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If American - which presidential candidate will you vote for? (Nov Edition) If

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The Clinton Rules:

1. Everything, no matter how ludicrous-sounding, is worthy of a full investigation by federal agencies, Congress, the "vast right-wing conspiracy," and mainstream media outlets

2. Every allegation, no matter how ludicrous, is believable until it can be proven completely and utterly false. And even then, it keeps a life of its own in the conservative media world

3. The media assumes that Clinton is acting in bad faith until there's hard evidence otherwise

4. Everything is newsworthy because the Clintons are the equivalent of America's royal family

5. Everything she does is fake and calculated for maximum political benefit



The Clinton Rules:

1. Everything, no matter how ludicrous-sounding, is worthy of a full investigation by federal agencies, Congress, the "vast right-wing conspiracy," and mainstream media outlets

2. Every allegation, no matter how ludicrous, is believable until it can be proven completely and utterly false. And even then, it keeps a life of its own in the conservative media world

3. The media assumes that Clinton is acting in bad faith until there's hard evidence otherwise

4. Everything is newsworthy because the Clintons are the equivalent of America's royal family

5. Everything she does is fake and calculated for maximum political benefit


Isn't this typically how the media has worked? Only difference is, how up until last week, its all been heavily slanted and one sided reporting. The same camp that lauded the FBI's handling in July now throws a complete hissy fit when new information comes to light that needs to be investigated. A lady who was gone so far out of her way to hide things she's even feigned a concussion, now "demands" full transparency. Oh the irony. Emails released show evidence of collusion between campaign staff and media outlets. Even to the chagrin on folks less popular, but nonetheless within the same party. And this is really what the Dems thought was their best bet?


The Clinton Rules:

1. Everything, no matter how ludicrous-sounding, is worthy of a full investigation by federal agencies, Congress, the "vast right-wing conspiracy," and mainstream media outlets

2. Every allegation, no matter how ludicrous, is believable until it can be proven completely and utterly false. And even then, it keeps a life of its own in the conservative media world

3. The media assumes that Clinton is acting in bad faith until there's hard evidence otherwise

4. Everything is newsworthy because the Clintons are the equivalent of America's royal family

5. Everything she does is fake and calculated for maximum political benefit


Isn't this typically how the media has worked? Only difference is, how up until last week, its all been heavily slanted and one sided reporting. The same camp that lauded the FBI's handling in July now throws a complete hissy fit when new information comes to light that needs to be investigated. A lady who was gone so far out of her way to hide things she's even feigned a concussion, now "demands" full transparency. Oh the irony. Emails released show evidence of collusion between campaign staff and media outlets. Even to the chagrin on folks less popular, but nonetheless within the same party. And this is really what the Dems thought was their best bet?

Dude, seriously? I mean I'm down with everyone to nail the media to the wall. Ever since they decided to move news from a loss leader to a profit center it has gone to shit. It no longer news. It's entertainment. It's reality TV Washington edition. There is no more Walter Cronkite. That era is is over.


But the whole thing begin slanted against Trump really? How did he even get to this point? Why didn't the media nail his ass to the wall for the million outrageous and ridiculous things he said and did. Which reporter stepped up and put him in his place the way he deserves to be? None. Why was he allowed to call into shows of the can or wherever? Cause they're not doing their job.


Everyone is blowing up about Donna Brazile being a partisan. The former chairwoman of the DNC is a partisan. What a shock! CNN also hired Corey Lewandowski. I'm guessing he's gonna be fair, balanced, and full of journalistic integrity. He'll never leak anything to Trump. What a joke!


And the leaked emails? I've looked at a lot of them. They're actually a pretty  boring depiction of a highly motivated high powered organization that is proceeding is a deliberated and highly calculated way towards a goal. Since when is that a bad thing? I'd like my leaders when faced with big and complex problems to move in a calculated and deliberated way, not shoot from the hip.


The Clinton Rules:

1. Everything, no matter how ludicrous-sounding, is worthy of a full investigation by federal agencies, Congress, the "vast right-wing conspiracy," and mainstream media outlets

2. Every allegation, no matter how ludicrous, is believable until it can be proven completely and utterly false. And even then, it keeps a life of its own in the conservative media world

3. The media assumes that Clinton is acting in bad faith until there's hard evidence otherwise

4. Everything is newsworthy because the Clintons are the equivalent of America's royal family

5. Everything she does is fake and calculated for maximum political benefit


Isn't this typically how the media has worked? Only difference is, how up until last week, its all been heavily slanted and one sided reporting. The same camp that lauded the FBI's handling in July now throws a complete hissy fit when new information comes to light that needs to be investigated. A lady who was gone so far out of her way to hide things she's even feigned a concussion, now "demands" full transparency. Oh the irony. Emails released show evidence of collusion between campaign staff and media outlets. Even to the chagrin on folks less popular, but nonetheless within the same party. And this is really what the Dems thought was their best bet?

Dude, seriously? I mean I'm down with everyone to nail the media to the wall. Ever since they decided to move news from a loss leader to a profit center it has gone to shit. It no longer news. It's entertainment. It's reality TV Washington edition. There is no more Walter Cronkite. That era is is over.


But the whole thing begin slanted against Trump really? How did he even get to this point? Why didn't the media nail his ass to the wall for the million outrageous and ridiculous things he said and did. Which reporter stepped up and put him in his place the way he deserves to be? None. Why was he allowed to call into shows of the can or wherever? Cause they're not doing their job.


Everyone is blowing up about Donna Brazile being a partisan. The former chairwoman of the DNC is a partisan. What a shock! CNN also hired Corey Lewandowski. I'm guessing he's gonna be fair, balanced, and full of journalistic integrity. He'll never leak anything to Trump. What a joke!


And the leaked emails? I've looked at a lot of them. They're actually a pretty  boring depiction of a highly motivated high powered organization that is proceeding is a deliberated and highly calculated way towards a goal. Since when is that a bad thing? I'd like my leaders when faced with big and complex problems to move in a calculated and deliberated way, not shoot from the hip.


Trump's entire rise was because he completely played the media for free attention largely because they are too stupid, biased, and ratings hungry to notice. Every outrageous or deplorable thing DT has said has been spam blasted ad nauseam because these clowns think they are successfully bashing him, getting tons of clicks/views, and bringing him down when all its done is drive his campaign without him actually having to spend.


The HRC campaign has sat by and at best encouraged this, or at worst, been working with the media to manipulate the narrative(something now being substantiated by emails). The fact that her campaign is now throwing the FBI under the bus because they are doing their jobs does nothing more than highlight what an act it all is; mainly because they sat there and praised these same people 2 months ago when they got what they wanted from them.




Once again; I point to an AWESOME little cartoon originally posted by Liberty which does a beautiful job of explaining why these a55h0les who run our country act as they do.


The film is agnostic & can be appreciated by lefties & righties.


Understanding doesn't get rid of the anger but it sure helps...



I enjoyed it and thought some here might enjoy it too. Good look at the realpolitiks of taking and keeping power in both dictatorships and democracies.


P.S. I almost voted "Just shoot me" but I don't wanna die (that was a great TV sitcom BTW!)


Once again; I point to an AWESOME little cartoon originally posted by Liberty which does a beautiful job of explaining why these a55h0les who run our country act as they do.


The film is agnostic & can be appreciated by lefties & righties.


Understanding doesn't get rid of the anger but it sure helps...



I enjoyed it and thought some here might enjoy it too. Good look at the realpolitiks of taking and keeping power in both dictatorships and democracies.


P.S. I almost voted "Just shoot me" but I don't wanna die (that was a great TV sitcom BTW!)


Yeah, even though I voted "Just shoot me" if you really did hold a gun to my head I'd probably vote Johnson.  If you held a gun to my head and told me I had to vote Hillary or Trump?  I'd have to seriously think long and hard about whether I'd vote for Trump or tell you to pull the trigger.  It'd be a close call.



hey all:


I was on the West side of Detroit the other day...


I saw an impromptu Trump rally at a busy intersection.  There were at least 100 people, with most of them being women. Some of them were pretty darn good looking too!  They were holding signs with "Women for Trump",  "Hillary for Prison" and things like that.  Cars were honking wildly and it was borderline pandemonium.  Very, very high energy level.


What is really interesting is that it was in Livonia.  Livonia is a "better" suburb of Detroit.  It is a "new money" type of area.


On the other hand...


In the Grosse Pointe area, most of the yard signs are for Hillary.  What is interesting is that the Grosse Pointe area is OLD, established money.  It is very, very upscale suburb of Detroit.  I guess the Grosse Pointers see Hillary as part of the establishment?


hey all:


I was on the West side of Detroit the other day...


I saw an impromptu Trump rally at a busy intersection.  There were at least 100 people, with most of them being women. Some of them were pretty darn good looking too!  They were holding signs with "Women for Trump",  "Hillary for Prison" and things like that.  Cars were honking wildly and it was borderline pandemonium.  Very, very high energy level.


What is really interesting is that it was in Livonia.  Livonia is a "better" suburb of Detroit.  It is a "new money" type of area.


On the other hand...


In the Grosse Pointe area, most of the yard signs are for Hillary.  What is interesting is that the Grosse Pointe area is OLD, established money.  It is very, very upscale suburb of Detroit.  I guess the Grosse Pointers see Hillary as part of the establishment?


"Some of them were pretty darn good looking too!"  ...and this observation means what?  :-)



Sorry, forgive me but I'm a Canadian and I don't fully understand US politics. I can only guess as to what the presence of a high ratio of pretty darn good looking" women, in Detroit, might mean.






"most conservatives (including Trump) have no understanding of [blah, blah, blah, our hateful lunacy])


Thank god for that at least.



Hilarious - "Listen 24 Hours a Day."


I can't imagine listening even one minute of one day in my life, let alone a marathon 24 hour session.  :-)


hey all:


I was on the West side of Detroit the other day...


I saw an impromptu Trump rally at a busy intersection.  There were at least 100 people, with most of them being women. Some of them were pretty darn good looking too!  They were holding signs with "Women for Trump",  "Hillary for Prison" and things like that.  Cars were honking wildly and it was borderline pandemonium.  Very, very high energy level.


What is really interesting is that it was in Livonia.  Livonia is a "better" suburb of Detroit.  It is a "new money" type of area.


On the other hand...


In the Grosse Pointe area, most of the yard signs are for Hillary.  What is interesting is that the Grosse Pointe area is OLD, established money.  It is very, very upscale suburb of Detroit.  I guess the Grosse Pointers see Hillary as part of the establishment?


"Some of them were pretty darn good looking too!"  ...and this observation means what?  :-)



Sorry, forgive me but I'm a Canadian and I don't fully understand US politics. I can only guess as to what the presence of a high ratio of pretty darn good looking" women, in Detroit, might mean.


What this means is that a good percentage of the women were younger...in their 20's and 30's.  Some of them were fit & trim, well dressed.  A lot of them looked "prosperous".  Some of them looked like "preppies", some were professional looking.


Some of them were older...grandmotherly types.


Some of them looked bedraggled...but in general it was a "normal" group of people.


A lot of times, political activists look like "hippies" and look like they've "been sleeping in a ditch", or they simply look "rough".  Probably not the type of people that board members would want to associate with.  Other times, political activists look like "rent a mob" type people.  There are many, many stories of unions and other political protestor groups going to the local "labor ready" day laborer offices and renting people to demonstrate.  These are "fakes".


I very much doubt that was the case in what I witnessed.  I believe that the women & others I saw yesterday were GENUINE Trump supporters and were GENUINELY enthusiastic to be there...


I have seen NO Hillary demonstrations like this...


hey all:


I was on the West side of Detroit the other day...


I saw an impromptu Trump rally at a busy intersection.  There were at least 100 people, with most of them being women. Some of them were pretty darn good looking too!  They were holding signs with "Women for Trump",  "Hillary for Prison" and things like that.  Cars were honking wildly and it was borderline pandemonium.  Very, very high energy level.


What is really interesting is that it was in Livonia.  Livonia is a "better" suburb of Detroit.  It is a "new money" type of area.


On the other hand...


In the Grosse Pointe area, most of the yard signs are for Hillary.  What is interesting is that the Grosse Pointe area is OLD, established money.  It is very, very upscale suburb of Detroit.  I guess the Grosse Pointers see Hillary as part of the establishment?


"Some of them were pretty darn good looking too!"  ...and this observation means what?  :-)



Sorry, forgive me but I'm a Canadian and I don't fully understand US politics. I can only guess as to what the presence of a high ratio of pretty darn good looking" women, in Detroit, might mean.


It means they weren't what one pictures in their mind when someone says "women Trump supporters":







What this means is that a good percentage of the women were younger...in their 20's and 30's.  Some of them were fit & trim, well dressed.  A lot of them looked "prosperous".  Some of them looked like "preppies", some were professional looking.


Some of them were older...grandmotherly types.


Some of them looked bedraggled...but in general it was a "normal" group of people.


A lot of times, political activists look like "hippies" and look like they've "been sleeping in a ditch", or they simply look "rough".  Probably not the type of people that board members would want to associate with.  Other times, political activists look like "rent a mob" type people.  There are many, many stories of unions and other political protestor groups going to the local "labor ready" day laborer offices and renting people to demonstrate.  These are "fakes".


I very much doubt that was the case in what I witnessed.  I believe that the women & others I saw yesterday were GENUINE Trump supporters and were GENUINELY enthusiastic to be there...


I have seen NO Hillary demonstrations like this...


Oh well this election is over. Some dude in Detroit saw a rally of women, Gave them a grade on looks and class scale and is convinced Trump's crowd is high energy.


While you are over there in Detroit, do you mind visiting the car companies and let us know how do they look energywise ?




Oh well this election is over. Some dude in Detroit saw a rally of women, Gave them a grade on looks and class scale and is convinced Trump's crowd is high energy.


That's what I was thinking too.


While you are over there in Detroit, do you mind visiting the car companies and let us know how do they look energywise over there?


Oh wait were you being sarcastic?



Seriously though.  I have noticed a huge lack of yard signs and bumper stickers in general compared to past presidential election years.  It seems that there are very few people willing to signal their voting intentions out on their cars or lawns.  And the few I do see are about 5 times more likely to be Trump than Hillary.

Although I have seen a few signs which aren't supportive of either candidate such as : "Hillary for Prison".


I don't know what this all means other than it is a very odd election.  I still think Hillary will probably win.




Seriously though.  I have noticed a huge lack of yard signs and bumper stickers in general compared to past presidential election years.  It seems that there are very few people willing to signal their voting intentions out on their cars or lawns.  And the few I do see are about 5 times more likely to be Trump than Hillary.

Although I have seen a few signs which aren't supportive of either candidate such as : "Hillary for Prison".


I don't know what this all means other than it is a very odd election.  I still think Hillary will probably win.


Yes, this election is clearly separated along the class lines. Right where I live, there are all Clinton signs. I saw one sign for a local republican senator but not Trump's. But this is a progressive upscale community. Last week we drove through some white working class neighborhoods and its all Trump country. People are really afraid to cross the political boundary of their neighborhoods this time.


Seriously though.  I have noticed a huge lack of yard signs and bumper stickers in general compared to past presidential election years.  It seems that there are very few people willing to signal their voting intentions out on their cars or lawns.  And the few I do see are about 5 times more likely to be Trump than Hillary.

Although I have seen a few signs which aren't supportive of either candidate such as : "Hillary for Prison".


I don't know what this all means other than it is a very odd election.  I still think Hillary will probably win.


Yes, this election is clearly separated along the class lines. Right where I live, there are all Clinton signs. I saw one sign for a local republican senator but not Trump's. But this is a progressive upscale community. Last week we drove through some white working class neighborhoods and its all Trump country. People are really afraid to cross the political boundary of their neighborhoods this time.


But have you noticed that lack of signs and bumper stickers?  In past elections there were signs everywhere and bumper stickers on tons of cars for both candidates.  Now you can hardly notice any.  My town traditionally votes hugely Republican and yet even Trump signs are few and far between (Interestingly in contrast to what you described, in New Hampshire some of the wealthiest towns vote Republican and the poorer ones Democrat where as when I lived in Massachusetts it was the opposite and more like you described).  Anyway there are so few signs that the ones you see stick out as odd.  You see signs for local and statewide races, but just no signs for the presidential race.  I drive on the highway 30min to and from work, from New Hampshire into Massachusetts and I don't see any bumper stickers.  I mean almost none.  In 2008 and 2012 there were Obama stickers everywhere you looked. Even in Mass there are very few Hillary stickers.  This race isn't going to be decided by Hillary supporters versus Trump supporters, it is going down to Hillary haters versus Trump haters.



It seems that there are very few people willing to signal their voting intentions out on their cars or lawns. 


Probably applies to pollster's questions as well.


This race isn't going to be decided by Hillary supporters versus Trump supporters, it is going down to Hillary haters versus Trump haters.


Great comment. I am not voting for Clinton , I am voting against Trump. Thus no bumper stickers.

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