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Posts posted by boilermaker75

  1. I cannot stand musicals...not at all!  All of our New York board members are yelling "New York wouldn't exist without hedge funds and musicals...how can you not like musicals...what is wrong with you, man?  You're East Indian for crying out loud.  Every movie you make in Bollywood is some bizarre musical full of singing and dancing!"  Nope, just never liked them. 


    Personally, I subscribe to Tom Hanks sentiment a few years ago on Late Night With David Letterman:  "Dave, I personally cannot understand how people just spontaneously break out into song and dance...not a fan of musicals!"  Just never enjoyed them after watching a few as a young boy. 


    Well, I've got to tell you that Tom Hooper's screen version of "Les Miserables" was terrific...probably one of the best movies of the last few years.  Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway's performances are the type that just stick with you after you leave the theatre.  I was just blown away by the size and scope of the movie, and how well it was done.  Didn't even notice that people were singing!  ;D


    So for you guys dragged into the theatre by significant others, friends or family to watch this, you won't have to suck it up.  You may actually really enjoy it.  Cheers!


    I can't picture Russell Crowe singing.  Maybe like Clint Eastwood in Paint Your Wagon?

  2. I fully expected this thread to be about Django.


    I ended up seeing Django Unchained on Christmas day. Les Miz might be a really good movie, but I don't think I'll like it better than Django Unchained.


    I'm going to see Django in a couple of hours.  I'll let you know what I think.  I hear it's vintage Tarantino, not like some of the crap he's made recently.  I really didn't like Inglorious Bastards...just way over the top.  You go back to Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction, and he had a much more deft touch. 


    With Les Miz, I think you'll come to appreciate how difficult it is to sing throughout an entire movie, and still have some emotional connection with the audience...this not like those Mamma Mia type musicals...it's incredibly dark, violent, hopeless and unfortunately true to what life was like back then.  Jackman may be one of the most underappreciated actors in Hollywood, since he makes all those X-men and Wolverine movies.  Probably no other actor in Hollywood has the physicality he has (he's a big guy) and still has a very soft touch with his dialogue.  I think he may be a shoe-in to win the Oscar. 


    Anyway, I'll give you my review of Django later tonight.  Cheers!


    I got to go to the LA screening in the Samuel Goldwyn theatre. That was fun. Most of the actors, except DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, were there. Django is comparable to Inglorious Bastards--lot's of violence,  lots of humor. It was long but you never noticed because there was never a slow moment. Christoph Waltz delivered another oscar worthy performance.

  3. I thought I would get it out early, as many of you will probably head out for vacation soon.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Blessed Kwanzaa and Joyeux Ramadan...there, I've gotten them all in. 


    For those that will be away for a while, have a Happy New Year and we'll see you in 2013!  Cheers and thanks for all of your contributions!




    You missed Festivus, for the rest of us! So Happy Festivus!

  4. I have an account with Interactive Brokers. In addition to a password, you have a device that generates a one-time use five digit code each time you log in. So even if someone hacked your password, they would need to know the next five digit code to log into your IB account.

  5. here comes some criticism


    Warren Buffett Comes Down the Buyback Chimney .





    The mystery around Berkshire's moves is even greater since the company didn't disclose the identity of the selling shareholder. That leaves open questions of the seller's connections, if any, to Mr. Buffett. Also, there is the lurking question of whether the billionaire's move helped someone sell out before tax rates potentially increase in the New Year. While that is, again, unclear, it would be incongruous given Mr. Buffett's calls for the wealthy to pay more in taxes.



    The release said estate so I instantly thought it might be a charitable estate.  This maneuver ould make more sense to me if that was the case.


    Or someone recently deceased like Albert Ueltschi.


    If it was Gottesman I think they would've used his name in the press release since he would need to file being a Director.


    OR could it be http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-10-22/albert-ueltschi-pilot-billionaire-buffett-cohort-dies-at-95

  7. MCN,


    I have never thought about this either. I have accounts at Schwab and Interactive Brokers; I have no idea who they use as  clearing and custodian provider. Maybe I need to find out? May I ask who your current broker is who made the switch?





  8. Parsad I don't think you understood me. What I meant by my comment was that we live in very very dangerous times when a large part of the electorate, specifically the younger generation think that people like Jon Stewart are so brilliant and then they demonstrate that they are just actors.  If Stewart doesn't get the severity of our debts I can assure you his viewers have no clue.


    Same answer as before.  Basically this is the same old inter-generational debate that we have every so often..."you young whipper snapper"..."you old guys are out of touch"...etc, etc. 


    You do realize that the same arguments were made against the misunderstood, naive, belligerent, sophmoric youth of the 70's, and they ended up being some of the greatest capitalists in history.  I don't see how this proportion of the electorate will be any different.  Am I the only old guy here who isn't turning a shade of "old geezer"?  Geez...I feel like Neil Young..."Old man, look at my life, I'm alot like you were!"  ;D  Cheers!


    I was not going to comment on this thread, but a Neil Young quote, I have been a huge fan for over 40 years, and I had to contribute something.


    Maybe another pertinent, but humorous quote,


    Sanderson Reed: "The empire is in peril." Allan Quatermain: "You're probably too young to know, but the empire is always in some kind of peril."

  9. The thing I loved the most about Larry Ellison was that there was a book about him called something like The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison is that God Doesn't Think He's Larry Ellison.


    I read the book, a long time ago. I enjoyed it. The story I most remember is when they first started Oracle they had a computer in one room and something like terminals in a room next to it. Ellison came in and everyone was sitting around because the wires from the terminals to the computer were too short to run out one door and in the other. Ellison left, came back a few minutes later with a hammer, pounded a hole through the wall between the two rooms, and then said "run your wires through there."


    Oh and the one where he was getting divorced in the early days of Oracle and his wife, soon to be ex, took the pickup truck instead of any Oracle stock.

  10. You might find the book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, by Carol Dweck of interest.


    Mindset refers to having a growth or fixed mindset. With a growth mindset you believe skills can be developed, which is what you are looking to do, whereas with a fixed mindset you believe your abilities are already determined.

  11. I recently had a need at work for an iPad. I received a response from IT to make sure I was aware an iPad is not a laptop and could not replace my laptop. I agree, I could not get by without my laptop (although it is not a PC but a MacBook).


    I see how some consumers who surf the web, read books, watch movies, etc., could have everything they need with an iPad and no longer any need for DELL products. But there seems to be a business base that will need PCs/laptops for a while yet.

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