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  1. Maybe he has spent too much time playing RISK. Greenland is one of 3 ways to move your troops to Canada!
  2. Also expecting my first in a few months. Thank you all for sharing and thank you for starting the thread @alxcii. I plan on taking my 2 months of paid FMLA and then 3 months after that. My goal is to help my wife as much as I possibly can.
  3. Slowly accumulating some SSD
  4. After re reading it i don’t think the Barron’s investment is related to the investment he made at 99. Unless the translation is off. Who knows I was wondering the same. SOC showed up in Li Lu’s last filing. It is definitely hated right now and has doubled.
  5. I didn’t realize the Barron’s comment and the comment about Munger finding a new investment at 99 was related.
  6. @sleepydragon could it be SOC? It looks like it has just about doubled since that time.
  7. A very small amount of SSD for starters.
  8. It was interesting to read he invested with Musk.
  9. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bxYnXKRTduh_jm-L8DrQ_g A interview with Li Lu about Charlie Munger.
  10. @Gregmal do you still follow Ripple at all? I’m starting to hear people talk about it amongst my friends and try to sell me on it.
  11. I sold aapl in non tax accounts.
  12. @Castanza sounds kind of like my wife and I. I didn’t have college debt, but my starting salary was 28,500. I don’t think I made it out of the 30s until 7 years ago. Thankfully I worked extra shifts/jobs and my wife and I are both frugal. We still traveled every year more than once, but never extravagantly. We now are very Comfortable compared to our peer group. I try to give advice where I can, but most of the time it falls on deaf ears. A recent example, recently we are allowed to take hardship loans out of our 401ks due to a natural disaster in the area. I kid you not it feels like half of my employees pulled the max out for anything you can imagine but an actual hardship or other investment opportunity.
  13. I enjoyed reading the few Santa Monica letters that I have been able to find.
  14. Anyone know why a trump victory would take CP down?
  15. I like to take the optimistic view. There is room for improvement and no limit of capital to make those improvements. I think under Greg these improvements will come way faster than they would have under Buffett. How much more can UNP flex their margins when compared to BNSF?
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