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Everything posted by Kizion

  1. What is UBS standing for? Is it the Swiss bank?
  2. Depends if you prefer US, CA or BR assets. Latter one seems to be significantly discounted for their geographical risks. How does CNQ compare to OXY in terms of reserves?
  3. Do I oversimplify by concluding that you just look at P/E ratio (and it's potential to evolve positively)?
  4. What's your timing on the puts for UNG? Any reason to expect prices to not further decrease?
  5. What do I miss on Metaplanet? They bought BTC for 40% of their previous market cap and suddenly they are worth 10x more? Please enlight me
  6. safe heaven for index/mag7 investors maybe
  7. Some people buying this stock, while the last posts in the topic about the company seems rather negative
  8. A bit Coupang (20% position now) and Pluxee, LVMH and a bit more Solvay
  9. It's less "professional" I guess but I also like stockanalysis.com
  10. Not quite correct in my opinion. We're paid a fixed monthly salary to perform a job (which has a clear scope and for which your employer has fixed objectives/expectations). It's like a contractor which is paid a fixed fee to build a home. If this contractor is working twice as efficient as any other contractor, his margin would be significantly higher vs. competition. Being twice as efficient and charging the same price for the same outcome is legal. Why wouldn't this be the case for an employee which is paid a fixed fee per month to perform certain tasks? Overemployment is when you cover 2 jobs in overlapping timeframes. So you're a designer from 9 to 5 at company X and a copywriter from 9 to 5 at company Y. This is possible when you can perform the work which is expected from you (and for which they want to pay you) much faster than they would estimate.
  11. Back in 2010, I had an Iphone 4 (if I remember well) and I remember that I was amazed about the product (the way it worked but especially also the build quality - it's robust, it doesn't move an inch after x time - even after x time it still looked like it was new (if you handle it properly)). Since that time I switched twice to another brand but always came back, mainly because of the quality of the product (ease of working with the system, build quality, ...) and the value in keeps having over time (the residual value of an Iphone after 2 years is way higher compared to another brand). Since recently I also see another benefit which is safety. I'm trusting the ecosystem of Apple way more than any other, which allows me use any application on my phone (banking, broker, ...) without being afraid of having malware (or something else) on my phone. It will not be the best phone based on specs but it surely is overall the best phone you can find on the market (without wanting to triggering discussion, because feel free to make your own choices).
  12. Bought in past days some HHH (and sold covered calls @70), SOLB, MSCI & META (waiting for first bump before also writing some covered calls). Added some additional margin. All positions are for short to midterm with exit price in mind.
  13. It’s 80% of your portfolio? EDIT: Already found my answer in your other posts - thanks
  14. SOLVAY - European chemical company - did a split earlier this year, where Solvay kept the established products and the innovative products shifted to a new company. Paying 10% dividend yield, with a track record of increasing dividends.
  15. A small follow up question as I see huge (relatively to my worth) individual investments in FFH - what is the % of FFH in your portfolio?
  16. No fear of high Cacao prices?
  17. Where did I mention that? I stated that there's a potential upside of 36%. To me, focusing on the discount makes no sense. Thus, if one needs to 'value' something, it should be the upside, not the discount. When I invest $100 in PSH, I own the equivalent of $136 of the stocks in his portfolio (for example, CMG). Therefore, I invested in PSH because I wanted to own some of the shares in its portfolio at a cheaper rate than buying them directly. Plus, he's a much better investor. He will, as Gregmal mentioned, steer the ship better than I ever could.
  18. While it's correct that the stock is currently discounted by 27% from NAV, the key point (according to me) to consider is the potential for growth. If you purchase the stock now at $48.5, and with the NAV being $66.15 (as per 31/1), you're looking at a potential increase of 36%. However, it's worth noting that this potential gain is indeed not as high as it has been in previous months.
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