Guest VAL9000 Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 Alright guys, I think we're done here. As Parsad highlighted, the complaints related to this forum have nothing to do with investment philosophy or analytical talent. It's all about personality. So let's stick with investing. This he said/she said is a complete waste of time - if you guys are truly rational, spend this time looking for opportunities instead of comparing the lengths of your respective appendages. Harry, I haven't participated much on your idea threads, but I have to say that knowing that you delete the threads discourages me from participating in the future. I encourage you to resist the temptation but so long as the board members know the rules then I can't fault you for your actions.
DCG Posted May 9, 2011 Author Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 3:48 PM, HarryLong said: So again, I wish to be clear: If you keep impugning my good name by implying in any way shape or form that I am unethical, you will get your wish, and I will never post again on this forum. That's not my wish. My wish is for you to simply answer questions when people ask them, and to not delete threads.
Ballinvarosig Investors Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 3:20 PM, DCG said: Harry, this is a forum. The point is to engage in conversation. When you start threads, and then delete them every time someone disagrees with you or challenges your thesis, it almost gives the impression that you are trying to pump & dump stocks (and posting your post on Seeking Alpha sort of gives that impression as well), rather than trying to help people on this board find good ideas. I greatly appreciate the stock ideas you post on here, but look at it from the perspective of readers. It's one thing when you're talking about large companies like Netflix, but posting on seeking alpha about tiny stocks like this gives the impression of pumping the stock after your bought it. I asked you a question in the other thread of 'why are you convinced they will raise their hold %' and am still curious of your response. I didn't see anything in that thread that I'd consider slander. Promoting tiny companies on here, and then deleting the thread when people present an opposite view doesn't make you look good, regardless of what your true intentions are. Would you really rather everyone on here just 'appreciate' all your ideas without offering any opinions? I'm sorry, but that is completely ridiculous on so many levels. Are you seriously going to cast aspersions on Harry's character based on speculation? Harry is a young man trying to make a name for himself in the investing world, do you seriously think that he is going to jeopardize his name and reputation to make a few bucks shilling a stock he doesn't believe in? You do realize the potential damage that you are causing to him with your allegations? You do realize that what you write on a message forum can be used against you in legal proceedings? If you know something the rest of us don't, then please enlighten us. Harry strikes me as the kind of guy who is quite passionate about what he writes, and has a high conviction in his beliefs. While some might have considered him abrasive in the past, I thought he bent over backwards to be respectful towards conflicting opinions. A few of you then made unfair personal attacks on him. It seems to me that a collective bout of groupthink seems to afflict some of you folks once Harry posts. Is it a success complex - I don't know.
Guest HarryLong Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 3:50 PM, DCG said: Quote Quote Quote If you keep impugning my good name by implying in any way shape or form that I pump stocks, a practice which I abhor, you will get your wish, and I will never post again on this forum. It's your choice. I truly hope and believe you're not trying to pump stocks, but what are you hoping to accomplish by putting your post on seeking alpha if not hoping the post will get other people interested in buying the stock (which seems to be working today). As you saw with Ebix, you are clearly aware of the potential of posts on SA to move small stocks like this. And as I said again, look at this from someone else's view (something you kept telling people to do in the other thread). When you see someone promoting a stock on a forum, and then on Seeking Alpha, it just makes people question how many other places and forums you posted that on as well. Again, I'm not saying you are pumping, but just consider the possible opinions people might get from you doing this, and then deleting the thread after people confronted your thesis. This is just offensive. So now, in your world, the only reason to post on seekingalpha is "to get other people interested in buying the stock." I guess then, that no one can now post on seekingalpha without being subject to your innuendo. That's incredibly insulting. Now you are implying unethical intentions without actually saying so. Some of us actually believe that we have valuable comments which can help improve real businesses in the real world. My record is clear, I spent a great deal of time suggesting ways in which Fremont's underwriting could be improved. I spent a great deal of time with SURW suggesting ways in which a dividend could improve shareholder value. It is quite the opposite. I am trying to help the business operations of these companies improve. Your innuendo is unfair and anyone familiar with my record knows that it is a cheap shot at someone who has worked diligently on behalf of the public to improve the operations and corporate governance of multiple companies. My absolute dream in life is to create win-win situations where everyone benefits. Winning is nothing unless we all win together. You're still not answering my questions: -what are you hoping to accomplish by putting your post on seeking alpha if not hoping the post will get other people interested in buying the stock? -What makes you convinced that they will raise the hold %? I do truly appreciate your ideas on here and trying to help people out. What I do not at all understand is you deleting pretty much every thread you start. That defeats the purpose of a forum. How were you slandered in the Ebix thread? Are there are arguably no 'win-win situations in investing, as there is a buyer and a seller to every trade. I believe that good ideas to improve a business, presented publicly, are the best way to get management to consider them. It's not different from Bill Ackman's advocacy at various companies. But you already knew that. As I've said before, my public advocacy towards Fremont and Surewest was highly constructive. But you know that already. If you disagree with my answers, that's fine, but you can't claim I haven't answered your question. I already answered your question about the hold % in the thread, but I will do so again. I never predicted what would happen. I argued that MNTG was only a suitable for investment institutions which could push for substantial change. I didn't predict change.
StubbleJumper Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 3:03 PM, HarryLong said: As usual, SJ hasn't done his homework. I have deleted every single thread I have ever originated, except for 1. When people start to impugn my character and my good name, I draw a line in the sand. There were, and continue to be on this thread (given2invest's implication that I mislead retail investors) comments which I consider to be so beyond the pale that I am forced to stop contributing until they are resolved. I could not ever imagine that someone would stoop to what approaches slander. As I have said, if you disagree, say so , but once given2 started making remarks that he going to charge me as a consultant, refuses to engage on the issues, and then impugns my good name, it's just not worth it. I am very proud of my crvp idea and continue to be proud of it. I have erased all of my ideas, Surw, Pvd, Crws, et al. If they're not appreciated and if the admin won't put a stop to statements which approach slander, I can take a hint and understand that my contributions are unappreciated. There's no homework to do. I simply observed your behaviour and offered the only rational motivation that I could imagine for deleting threads. There really should be no reason to be uncomfortable with the material in those posts, as a fair observer should be able to read the entire series of posts and arrive at his own conclusions about whether other posters were impugning your character. Your good name is either maintained or lost through your own behaviour. People will arrive at their own conclusions. SJ
given2invest Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 Harry strikes me as the kind of guy who is quite passionate about what he writes, and has a high conviction in his beliefs. While some might have considered him abrasive in the past, I thought he bent over backwards to be respectful towards conflicting opinions. A few of you then made unfair personal attacks on him. It seems to me that a collective bout of groupthink seems to afflict some of you folks once Harry posts. Is it a success complex - I don't know. For the record, I'm brand new here. I don't know any of the personalities and came into Harry's thread with no "groupthink".
Guest HarryLong Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 3:20 PM, DCG said: Harry, this is a forum. The point is to engage in conversation. When you start threads, and then delete them every time someone disagrees with you or challenges your thesis, it almost gives the impression that you are trying to pump & dump stocks (and posting your post on Seeking Alpha sort of gives that impression as well), rather than trying to help people on this board find good ideas. I greatly appreciate the stock ideas you post on here, but look at it from the perspective of readers. It's one thing when you're talking about large companies like Netflix, but posting on seeking alpha about tiny stocks like this gives the impression of pumping the stock after your bought it. I asked you a question in the other thread of 'why are you convinced they will raise their hold %' and am still curious of your response. I didn't see anything in that thread that I'd consider slander. Promoting tiny companies on here, and then deleting the thread when people present an opposite view doesn't make you look good, regardless of what your true intentions are. Would you really rather everyone on here just 'appreciate' all your ideas without offering any opinions? Your statement that I am "Promoting tiny companies on here" is absolutely slanderous. To the contrary, I am objecting to current practices and offering suggestions for improvement. I respectfully ask that you delete your posts that in any way impugn my good name.
valuecfa Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 Your good name is either maintained or lost through your own behaviour. Well said. edit: by the way, i'm not implying that you are pumping low cap stocks by the above mentioned statement. I don't think you are.
DCG Posted May 9, 2011 Author Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 3:55 PM, Ballinvarosig Investors said: Quote Harry, this is a forum. The point is to engage in conversation. When you start threads, and then delete them every time someone disagrees with you or challenges your thesis, it almost gives the impression that you are trying to pump & dump stocks (and posting your post on Seeking Alpha sort of gives that impression as well), rather than trying to help people on this board find good ideas. I greatly appreciate the stock ideas you post on here, but look at it from the perspective of readers. It's one thing when you're talking about large companies like Netflix, but posting on seeking alpha about tiny stocks like this gives the impression of pumping the stock after your bought it. I asked you a question in the other thread of 'why are you convinced they will raise their hold %' and am still curious of your response. I didn't see anything in that thread that I'd consider slander. Promoting tiny companies on here, and then deleting the thread when people present an opposite view doesn't make you look good, regardless of what your true intentions are. Would you really rather everyone on here just 'appreciate' all your ideas without offering any opinions? I'm sorry, but that is completely ridiculous on so many levels. Are you seriously going to cast aspersions on Harry's character based on speculation? Harry is a young man trying to make a name for himself in the investing world, do you seriously think that he is going to jeopardize his name and reputation to make a few bucks shilling a stock he doesn't believe in? You do realize the potential damage that you are causing to him with your allegations? You do realize that what you write on a message forum can be used against you in legal proceedings? If you know something the rest of us don't, then please enlighten us. Harry strikes me as the kind of guy who is quite passionate about what he writes, and has a high conviction in his beliefs. While some might have considered him abrasive in the past, I thought he bent over backwards to be respectful towards conflicting opinions. A few of you then made unfair personal attacks on him. It seems to me that a collective bout of groupthink seems to afflict some of you folks once Harry posts. Is it a success complex - I don't know. Did you even read my posts? I did not slander him. All I said is that his actions could give people a certain impression and that deleting every thread you start defeats to purpose of a forum (how are people going to benefit from ideas when threads are deleted when people share their own opinions?). And Harry, thank you for answering those two questions.
Guest HarryLong Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 4:02 PM, valuecfa said: Your good name is either maintained or lost through your own behaviour. Well said. edit: by the way, i'm not implying that you are pumping low cap stocks by the above mentioned statement. I don't think you are. Our society disagrees with you. Our society believes that it is unfair and illegal to make false statements about people.
Guest HarryLong Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 What's the big picture here? I have never in my life slandered anyone on this forum by claiming they were pumping stocks. If you have made the same claim about me, directly or indirectly, I ask that you go through your comments and delete them or modify them. I am only asking for the same fairness that I have shown to everyone here. When you examine my record, which is one of being highly critical of managements, there is absolutely no basis for any untoward assertion about my character. Unlike many people on this forum, I post lots of great ideas under my own name. And I engage on the issues with anyone. If behaving in an upright, transparent, clear way gives others a feeling of license to snipe at my character while remaining anonymous in doing so, I will completely withdraw.
valuecfa Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 4:06 PM, HarryLong said: Quote Your good name is either maintained or lost through your own behaviour. Well said. edit: by the way, i'm not implying that you are pumping low cap stocks by the above mentioned statement. I don't think you are. Our society disagrees with you. Our society believes that it is unfair and illegal to make false statements about people. Don't hang out on Yahoo then or any other messageboard for that matter. That society doesn't give a hoot. And don't turn on the television. If you feel the need to defend yourself against someone else's statement, then go for it. I just think its all a bit silly, and frankly a bit childish the direction these threads have been going lately. I guess if someone calls me a moron for an investment idea i recommend it just doesn't bother me b/c i'm not responsible for someone else's opinions and i don't try to please everyone or anyone, or try to prove to someone that i am not a moron. Maybe i am :-\
DCG Posted May 9, 2011 Author Posted May 9, 2011 I deleted my posts at your request. My request for you going forward though is to please not delete every thread you start, as that serves little purpose.
Ballinvarosig Investors Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 Harry - I don't know why you're even bothering at this stage. One person has clearly gotten the wrong end of the stick, and tried to imply that you're plagiarizing. Two others seem to see nothing wrong with suggesting that you're a pump-and-dumper. At least one person was willing to man up and retract their incorrect statement.
Guest HarryLong Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 4:14 PM, valuecfa said: Quote Quote Your good name is either maintained or lost through your own behaviour. Well said. edit: by the way, i'm not implying that you are pumping low cap stocks by the above mentioned statement. I don't think you are. Our society disagrees with you. Our society believes that it is unfair and illegal to make false statements about people. Don't hang out on Yahoo then or any other messageboard for that matter. That society doesn't give a hoot. And don't turn on the television. If you feel the need to defend yourself against someone else's statement, then go for it. I just think its all a bit silly, and frankly a bit childish the direction these threads have been going lately. I guess if someone calls me a moron for an investment idea i recommend it just doesn't bother me b/c i'm not responsible for someone else's opinions and i don't try to please everyone or anyone, or try to prove to someone that i am not a moron. Maybe i am :-\ We both know that it goes far beyond my investment thesis. As a fair person, I know you would admit that. My name has been slandered.
Guest HarryLong Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 4:17 PM, Ballinvarosig Investors said: Harry - I don't know why you're even bothering at this stage. One person has clearly gotten the wrong end of the stick, and tried to imply that you're plagiarizing. Two others seem to see nothing wrong with suggesting that you're a pump-and-dumper. At least one person was willing to man up and retract their incorrect statement. Ballin, I appreciate your support. You are very kind and upright to stick up for decent behavior. I will attempt to take your advice.
Guest HarryLong Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 4:17 PM, DCG said: I deleted my posts at your request. My request for you going forward though is to please not delete every thread you start, as that serves little purpose. Thank you Sir.
Parsad Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 Ok Folks, enough of the arguing. I've changed the features so that members cannot delete their own threads. In addition, Parsad made a comment at the end of the thread which I found to be highly unfortunate. Harry, I'm not sure what was unfortunate about my comment. You took a shot at another board member by saying that they lacked "good breeding". All I said to you was that when people use that phrase, usually its a reflection of themselves...that you demean yourself, rather than the person you were trying to dismiss. You add alot of good analysis to your ideas Harry, but you come off as very arrogant and I think many people on the board feel that way. Take it for what it is...criticism. I've been on the receiving end of it on here in the past and I own the board. I hope it makes me a better person and better investor when I view other people's perceptions of my own comments or actions. Normally I would have booted your butt off of here a long time ago, but I've learned better from the critiques members offered me. Perhaps, a higher level of tolerance and acceptance of the notion that everyone has something to add, and should not be so easily dismissed or deterred from participating. It's completely your choice if you wish to participate on the board. I think you add value, and I think the members here can certainly add value to your it investment-related or otherwise. Cheers!
Guest HarryLong Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 4:25 PM, Parsad said: Ok Folks, enough of the arguing. I've changed the features so that members cannot delete their own threads. In addition, Parsad made a comment at the end of the thread which I found to be highly unfortunate. Harry, I'm not sure what was unfortunate about my comment. You took a shot at another board member by saying that they lacked "good breeding". All I said to you was that when people use that phrase, usually its a reflection of themselves...that you demean yourself, rather than the person you were trying to dismiss. You add alot of good analysis to your ideas Harry, but you come off as very arrogant and I think many people on the board feel that way. Take it for what it is...criticism. I've been on the receiving end of it on here in the past and I own the board. I hope it makes me a better person and better investor when I view other people's perceptions of my own comments or actions. Normally I would have booted your butt off of here a long time ago, but I've learned better from the critiques members offered me. Perhaps, a higher level of tolerance and acceptance of the notion that everyone has something to add, and should not be so easily dismissed or deterred from participating. It's completely your choice if you wish to participate on the board. I think you add value, and I think the members here can certainly add value to your it investment-related or otherwise. Cheers! People can feel any way they want. As soon as they make slanderous assertions, I would expect that as a fair Admin, that you would be the first to put a stop to it. We both know that you would not accept anyone implying that you pump stocks, so I ask that similarly, you not accept it when someone makes the same slanderous remarks about me. I am only asking for the same fairness which you yourself would expect and demand.
Parsad Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 I agree with that, and I've deleted any posts that suggested such a notion. Feel free to forward me links to any other posts that you feel were offensive, and I will review them for deletion. In the meantime, I suggest that boardmembers debate intelligently, and not let their comments become personal. I will delete any posts that become personal or abusive to other boardmembers. View it as a three strikes and you are out warning if this is ignored. You will get two warnings from me and if there is a third event, you will be booted out with no warning. Cheers!
Guest HarryLong Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 4:39 PM, Parsad said: I agree with that, and I've deleted any posts that suggested such a notion. Feel free to forward me links to any other posts that you feel were offensive, and I will review them for deletion. In the meantime, I suggest that boardmembers debate intelligently, and not let their comments become personal. I will delete any posts that become personal or abusive to other boardmembers. View it as a three strikes and your out warning if this is ignored. You will get two warnings from me and if there is a third event, you will be booted out with no warning. Cheers! Thank you Parsad, I appreciate that.
Viking Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 I hope you are all able to let this one go and continue to post. Unfortunate misunderstanding. We need more ideas on this board not less. I have a lot of respect for those who take the time to post an idea (it is not as simple as it looks) and we absolutely MUST NOT call a person out; Sanj can deal with outlier events and that is his role as moderator. I post a fair bit on this board; some posts are on the mark and some are not (this is one way that I learn about an investment). If another poster questioned my integrity or accused me of pumping an idea (i.e. RIM lately :'() my immediate reaction would likely be to want to exit the board. The teacher appears when the student is ready. Not the other way around. Because someone does not agree and/or understand our opinion does not mean they are up to no good; regardless we are all responsible for our own due dilligence in the end.
Parsad Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 Another board member also noticed that Bronco has deleted his membership, which I find unfortunate. Bronco, you are welcome to post. My only request is that everyone treat each other with some respect, and we watch the amount of foul or offensive language strewn around here in the last few months. Most of the complaints I have received have been regarding such subjects. Generally, members should try and remain courteous and above the fray...turn the other cheek on occasion so to speak! Cheers!
Guest VAL9000 Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 4:49 PM, Parsad said: Another board member also noticed that Bronco has deleted his membership, which I find unfortunate. Bronco, you are welcome to post. My only request is that everyone treat each other with some respect, and we watch the amount of foul or offensive language strewn around here in the last few months. Most of the complaints I have received have been regarding such subjects. Generally, members should try and remain courteous and above the fray...turn the other cheek on occasion so to speak! Cheers! I'm sure he's still lurking on this board, so Bronco consider this my official request (rallying cry?) that you create a new account and return to active duty immediately. The value of this board is lower without your membership.
Myth465 Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 On 5/9/2011 at 4:58 PM, VAL9000 said: Quote Another board member also noticed that Bronco has deleted his membership, which I find unfortunate. Bronco, you are welcome to post. My only request is that everyone treat each other with some respect, and we watch the amount of foul or offensive language strewn around here in the last few months. Most of the complaints I have received have been regarding such subjects. Generally, members should try and remain courteous and above the fray...turn the other cheek on occasion so to speak! Cheers! I'm sure he's still lurking on this board, so Bronco consider this my official request (rallying cry?) that you create a new account and return to active duty immediately. The value of this board is lower without your membership.
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