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Everything posted by LC

  1. PDH bombed, for sure. You make a fair point - I must have selectively expelled it from my memory ;D
  2. Pretty sure he isn't talking "outside money" shall we say lol. My second choice then would be Sanjeev. Two things matter to me, when selecting a money manager: A long time frame and honest personality.
  3. Well take a look at Florida and Texas' excess deaths: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm They are certainly above the average. As of today, CDC estimates anywhere from 140,000-190,000 deaths associated with COVID, post Feb 2020.
  4. In vino veritas. Yes, I agree on some semblance of a valuation threshold. But how many times have we said and heard “ah if only”. 35 vs 30 times earnings is not going to make or break the outcome. And it wasn’t a huge purchase - like Greg said I buy often but in small quantities.
  5. I bought a tiny bit of MSFT. Bit the bullet so to speak. Time will tell if it is closer to buying PG in the middle of the century or KO in the 90s
  6. Buying during after hours directly after bad news is usually not a great move. I estimate more often than not, after hours price action lags rather than leads. Particularly during sensational timeframe (eg the day of earnings release).
  7. LC

    Jim Chanos

    I used to have a rule...never watch the evening news. yes, this dates me. now, with twitter, etc, you are bombarded with "what's going on in the world". and I am not even talking about finance... Everything new is old, everything old is new - as they say: You're right that news is bombarding both on TV and online - which means they need tons of news stories, every second of every day. Now, good journalists don't grow on trees. So they have junior people, freelancers, even artificial intelligence (and trust me, the intelligence is surely artificial) writing these "news articles". And so after reading some for a while, you realize it's just trash, so it becomes really easy to ignore because it's not really journalism, it's just tabloid-ism. You can tell the decent stuff because it's usually published by a reputable source and is relatively long-form. And within the first few paragraphs you can usually figure out if the writer is a twit or not.
  8. 1- Brk has never to my knowledge acted on political imperatives - and I think that is unlikely to change. 2- On the taxes, remember that one aspect of owning the utilities & BNSF is the ability to capture depreciation tax benefits. These are essentially bond like income with an added benefit of requiring large capital investments to upkeep - which allows WB to offset equity capital gain taxes and expand incomes at the same time.
  9. https://www.ft.com/content/ccb46309-bba4-4fb7-b3fa-ecb17ea0e9cf Jim Chanos: ‘We are in the golden age of fraud’
  10. You have my vote. Now, I am not on the Nobel committee, so my vote doesn't count. Alas! you say, hopes have been dashed. But not so soon! You see, all those on the committee do, in fact, vote. And as we have already established that I too vote, it can be shown that I am therefore on the committee. So, congratulations.
  11. Given the price action today I would guess he is continuing to purchase.
  12. Investment Ideas threads having a direct link to rocketfinance 10 year financials... I'd click on that all day. Save me the trouble of having to type, make some money for Sanjeev & the RF folks...win/win/win?
  13. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31604-4/fulltext
  14. As the quoted section states, this is really a process vs. outcome question. Or put into COBF terms, investment (repeatable process) vs. speculation (outcome guessing). So, build a good process. Determine the inputs and estimate their value contribution. No practitioner is perfect, so leave room for mistakes. No process is comprehensive, so leave room for luck.
  15. This has happened to me previously. Needed to call the broker and have them adjust my buying power as their programs are stupid and don't realize that spreads and other covered positions have limited exposure.
  16. Lack of compelling investment alternatives, I would say is the largest factor.
  17. WFC and V. Getting to a self-imposed limit on WFC (currently 3.75%; would go up to 4%), so maybe one more opportunity to average down and then we let it ride.
  18. :-X What do you think would've happened without pardon power/AG saying can't be indicted by Mueller/not testifying/not allowing most witnesses/not providing financial information/not following subpoenas/no senate that doesn't do its job in trial/clearly telling his cronies they'll get pardoned if they don't cooperate with law enforcement? I accidentally posted in the wrong thread! My mistake!
  19. One rule of RE in DC is: You need metro access.
  20. I rarely listen to podcasts but will do so only if there is a good guest. And if the host is not good, I fast forward anytime the host speaks.
  21. Kind of. Mortar fire is incredibly indirect. You are not looking to hit your target, you are looking to move your target to be where your shell lands. You shoot ahead to stop their forward escape, you do the same behind - now you have moved the enemy to a known location. Then, kaplow. This is why the old adage was to hide where mortar shells have already landed.
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