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Everything posted by fareastwarriors

  1. $190 Billion in Losses at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac in Severe Downturn http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-04-30/fannie-and-freddie-would-only-lose-190-billion-in-another-crisis
  2. Fairholme Backs Campaign to Save Fannie and Freddie http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/04/29/fairholme-backs-campaign-to-save-fannie-and-freddie/?src=busln
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. Another that is on my list is The Frackers by Gregory Zuckerman. The Frackers was good. I just finished a month or so ago. The story about the original fracking guys is awesome. They are serious entrepreneurs, who took huge risks and were rewarded very, very well. The only thing that bothered me was I noticed a number or grammatical errors in the first quarter of the book (not that I never make mistakes). The author is a NYT writer I believe. Those kinds of mistakes shouldn't be in a published book. He writes for the Wall Street Journal. I thought his other book The Greatest Trade Ever was also pretty good.
  4. Fannie, Freddie Say Overhaul Would Boost Mortgage Rates Companies Outline Concerns on Senate Bill to Replace Them http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304788404579524093755984248?mod=U.S._newsreel_3
  5. John Paulson Calls Puerto Rico Singapore of Caribbean http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-24/john-paulson-says-puerto-rico-to-become-singapore-of-caribbean.html :P
  6. Hedging has been on my mind but I really don't know how. You can buy or sell Yen futures but then are in blocks of $100k USD. But let's say you have $100k invested in Japan, you can sell the futures. These futures are available a few months or a year out or maybe more. But if you do that I feel you aren't hedging you are actually magnifying the currency effect. Let me explain. For the last year, the yen has fallen, this has caused the market to go up, so the market and yen move in tandem. The yen has a dampening effect on the market return for us thinking in USD. I figure I gained 50% on stocks in yen but only 30% in USD. But if you sell yen futures, in that case, then your gains would be magnified by the futures gains. On the flip side though, if the yen rises, then the market drops, and your futures value drops, you are screwed. So I think I'll just leave my stocks as it is unhedged. BTW, does anyone know of how to hedge in smaller quantities than $100K usd? for any currency? thanks Currency ETFs
  7. Some videos of WEB on CNBC http://www.cnbc.com/id/101607268
  8. that doesnt justify it... but i used to download software all the time so i'm no saint either. http://www.cnbc.com/live-tv/ some full episodes are posted online to stream on cnbc. does the link work for you?
  9. ‘Saudi America’: Mirage? Challenges Lie Ahead for North American Oil Production http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/22/business/energy-environment/challenges-lie-ahead-for-north-american-oil-production.html?ref=businessspecial2&ref=business&_r=0
  10. For all the Canadian basketball fans out here, I really hope Raptors can get to the 2nd round. With that said, Let's go Warriors!
  11. I think American Greed is good too.
  12. I watched it occasionally as well. My brother loves it. This and Shark Tank... I know Shark Tank is a bit more dramatic but it is pretty interesting.
  13. Housing industry asks $5 trillion question: what does Watt want? http://www.cnbc.com/id/101581037
  14. Forbes Interview with the GoodHaven guys http://www.forbes.com/sites/wallaceforbes/2014/04/01/make-as-much-money-as-you-can-without-taking-on-lots-of-risk/
  15. Housing Bill Threatened by Rift on Help for Disadvantaged http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-08/housing-bill-threatened-by-rift-on-help-for-disadvantaged.html
  16. Buffett’s value bet on Canadian energy stocks http://www.cnbc.com/id/101548522
  17. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-03/vanguard-says-minority-of-high-speed-traders-may-abuse.html Vanguard Says Minority of High-Speed Traders May Abuse
  18. Old Math Casts Doubt on Accuracy of Oil Reserve Estimates http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-03/old-math-casts-doubt-on-accuracy-of-oil-reserve-estimates.html
  19. As Russia Stumbles, Gazprom Comes Up $910 Billion Short http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-03/gazprom-s-910-billion-gaffe-shows-putin-economy-waning.html
  20. Hopefully my children/grandchildren will be smart enough to move another country before that happens.
  21. The Wolf Hunters of Wall Street An Adaptation From ‘Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt,’ by Michael Lewis http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/06/magazine/flash-boys-michael-lewis.html?hp&_r=0
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