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Posts posted by boilermaker75

  1. IB provides such a great service to me, and at a negligible cost, that I welcome the slight inconvenience of IB's one-time passcode even if all it did was help IB. But I welcome the added security it provides me and why I was thrilled to find out Schwab had a similar feature. I am not sure how long Schwab has had it, but if it has been a while they did a poor job of letting me know. Plus I am willing to help out, to take a few seconds on an extra step, to stop thieves.

  2. I have accounts at Schwab and IBKR. I have used the one-time passcode security option at IBKR for a long time and I wished Schwab had such a thing. This week in Schwab's Onward magazine there was an article on account security and one of the suggestions was to obtain a free security token.  I received mine today and I am already using. I wanted to mention this security option in case others who have Schwab accounts were also not aware of this security feature.

  3. I don't think selling covered calls or puts is a bad idea, but I think it's like anything else: wait for the price to come to you.


    I generally wait until there's been some market volatility (like today) to sell options. If the stock pops 8-9% in a day for seemingly no real change in underlying fundamentals, I sell a 1-2 month option on it to capture the inflated volatility premium and to have quick theta decomp. I normally do this at strike prices 10-20% above the current price with the intent of making 1+% of contract notional per month of exposure.


    I do the same thing with puts, but demand juicier premiums to earn a higher return on my cash and to compensate for the downside risk.


    You don't have rolling options positions, but you'll be selling options when it is most advantageous for you to do so. Sure, I've missed upside on some individual positions by doing this, but I've also managed to increase the yield on my entire energy portfolio by about 6% annualized by selling select options on select positions at select times. It's actually quite lucrative in volatile times like this.


    I also utilize options similarly with the same experience. Early yesterday morning I wrote puts  that expire Aug 28. A 1.5% return for 5 days, if I don't buy them back today.

  4. I don't like IPAs, not a fan of hops.



    I used to be like that for a long time, but eventually figured out that I just wasn't drinking very good IPAs. Like most types of beer, there is a wide range in IPA quality. I've come to love hops, but IPAs (and Double IPAs) that are brewed well, don't contain the same bitter taste people often associate with IPAs.


    As I've gotten older (almost 40), I spend more $ on better beer. While there are of course plenty of overpriced beers (as well as great beers you can get for low prices), you often do get what you pay for.

    BeerAdvocate is a great resource for discovering new beers. It's a community of thousands of people - not just the opinion of a couple people (like some other beer sites). Haven't had a bad beer anywhere near the top of their rankings: http://www.beeradvocate.com/lists/top/



    Also, This article is good - The best brewery in every state:






    Usually these types of articles are pretty bad, but these guys really did their research. List is pretty spot on for all the states I'm familiar with.


    I always check beer advocate before I try something new. I have tried what I know are top-rated IPAs, such as Bell's Two Hearted Ale. I just don't like them.

  5. Pretty big craft beer fan/drinker here. Big IPA fan, but switch it up a lot. I'm lucky to live in Vermont, which is the home to several of the best breweries in the world (Hill Farmstead, Lawsons, The Alchemist and tons of others).



    I brew beer on occasion (with varying success), but tough to find time now with 2 kids.


    I don't like IPAs, not a fan of hops.


    I also used to brew beer, which similarly ended when my daughter was born. She is 27 now!

  6. Craft beers in the stout/porter variety are my preferred type--Mt Carmel Coffee Brown Ale is probably my favorite. I enjoy fancy cocktails at nicer bars/restaurants but my bartending skills suck. If I am making myself a drink my go-to is a Manhattan. Delicious and even I can handle three ingredients.


    90% of the time I drink porters and stouts. I have never tried Mt Carmel Coffee Brown Ale. I'll have to see if I can find it.


    To add an example take BMW. Once you pass 70,000 km (45,000 miles for my American friends) everything on the car starts to break down and leak. The car is very well engineered and drives beautifully so it looks like they have the engineering know how to not make a car leak or to use better parts. They just don't. So it's engineered for everything to go once you hit 70k.


    On top of the hassle of and expense of fixing everything - some of which cannot be reasonably done - I have the extra problem where I drive a $100,000 car but I can't park it on any of my friends or clients driveways because I am afraid that I an going to stain the drive. (I've heard that Audi and Mercedes are the same). To me the brand and the price tag imply a promise that I shouldn't have to deal with things like that. So given their broken promise I guess my next car is a Lexus.



    My wife has had the same experience with her M-class Mercedes. We are actually going to go look at a Lexus RX tomorrow.


    So you have to wonder how much more harsh could things have been before we would have died out? What does that bell curve look like? Where a certain type of harshness produces us? A bit less harsh and you get bad adjusters that take way too long to change their ways and a bit too harsh and you get more extreme humans that are more violent (because of the lack of resources + hostile nature), or a quick extinction altogether?



    Any harsher and it would have been over. From our DNA it has been determined that the human population was once reduced to less than 1,000 reproductive adults. This near extinction event was the eruption of the volcano Toba on Sumatra.

  9. Doesn't morningstar already give you 10-year data without subscribing?


    No, they don't. I just checked.


    5 year data for free. Clicking on 10-year data lands on the $199 a year subscription page.


    10 year financials used to be free. About two years ago Morningstar went to five years free and you had to pay for 10 years. That is when I started using my university's library, which had a subscription. I wouldn't mind paying, but if I can still get it free that is what I will do!

  10. morningstar.com should be useful.

    That's what I use for the quick look.

    The financials is 5 years but the "Key Ratios" page has a 10 year summary.


    You might be able to access 10 years through a library for free. I can access 10 years through my university's library.

  11. I have a favor to ask someone who has the kindle version. Taleb used a phrase, either Italian or French, for a face that should be slapped. Could you look up the phrase for me? I know there is a German word for a face that should be slapped, but I am looking for the Italian or French expression.







    Obvious question:  how do you plan to deploy it?  Regarding a member of the administration?  Fellow faculty?  Alumni member?  Members of the student body?  None of the above?  Do you need to reply by PM for your self-protection?


    Full disclosure:  I can make good use of this myself.  Thanks for bringing it up!


    My wife was with her Mom at an event at a retirement facility. Two women were walking and my mother-in-law knew one of them so the one she knew stopped to talk. My wife mentioned that the other women was really annoyed at the disruption in her walk and my wife imitated the look she had on her face. I replied a face that should be slapped because I could not recall the French phrase.

  12. Notice very few are taking notes. Why? Because the students are probably provided a copy of the PowerPoint presentation, which is just being read to them. I'll have to take a photo during one of my classes next semester. You'll see no open laptops. Not because I forbid it, but because there is no room on their desk to have a laptop open and to be taking notes, which they have to do in my class.

  13. I have a favor to ask someone who has the kindle version. Taleb used a phrase, either Italian or French, for a face that should be slapped. Could you look up the phrase for me? I know there is a German word for a face that should be slapped, but I am looking for the Italian or French expression.





    Found it! It's in French: tête à baffe


    Here is the quote from the book:


    "I was in Milan trying to explain antifragility to Luca Formenton, my Italian publisher (with great aid from body language and hand gestures). I was there partly for the Moscato dessert wines, partly for a convention in which the other main speaker was a famous fragilista economist. So, suddenly remembering that I was an author, I presented Luca with the following thought experiment: if I beat up the economist publicly, what would happen to me (other than a publicized trial causing great interest in the new notions of fragilita and antifragilita)? You know, this economist had what is called a tête à baffe, a face that invites you to slap it, just like a cannoli invites you to bite into it. Luca thought for a second … well, it’s not like he would like me to do it, but, you know, it wouldn’t hurt book sales. Nothing I can do as an author that makes it to the front page of Corriere della Sera would be detrimental for my book. Almost no scandal would hurt an artist or writer."


    Thank you very much!

  14. I have a favor to ask someone who has the kindle version. Taleb used a phrase, either Italian or French, for a face that should be slapped. Could you look up the phrase for me? I know there is a German word for a face that should be slapped, but I am looking for the Italian or French expression.





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