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Everything posted by Alekbaylee

  1. Good point Wisdom but let's not forget that many of them are well educated or business oriented and will work themselves out of the misery sooner than one think, either by themselves or with the help of their communities and families. If peace is restored in their country (which I truly wish) then they might go back, otherwise they'll stay, strive and prosper. Call me optimistic... :)
  2. A question I've been pondering for a while now: all these refugees fleeing their countries for a better life in Europe and now in Canada are going to need jobs of course but also houses, cars, furniture, appliances, clothes, food, etc. Isn't that somewhat good for our economies? Maybe not right away as governments (meaning the taxpayer) need to fund all sort of support programs, but on the longer run. Thoughts?
  3. I was hoping for a bump this year given the acquisition of BRIT and the strength of underwriting, but maybe next year...2% isn't an awful yield, just has been the same for the last 6 years. Maybe 2016 is the 7th year of lean dividends before we feast Amen!
  4. I don't think there is anything defensible about current U.S. foreign policy - especially in the Middle East. We're arming people in one country and blowing up those same people in another country. We've been at war for decades with extremist groups in the Middle East, and now we're arming individuals connected with those same groups to help us fight the very same dictators that we armed and funded decades ago. We claim that we're there as a force for democracy to save the innocent civilians, but then are responsible for more innocent civilian deaths than terrorist groups (also, see the bombing of the Doctor's Without Borders facility). Of course, this follows a decade of other similar blunders - like declaring war on Iraq for housing terrorists cells and WMDs but largely ignoring Afghanistan (where Osama was supposedly hiding) and remaining allies with Saudi Arabia which has been linked to funding terrorist cells.... + 1 So yea, nothing defensible about wasting trillions in taxpayer dollars to cause chaos in a region and then fight on both sides of the war. Selling billions of weapons to Saudi Arabia and other "allies" must be good for the economy...
  5. More to come.. ;) http://boereport.com/2015/10/30/watsa-prepares-for-oil-slump-extension-seeks-more-energy-deals/
  6. Bad timing? Pursuant to its existing normal course issuer bid for its Subordinate Voting Shares, Fairfax has purchased 127,309 of its Subordinate Voting Shares and 376,610 of its Series E Shares during the last twelve months at weighted average prices per share of Cdn.$671.76 and Cdn.$16.89, respectively. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/fairfax-financial-holdings-limited-intention-to-make-a-normal-course-issuer-bid-for-subordinate-voting-shares-and-preferred-shares-2015-09-23
  7. Amended proposition passed http://www.marketwatch.com/story/fairfax-announces-approval-of-amendments-to-multiple-voting-share-terms-2015-08-24-10173647
  8. Or buy back some of their shares before they rebound. ;)
  9. If the reversal is of the same magnitude as in 2006-2008 (roughly x10 unrealized loss), we stand to win big. :P
  10. Fairfax has started a position in Biglari. ??? http://www.octafinance.com/top-fairfax-financial-holdings-can-8-positions-in-q2-2015/160266/
  11. You nailed it Txvestor. Some of us see themselves as true partners of Prem/Fairfax ala Berkshire and are here for the long run whereas other see their stake as just a mere investment in X company salable at the Y price. Nothing wrong in that of course, just 2 different ways of thinking/investing. But Prem can't be blamed either to work more for the former than the latter. :) Cheers
  12. Thanks Sanjeev. My broker is supposed to check with them and get back to me tomorrow. Hopefully I'd be able to vote YES. Although there were times where I didn't agree with their decisions (i.e. FIBREK), the more I hold Fairfax (close to 15 years now) the more I like it and I trust their decisions. Prem is really an inspiring person IMO.
  13. weired. Just checked with my broker and they did not receive any proxy documentation form Fairfax to disseminate to their clients. So here I am not able to make my voice heard. Is anyone experiencing the same situation?
  14. I didn't get my proxy. Mail service has been terrible in my area although urban) lately. :(
  15. Article detailing Fairfax stake in Greece. http://ca.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idCAKCN0P92CT20150629
  16. http://www.fairfax.ca/files/doc_news/2015/2015-AGM-Final-Slides-for-Website.pdf
  17. Looks like Markel sold out of FFH. Could have pushed the price down a bit. Sold Positions Tom Gayner’s fund sold its stakes in Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd (FRFHF), Expeditors Int’l Wash Inc (EXPD), Brown & Brown (BRO), Liberty Global Plc and Nicholas Financial (NICK). These securities constituted 3.86%, 0.16%, 0.14%, 0.04% and 0.02% of the fund’s portfolio, respectively. We can only speculate about the reasons for this selling but we believe it has to do with either value, momentum or a better place for Markel Corp’s capital. http://www.octafinance.com/markel-corp-top-10-13f-positions-in-q1-2015/43713/
  18. Dunno but Fairfax is poised to gain big if a Canada-India free trade were to materialize... http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/international-business/canada-chases-ambitious-free-trade-pact-with-india/article23906875/
  19. Could that be regulatory issues post-acquisition?
  20. Could have written this. Exactly my case. And it pisses me off when people ask me "how I can afford to travel as much". Well I just bought my first flat screen TV a month ago and still have a 2008 laptop, no smartphone, etc.
  21. Go on kijiji. Find a seller who put a (fairly high) down payment on his lease but needs to get rid of his car. Take back the lease - you end up with low monthly payments. That's what I did a few years ago: took back the 48 months lease of a Golf that had still 2,5 years to go, for $220/month. The guy had made a $3000ish down payment to keep his payments low but needed to sell.
  22. Really? Used to be CAD 100 000 a few years ago.
  23. NEW DELHI | MUMBAI: A host of potential buyers have lined up to buy global security and protection company Brink's' cash management business in India, as the Richmond, Virginia (US)-headquartered firm looks to hive off the unit as part of global strategic review. Hitachi-owned payment services provider Prizm Payments, Thomas Cook India and cash logistics major SIS Prosegur are among those that have expressed a strong interest in acquiring the venture, according to two sources. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/banking/finance/finance/companies-look-to-acquire-brinks-cash-management-unit-in-india-latin-america/articleshow/46523332.cms http://www.vccircle.com/news/general/2015/03/11/fairbridge-capital-raises-stake-thomas-cook-7477
  24. Could have made a quick buck: 40% up in a month or so. Oh well, too bad!
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