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  1. What if you aren’t particularly in love with the idea of buying the index here? Plus the premiums seem lower for the index.
  2. @villainx @Value_Added That would make more sense. Let’s say you are still working a middle-class job and you’ve built up a good nest egg, but still need to let compounding work its magic. You don’t really think it’s time to sell off positions for income yet, and you don’t have many dividend positions. You want a little more income, but don’t feel like picking up extra shifts anymore at work. (This is where I think I am at.) Is it complete nonsense to think you can take, let’s say, a $ 100,000 and supplement $ 10-15 thousand dollars of income with options? And I’m not talking about crazy long shots. For example, I always try to do a few a year and this year I did one on hsy. I’m open to this being shut down for being a stupid idea because I keep telling myself to just invest it for the long term and go to work.
  3. I would only be interested in the most basic version of it. Selling cash secured puts on stocks I would like to buy and if assigned selling the covered calls. Trying to make around a percent or so a month.
  4. Do many people here try to live of option income instead of dividends? I’ve been toying around with the idea of starting a very basic option wheel strategy and growing it overtime.
  5. I think the same day that the deepseek drop occurred WCC dropped about 7 percent.
  6. Ha, that’s comforting.
  7. @longlake95 @cubsfan Thank you, I definitely need to ski more. It is hard to throttle back though when you have been being frugal and picking up extra shifts the whole way up. I was thinking financial planning may lead to a career of some sort down the line. I am mostly interested in doing it in a small scale/part time way. Most places I have looked require a bachelors degree which I do not have.
  8. Wife and I are flirting with 2m. I have 15 years till my pension, which I roughly count as having 1.5ish of fixed income if I make it 30 years. We haven’t slowed down working yet. We still hustle more than most, but we are starting to feel a little silly with some of the things we do to make extra money. I am thinking about going back to school for my bachelor’s in financial planning. If anyone has any feelings towards that degree, positive or negative, I would love to hear them.
  9. The debt really turns me off, but I keep watching ARW.
  10. Maybe he has spent too much time playing RISK. Greenland is one of 3 ways to move your troops to Canada!
  11. Also expecting my first in a few months. Thank you all for sharing and thank you for starting the thread @alxcii. I plan on taking my 2 months of paid FMLA and then 3 months after that. My goal is to help my wife as much as I possibly can.
  12. Slowly accumulating some SSD
  13. After re reading it i don’t think the Barron’s investment is related to the investment he made at 99. Unless the translation is off. Who knows I was wondering the same. SOC showed up in Li Lu’s last filing. It is definitely hated right now and has doubled.
  14. I didn’t realize the Barron’s comment and the comment about Munger finding a new investment at 99 was related.
  15. @sleepydragon could it be SOC? It looks like it has just about doubled since that time.
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