KFRCanuk Posted December 17, 2012 Posted December 17, 2012 This has been bugging me all weekend. My thoughhts are clear but disjointed. Its a good thing shooter killed his mother. She would either have committed suicide or been murdered for providing him with weapons. The only use for guns per Lynyrd Skynyrd is for killing.... they aint no good for nothin' else. Eliminating ALL guns would dramatically reduce the homicide rate. If you are afraid your government is going to abuse its power enough that you need semiautomatics at home, then your in more serious trouble. The only way you will go down is by fighting. Recall Waco. This is a poor excuse to own weapons. The NRA needs to have one of its conventions blown up by an aggrieved parent to show them what it feels like. In order to make American streets safer all drugs need to be fully legalized, and money spent on the war on drugs put into treatment. I disagree strongly with Cardboard on this. People with mental health issues already abuse drugs. Legalizing them at ever step in the process will not change that fact. Police can then focus on getting sick people into treatment instead of into jail. Obtaining weapons for hunting, if one must, should be extremely heavily regulated. Of course none of this is going to fly in the USA where "freedom" trumps all else, including childrens lives. Freedom to live in fear. Gotta love it. Dont get me wrong. I love the US. I just think that your priorities as a Nation are very mixed up. I bet new schools will be designed with bullet proof glass, multiple interior doors that slow the progress of intruders and schoolyard with a 20' brick fence. Looks more like a prison
rkbabang Posted December 17, 2012 Posted December 17, 2012 This has been bugging me all weekend. My thoughhts are clear but disjointed. Its a good thing shooter killed his mother. She would either have committed suicide or been murdered for providing him with weapons. The only use for guns per Lynyrd Skynyrd is for killing.... they aint no good for nothin' else. Eliminating ALL guns would dramatically reduce the homicide rate. If you are afraid your government is going to abuse its power enough that you need semiautomatics at home, then your in more serious trouble. The only way you will go down is by fighting. Recall Waco. This is a poor excuse to own weapons. The NRA needs to have one of its conventions blown up by an aggrieved parent to show them what it feels like. In order to make American streets safer all drugs need to be fully legalized, and money spent on the war on drugs put into treatment. I disagree strongly with Cardboard on this. People with mental health issues already abuse drugs. Legalizing them at ever step in the process will not change that fact. Police can then focus on getting sick people into treatment instead of into jail. Obtaining weapons for hunting, if one must, should be extremely heavily regulated. Of course none of this is going to fly in the USA where "freedom" trumps all else, including childrens lives. Freedom to live in fear. Gotta love it. Dont get me wrong. I love the US. I just think that your priorities as a Nation are very mixed up. You have a pretty warped view of the US I think. His mother may or may not have committed suicide (not knowing her I have no way of knowing the answer to that), but she most certainly wouldn't have been murdered. Vigilante justice is rare even when someone is to blame for an atrocity (OJ was never murdered), it is unheard of for someone to go after a murderer's mother. Also, many Americans value our freedom above almost all else, but don't walk around in fear. Don't let a rare event skew your perception of the world. Yes there are bad neighborhoods that have been completely destroyed by the welfare state combined with the war on drugs, but in general the US is a pretty safe place to be and getting safer every year. I sure hope people on this board don't let emotions drive their investment decisions the way they drive their politics.
KFRCanuk Posted December 17, 2012 Posted December 17, 2012 This has been bugging me all weekend. My thoughhts are clear but disjointed. Its a good thing shooter killed his mother. She would either have committed suicide or been murdered for providing him with weapons. The only use for guns per Lynyrd Skynyrd is for killing.... they aint no good for nothin' else. Eliminating ALL guns would dramatically reduce the homicide rate. If you are afraid your government is going to abuse its power enough that you need semiautomatics at home, then your in more serious trouble. The only way you will go down is by fighting. Recall Waco. This is a poor excuse to own weapons. The NRA needs to have one of its conventions blown up by an aggrieved parent to show them what it feels like. In order to make American streets safer all drugs need to be fully legalized, and money spent on the war on drugs put into treatment. I disagree strongly with Cardboard on this. People with mental health issues already abuse drugs. Legalizing them at ever step in the process will not change that fact. Police can then focus on getting sick people into treatment instead of into jail. Obtaining weapons for hunting, if one must, should be extremely heavily regulated. Of course none of this is going to fly in the USA where "freedom" trumps all else, including childrens lives. Freedom to live in fear. Gotta love it. Dont get me wrong. I love the US. I just think that your priorities as a Nation are very mixed up. You have a pretty warped view of the US I think. His mother may or may not have committed suicide (not knowing her I have no way of knowing the answer to that), but she most certainly wouldn't have been murdered. Vigilante justice is rare even when someone is to blame for an atrocity (OJ was never murdered), it is unheard of for someone to go after a murderer's mother. Also, many Americans value our freedom above almost all else, but don't walk around in fear. Don't let a rare event skew your perception of the world. Yes there are bad neighborhoods that have been completely destroyed by the welfare state combined with the war on drugs, but in general the US is a pretty safe place to be and getting safer every year. I sure hope people on this board don't let emotions drive their investment decisions the way they drive their politics. http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn0.virgin.com/uploads/images/story/image001-16678.jpg http://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/blog/our-thoughts-go-to-every-family-who-lost-a-loved-one
ubuy2wron Posted December 17, 2012 Posted December 17, 2012 To Tim and Southern Yankee and some of the other strict 2nd ammendment adherance advocates. I am pretty certain that there exists some circumstances for which you would feel that fire-arms posession should be restricted. I am guessing that for instance convicted felons should lose this right, perhaps you also feel that minor children should not also be allowed unrestricted access. It would probably be okay for you if certifiable lunatics not be allowed gun ownership. Please do not feel that your rights are beingtrampled upon if the majority of citizens want to draw the lines in different areas than you. I am guessing that what ever changes occur and I think you can safely presume that a change is a comming that it is not going to force YOU to part with your beloved weapons.
rkbabang Posted December 17, 2012 Posted December 17, 2012 This has been bugging me all weekend. My thoughhts are clear but disjointed. Its a good thing shooter killed his mother. She would either have committed suicide or been murdered for providing him with weapons. The only use for guns per Lynyrd Skynyrd is for killing.... they aint no good for nothin' else. Eliminating ALL guns would dramatically reduce the homicide rate. If you are afraid your government is going to abuse its power enough that you need semiautomatics at home, then your in more serious trouble. The only way you will go down is by fighting. Recall Waco. This is a poor excuse to own weapons. The NRA needs to have one of its conventions blown up by an aggrieved parent to show them what it feels like. In order to make American streets safer all drugs need to be fully legalized, and money spent on the war on drugs put into treatment. I disagree strongly with Cardboard on this. People with mental health issues already abuse drugs. Legalizing them at ever step in the process will not change that fact. Police can then focus on getting sick people into treatment instead of into jail. Obtaining weapons for hunting, if one must, should be extremely heavily regulated. Of course none of this is going to fly in the USA where "freedom" trumps all else, including childrens lives. Freedom to live in fear. Gotta love it. Dont get me wrong. I love the US. I just think that your priorities as a Nation are very mixed up. You have a pretty warped view of the US I think. His mother may or may not have committed suicide (not knowing her I have no way of knowing the answer to that), but she most certainly wouldn't have been murdered. Vigilante justice is rare even when someone is to blame for an atrocity (OJ was never murdered), it is unheard of for someone to go after a murderer's mother. Also, many Americans value our freedom above almost all else, but don't walk around in fear. Don't let a rare event skew your perception of the world. Yes there are bad neighborhoods that have been completely destroyed by the welfare state combined with the war on drugs, but in general the US is a pretty safe place to be and getting safer every year. I sure hope people on this board don't let emotions drive their investment decisions the way they drive their politics. [img http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn0.virgin.com/uploads/images/story/image001-16678.jpg /img] No appeal to emotion there. I was responding to the barbarous suggestion that it was a "good thing" that a woman was murdered.... err.. forget it. No one is listening.... Yep we're all just gun touting loons killin' each other, better just stay up north where your safe.
cwericb Posted December 17, 2012 Posted December 17, 2012 When people use a 200 year old law to justify their “right to bear arms” perhaps the type of arms they are allowed to bear should be limited to those in use at the time the amendment was written? Very funny...and very accurate. I couldn't agree more. Cheers! I find it neither funny or accurate. Apply it to freedom of the press. Do you want your rights to be limited to the publication formats in use 200 years ago? The point of my comment is that when the right to bear arms was given, the concept of today’s weapons was beyond anyone’s imagination. Today is a different world. It is only logical that as society has evolved some rights must evolve as well.
ragnarisapirate Posted December 26, 2012 Posted December 26, 2012 Has Steven Pinker said anything about this?
Uccmal Posted December 26, 2012 Posted December 26, 2012 This has been bugging me all weekend. My thoughhts are clear but disjointed. Its a good thing shooter killed his mother. She would either have committed suicide or been murdered for providing him with weapons. The only use for guns per Lynyrd Skynyrd is for killing.... they aint no good for nothin' else. Eliminating ALL guns would dramatically reduce the homicide rate. If you are afraid your government is going to abuse its power enough that you need semiautomatics at home, then your in more serious trouble. The only way you will go down is by fighting. Recall Waco. This is a poor excuse to own weapons. The NRA needs to have one of its conventions blown up by an aggrieved parent to show them what it feels like. In order to make American streets safer all drugs need to be fully legalized, and money spent on the war on drugs put into treatment. I disagree strongly with Cardboard on this. People with mental health issues already abuse drugs. Legalizing them at ever step in the process will not change that fact. Police can then focus on getting sick people into treatment instead of into jail. Obtaining weapons for hunting, if one must, should be extremely heavily regulated. Of course none of this is going to fly in the USA where "freedom" trumps all else, including childrens lives. Freedom to live in fear. Gotta love it. Dont get me wrong. I love the US. I just think that your priorities as a Nation are very mixed up. You have a pretty warped view of the US I think. His mother may or may not have committed suicide (not knowing her I have no way of knowing the answer to that), but she most certainly wouldn't have been murdered. Vigilante justice is rare even when someone is to blame for an atrocity (OJ was never murdered), it is unheard of for someone to go after a murderer's mother. Also, many Americans value our freedom above almost all else, but don't walk around in fear. Don't let a rare event skew your perception of the world. Yes there are bad neighborhoods that have been completely destroyed by the welfare state combined with the war on drugs, but in general the US is a pretty safe place to be and getting safer every year. I sure hope people on this board don't let emotions drive their investment decisions the way they drive their politics. [img http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn0.virgin.com/uploads/images/story/image001-16678.jpg /img] No appeal to emotion there. I was responding to the barbarous suggestion that it was a "good thing" that a woman was murdered.... err.. forget it. No one is listening.... Yep we're all just gun touting loons killin' each other, better just stay up north where your safe. Give me a break. I have probably travelled around the US as much as you have. Rkabang, Try envisioning it like this: One of your kids, that you trained to shoot, goes on a rampage with one of your weapons and kills twenty children. How would you handle it? Do you think you could live with yourself? Now tell me that you would not have an emotional reponse. The only logical solution is to ban All guns. Its not emotional at all. Barring that, banning all multiple shot (semi etc.) weapons, and requiring full registration is the only thing that makes sense. Statistics dont bear you out either. The US has by far the largest rate of non war homicides of all developed countries on earth. Were not just talking higher rates but multiples of anywhere else.
Uccmal Posted December 26, 2012 Posted December 26, 2012 Here's some stats for you: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/res-rec/comp-eng.htm I wont itemize it; you can read. It sort of says it all.
onyx1 Posted December 26, 2012 Posted December 26, 2012 The NRA needs to have one of its conventions blown up by an aggrieved parent to show them what it feels like. You lost me here.
Uccmal Posted December 26, 2012 Posted December 26, 2012 The NRA needs to have one of its conventions blown up by an aggrieved parent to show them what it feels like. You lost me here. Whatever.
rkbabang Posted December 26, 2012 Posted December 26, 2012 This has been bugging me all weekend. My thoughhts are clear but disjointed. Its a good thing shooter killed his mother. She would either have committed suicide or been murdered for providing him with weapons. The only use for guns per Lynyrd Skynyrd is for killing.... they aint no good for nothin' else. Eliminating ALL guns would dramatically reduce the homicide rate. If you are afraid your government is going to abuse its power enough that you need semiautomatics at home, then your in more serious trouble. The only way you will go down is by fighting. Recall Waco. This is a poor excuse to own weapons. The NRA needs to have one of its conventions blown up by an aggrieved parent to show them what it feels like. In order to make American streets safer all drugs need to be fully legalized, and money spent on the war on drugs put into treatment. I disagree strongly with Cardboard on this. People with mental health issues already abuse drugs. Legalizing them at ever step in the process will not change that fact. Police can then focus on getting sick people into treatment instead of into jail. Obtaining weapons for hunting, if one must, should be extremely heavily regulated. Of course none of this is going to fly in the USA where "freedom" trumps all else, including childrens lives. Freedom to live in fear. Gotta love it. Dont get me wrong. I love the US. I just think that your priorities as a Nation are very mixed up. You have a pretty warped view of the US I think. His mother may or may not have committed suicide (not knowing her I have no way of knowing the answer to that), but she most certainly wouldn't have been murdered. Vigilante justice is rare even when someone is to blame for an atrocity (OJ was never murdered), it is unheard of for someone to go after a murderer's mother. Also, many Americans value our freedom above almost all else, but don't walk around in fear. Don't let a rare event skew your perception of the world. Yes there are bad neighborhoods that have been completely destroyed by the welfare state combined with the war on drugs, but in general the US is a pretty safe place to be and getting safer every year. I sure hope people on this board don't let emotions drive their investment decisions the way they drive their politics. [img http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn0.virgin.com/uploads/images/story/image001-16678.jpg /img] No appeal to emotion there. I was responding to the barbarous suggestion that it was a "good thing" that a woman was murdered.... err.. forget it. No one is listening.... Yep we're all just gun touting loons killin' each other, better just stay up north where your safe. Give me a break. I have probably travelled around the US as much as you have. Rkabang, Try envisioning it like this: One of your kids, that you trained to shoot, goes on a rampage with one of your weapons and kills twenty children. How would you handle it? Do you think you could live with yourself? Now tell me that you would not have an emotional reponse. The only logical solution is to ban All guns. Its not emotional at all. Barring that, banning all multiple shot (semi etc.) weapons, and requiring full registration is the only thing that makes sense. Statistics dont bear you out either. The US has by far the largest rate of non war homicides of all developed countries on earth. Were not just talking higher rates but multiples of anywhere else. Again ignoring what I said. I don't know if she would have killed herself. I took offence to you saying that it was a good thing she was slaughtered. That was a barbaric thing to say. Also that someone else would have hunted her down and murdered her. That was just projecting your own barbarism onto society.
manualofideas Posted December 27, 2012 Posted December 27, 2012 The conclusion from the civilized country statistics on gun deaths is inescapable. So it's fine to be against gun control, but just be honest and say you're accepting roughly 10,000 excess gun deaths annually in the U.S. as a result of current gun laws. That's all.
Parsad Posted December 27, 2012 Author Posted December 27, 2012 Ok, time to lock this one up! Cheers!
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