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Everything posted by Luke

  1. I also added heavily to TSMC the last few weeks
  2. I bought some more BN for both my portfolios
  3. Tiny starter in BN, prefer the mothership.
  4. Luke


    Have a look at all the fraudulent research, replication crisis, shit research in neuroimaging...
  5. Two businesses that i thought were interesting are LEGO and Rolex, both in private hands. Both strong brands with pricing power, sad we cant have access to it. Rolex embedded in a foundation.
  6. They grew revenues the past 5 years yes but it still trades at almost 20x net income. Not a bargain.
  7. 1.5b marketcap, 80b net income, soft drinks? Doesnt look exciting on a first glance. Whats the thesis?
  8. Does anybody have a good overview of whats in their 15b equity portfolio outside of 13Fs, i have been trying to find some more information on it
  9. @GregmalHow big is your nintendo position now?
  10. Yeah probably, i still hope we will know a bit more about it
  11. Yeah, its so exhausting whenever i read J P Morgan expect -20% by end of year or Goldmann sees upside there. Dont overpay for a great moaty business with a long runway and let it sit, end.
  12. Mega excited for berkshire annual letter. I hope to catch some news about TSMC. Tomorrow we can read it whoohoooo!!!
  13. Bloomstran is very very pessimistic about the big tech stocks, i find his amazon/alphabet valuations lacking detail and ignoring a lot of perspectives. Fair enough though that it is in his ,,too hard pile,,. He trashes about whats going on at meta but we can also trash about his disney holdings which isnt a company with spectacular management in the last years.
  14. If i look at his valuation and look at berkshires valuation, how it is known as a safe heaven, at current valuation something between 7-10% seems reasonable as a CAGR for the next 10 years. Its not a bargain but a very safe investment without spectacular but quite safe returns.
  15. Recently found some nice paragraphs of him about paramount, he posted it on twitter, explained a bit also why berkshire could have a position.
  16. Well said. Thats at least high teens of billions of earnings not accounted for in berkshire. I dont know what the average PE of berkshires equity portfolio is, i guess something between 15-25. 300b of value, something between 15-20b. We cant know which positions are there not visible and what PE. That gives you an extra of up to 200b of marketcap value if you give it something like a 10x multiple which is low for the quality those businesses have. And i think this equity portfolio will compound at least 7% per annum, so 600b worth of an equity portfolio in 2032.
  17. Did you include the investment income from the equity portfolio that is not accounted for due to no dividends etc? All these businesses earn a decent amount every year, 7b Portfolio. Wouldnt be surprised if this portfolio compounds at 7% and will double in 10 years at least. Compared to fairfax, the portfolio is bigger, isnt it.
  18. I have shared this in the Pabrai blog before but since this thread is new i want to say it again. In general i agree with @Spekulatius description of turkey. Its not a market id like to be invested in. But now we had Pabrai sharing and essentially pumping two turkish stocks to the value investor community AFTER he made an investment in them, both with very small marketcaps where just inflows of a few thousand investors with little capital will 10x these businesses (which did happen and he praises himself for how smart he has been and how great he is with his research). Fair enough: He flew to turkey and visited some businesses his friend owns and found a buisness that was really undervalued for reasons @Spekulatius already described. Not fair enough: 100% against what buffett would do he shares these businesses on almost EVERY public speech to wealthy people and essentially pumping reysas more and more. He did it once again on the SumZero Competition end of Jan where he marketed reysas as still being investable but that the train might drive off soon (so you better call fidelity and execute that 80$ trading cost buy order!). With all my respect, i despise behaviour like that and it just smells like a pump. I would not be surprised if he sells this in a year or so after he made a 10x bagger and all the cloners are left with this buisness and very little information on its developments. I liked mohnish a lot before but since reysas and all the advertisement i get a bad feeling. Let me know what you guys think, i personally have no business i like and understand in turkey, no interest to dig through those markets aswell.
  19. Well, we will maybe hear something about it at annual meeting
  20. Would be my only idea, nothing changed with the buisness the last few months and china has just gotten more diplomatic and less hostile since xi secured third term. Maybe they wanted to buy more and noticed that the stock boomed after 13Fs so Buffett prefers just shopping outside of US because of all the cloners.
  21. Could they have sold ADR Shares and buy Taiwan listed shares?
  22. Luke


    You know, although i hold a lot of Tencent/Prosus, i want to see the akward painful face of Mr. Xi Jin Ping when is own ,,people,, are leaving his ,,motherland,, because the political environment is so toxic. How Ironic, trying to bring people together while the result is the opposite. I wonder how delusional he really is.
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