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Everything posted by Alekbaylee

  1. As someone else suggested in another post just write or send an email to Fairfax and they will mail you a copy.
  2. What an inspiring guy/life/model! Thanks for sharing Haryana.
  3. Indeed looks cumbersome and pricey… https://brighttax.com/blog/cost-to-renounce-us-citizenship/
  4. Timing is probably not a coincidence. MW’s afraid the stock price pops further up after the AGM, widening their losses. Sounds like a desperate mayday call.
  5. Good results overall: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/fairfax-financial-holdings-second-quarter-financial-results-1028410155
  6. https://www.fairfax.ca/news/press-releases/press-release-details/2019/Financial-Results-for-the-Year-Ended-December-31-2018/default.aspx
  7. LMAO Your moniker suits you well! ;)
  8. I think the following tool is more comprehensive, hence more reliable and/or predictable: http://archive.projectbiglife.ca/
  9. Viking has set up something to that tune I think: http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/personal-finance/financial-literacy-for-teens-and-young-adults/ Agree with rb, credit cards should be avoided at all costs (pun intended)! :)
  10. hmm... that looks like a new strategy from Fairfax... ;) https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/09/29/1134849/0/en/Fairfax-Enters-Into-Automatic-Share-Purchase-Plan.html
  11. Great news! At this pace, Fairfax should be able to gobble up AIG one day... :)
  12. Excuse my ignorance but what do EW and DW stand for in the Median Population Age - 2015 - Table?
  13. Geeze, the guy is insane. The world used to think Kim Jong-un was the craziest leader but someone has apparently taken his place. So depressing. :(
  14. I agree. It's a terrorist attack motivated by hatred against a specific segment of the population. It was meant to terrorise people.
  15. The headline should be: "Buffett attacks his self-created strawman." I've never met a serious person who is against legal immigration. Well, the new executive order on travel restrictions also includes green card holders for now. So those that have already gone through the legal immigration vetting process are now being held at gates and borders. Cheers! But how is that possible? Isn't that unconstitutional? Can't imagine this happening here in Canada. Supreme Court would overrule any decision or decree which blatantly discriminate among citizens, creating de facto a two tier system.
  16. Cardboard: With all due respect, do you suffer from PTSD or what?
  17. Haha! That's hilarious! Don't tell anyone, otherwise Trump's going to build a wall along Canada's border, and make us pay for it! If all this madness continues the way it has started I think we might see more US citizens than Mexicans flee "great" Trumpanistan to seek refuge in ours. Luckily for them I don't think our government will turn them back (even if they come in ILLEGALLY) or build a wall between our 2 countries.
  18. Reminds me what we experienced here in Canada under Harper government when scientists were forbidden to express any opinion or communicate the results of their research without his Cabinet approval. And I think Trump is by far worse than Harper. Just wait and see...
  19. +1 http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/america-you-look-like-an-arab-country-right-now-214678
  20. 1-2 million with a good employer pension plan is very good; without is okay. Size of the family is important too, so is the partner net worth. So it all depends.
  21. For those interested, CC transcript: http://seekingalpha.com/article/3969610-fairfax-financial-holdings-frfhf-ceo-prem-watsa-q1-2016-results-earnings-call-transcript
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