go some day. reading transcripts never really is the same as seeing and hearing.
  14. oh, the annual meetings are open to public? we don't have those here, so that's why i thought you had to own a share.
  15. so you wouldn't invest 200 bucks to see him speak every year for the next 3 or so years at least? in the end if the valuation is corrected, you could be down like 33 bucks per event. that's a pretty cheap price to pay to hear this guy speak his mind. if i lived any closer i would've probably bought a share. never mind the valuation.
  16. is it still normal practice in the states to get your pay in checks? i have heard they're more common down there, but it still seems a bit weird. i've seen a check less than 5 times in my life. i'm asking because if it's still like in the movies, it's a pretty big growth arena for V, MA and internet banking?
  17. germany, netherlands and belgium are in the top 3. these southern hemisphere (which for me seems to start in the mediterranean ;D) teams are too hot headed.
  18. i'm not sure there's a line to draw to separate completely new tech from making things better. one thing i'm sure about, is that a lot of smart-ass people we're shouting "not a breakthrough" at bell too.
  19. i found out they were giving out 2.15 on germany beating portugal today. it's a no-brainer based on the definition of football: two teams play for 90 minutes, germany wins. ;D
  20. has anybody looked at subsea? i kind of like it, but they're buying ships from the ceo's investment company(also the biggest owner @ subsea7) hand over fist. are they good deals or not? i felt it was weird it wasn't mentioned in the analysis at all. shoved it in the no-pile, but it keeps calling me.
  21. germany was the reason bad decisions were made at the beginning of the crisis. landesbanken would've said "PUFF" as a great mind said if we(the eu) wouldn't have bailed everybody out. so it's not the germans fault they spent so much money but it's kind of hypocritical to blame their under-capitalized banks on greeks, or italians.
  22. i absolutely believe the seller should be responsible for the courier he uses. if i get what you're saying, the seller gets a negative mark even when he straight up refunds or sends a new item successfully. this seems a bit nasty, but i understand the thinking. when comparing sellers, i want to choose the one who gets his packages to where they should be. as a consumer i just want to pay for the item and get it, not worry about couriers etc. so in a way i understand the successful sales kind of scoring of sellers. the seller is providing a service and i hold him fully responsible to compensate me if the courier f's up. i also understand it being a part of the scoring system, as it's a service(shipping) i pay him for. that being said, i'm noticing how ebay is turning for the worse. it's getting impossible to search for stuff, and smaller sellers are gone. haven't shopped there for over a year now. the last two orders were "lost" by couriers. idiot sellers told me to wait for a few months as it's coming with regular mail(so i wouldn't be able to start a dispute anymore), after initially telling the shipping time was 3-10days. i disputed and gave negative 1-star review to both of them and got my money back. they were both "top-rated" BTW.
  23. in our socialist utopia i can do that if i want to get at the money when i'm at the age our government thinks it's ok to retire at. right now it's 65 or 67. in 40 years, it'll probably be over 70, maybe 80. my plan is to get where i want to be and get out :D sooner the better. it'll probably be a few decades tho.
  24. i understand trading the valuation gap. if you can get over 20% annually with that, good for you. i'd be extremely happy with 12-15% a year. in an ideal world with reasonable taxes i probably would do things differently. sell when it reaches fair value, even if i consider the business to be of exceptional quality. but now when i have that +50-80% "gain"(on paper) from mr market finally agreeing with me, the last thing i want to(or am able to) do is trigger capital gains taxes and find an investment that will pay my taxes and return more than the original investment would have.
  25. i googled BH. i got bunch of titties in image seach. and biglari holdings. no berkshire :D conclusion: google more titties, get more accurate results.
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